Immigrant Heritage Week
Immigrant Heritage Week is a city-wide celebration that honors the experiences and contributions of immigrants in New York City established in 2004 and coordinated by the Mayor’s Office of Immigrant Affairs. The New York Public Library joins in the celebration by featuring the events through the Bronx, Manhattan, and Staten Island.
Immigrant Heritage Week is a rich collection of free or low-cost programs that build cross-cultural understanding between diverse New Yorkers. Every year, NYC celebrates Immigrant Heritage Week around April 17, the day in 1907 when more immigrants entered through Ellis Island than any other date in the City's history.
In 2020, it is being celebrated from April 13-19.
Please find our #IHW2020 Virtual Celebration with these blog posts:
- A Book List to Kick Off Immigrant Heritage Week 2020
- Celebrating the Immigrant Experience with Books for Children and Teens
- ¡Conmemorando la Semana de la Herencia de los Inmigrantes!
- 紐約公共圖書館 2020年移民傳統週 中文電子書目 ▪ Chinese language e-books to celebrate Immigrant Heritage week 2020
- Suggestions de livres numériques pour célébrer la Semaine du patrimoine des immigrants ▪ French language e-books to celebrate Immigrant Heritage week 2020
- Электронные книги на русском языке на темы, связанные с празднованием Hедели иммигрантского наследия 2020 ▪ Russian language e-books to celebrate Immigrant Heritage week 2020
- Immigrant Heritage Week Wrap Up and Resources