About Public Programs at the Library for the Performing Arts
Each year, The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts produces a comprehensive series of free public programs in its Bruno Walter Auditorium. Programs include lectures, panel discussions, performances, master classes, readings, and screenings. The following artists have appeared in the Performing Arts Library's public programs:
The Library also presents festivals featuring the music, dance, and theater of other countries (France, Greece, Mexico, Norway, the Philippines, Poland, Romania, Spain, the United Kingdom, and, in the Performing Arts of Asia Festival, the cultures of countries from Kazakhstan to Japan. Performing Arts and Artists of Poland, which took place in 1994, was the largest Polish performing arts festival ever to have taken place in the United States.
Due to the increasing popularity of our public programs, the Library for the Performing Arts will now distribute free tickets for programs at the Bruno Walter Auditorium*. Tickets are distributed to patrons via a line at the Amsterdam Entrance one hour prior to each program. There is a limit of one ticket per person. NB: Tickets are not available for advance reservations and the saving of seats is not permitted. Thank you.
*Tickets are not distributed for the Gotham Jazzmen