Schwarzman Building

General Research Division, Third Floor, Room 315

Phone: (917) 275-6975

Fully accessible to wheelchairs

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
10:00 AM -
5:45 PM
10:00 AM -
7:45 PM
10:00 AM -
7:45 PM
10:00 AM -
5:45 PM
10:00 AM -
5:45 PM
10:00 AM -
5:45 PM
1:00 PM -
4:45 PM

The Bill Blass Public Catalog Room—renamed in 1994 to recognize a generous gift from the fashion designer, Library trustee, and longtime benefactor—is where many creative and research projects take their first, tentative steps. Our collection of print NYPL catalogs (up through 1972) can provide information regarding many of our items. The Catalog Room also houses print catalogs for specific subjects and departments throughout the Schwarzman Building. To consult our electronic catalog, patrons are advised to visit the South Hall of the Rose Main Reading Room. Near the print catalogs, there is also a collection of basic reference books and directories for patron use.

In addition to print catalog services, the Catalog Room also offers visitors their key to using our vast research collections - A New York Public Library Card. Staff at the information desk are on hand to assist with card registration. In addition, a few dozen desktop computers are available for use to visitors, as well as additional laptop computers that can be loaned out to NYPL cardholders.


The Reference  Desk in the Public Catalog Room