Posts by Shauntee Burns

NYPL Releases Vibrant Voices: New Books from Authors of Color

Explore new books from authors of color with NYPL’s Vibrant Voices book list for kids, teens, and adults.

NYPL, NCTE, and Scholastic Discuss Summer Learning

Youth Education Services for The New York Public Library is participating in a Twitter chat with Scholastic and the National Council of Teachers of English all about summer learning!

Solve It @ the Library

The library is the place you can find the answers to any question, right?

Finding Wonder Women at the Library: Online Biographies and Encyclopedias

March is Women’s History Month! Here are some databases that can help with your assignments and projects:

Research 101: Primary Sources

What is a Primary Source? A primary source is an original document or object that was created at the time of your study.

Searching Databases for African American History Month: Frederick Douglass

February is African American History Month! The New York Public Library's databases have loads of information on influential African Americans. Let's take a look at Frederick Douglass as an example.

The African American Experience This database explores the history and culture of African Americans.

Type "Frederick Douglass" in the bar labeled Quick Search. Click on the link under Topic Guides to get an overview of his life. To the left of the 

Teaching World War I: Treaty of Versailles (Databases for Use in Creating Lesson Plans)

To help in your lesson planning, we've highlighted some databases that feature information on the Treaty of Versailles:

Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia — type in "Treaty of Versailles" or search "World War I" for more results Grolier Online — Type in "Treaty of Versailles." In the list of results, 

Discover a World of Information on Explorers

The New York Public Library’s databases will unveil loads of information on these pioneers.

BookFlix — Go to the “People and Places” link. On the last page, you will find a story and lesson plan on Christopher Columbus. Kids Search — Type in "Explorers" and you will get results like “Name the Explorers Crossword Puzzle.” Also, click on the “Books 

Teaching Prohibition: Databases for Use in Creating Lesson Plans

To help in your lesson planning, I've highlighted some databases available at the Library that are related to Prohibition.

Grolier Online — type in "Prohibition" and find articles on the topic in various reading levels and in Spanish. Kids Search — click on the “images” link and type in "Prohibition." You will find primary source information on the topic.

Hey! Got Homework?

Does the word homework make you cringe in your seat?

Well, you can find complete, trustworthy information a lot faster using the Library's databases.

Here’s how to access NYPL’s databases:

  Go to   Go to "Research"   Click on "Articles and Databases" (databases are listed in alphabetical order)

If you are not accessing the database on site at the Library, simply enter the number on the back of your library 

Digital Defense: Strategies to Avoid Cyberbullying

We are all familiar with physical bullying: on the playground, after school, on the street. When we see it, we stop the bully from behaving in such a negative manner. Cyberbullying does not happen in the physical realm. Cyberbullying occurs “when a child, preteen or teen is tormented, threatened, harassed, humiliated, embarrassed or otherwise targeted by another child, preteen or teen using the Internet, interactive and digital technologies or mobile phones” (definition from

Beach, BBQs, and Books! Summer Reading Activities for Young Readers

It’s summertime! Children are out of school, and I'm sure the only things on their mind are amusement parks, camp, swimming, beaches, and BBQs! But in between activities and adventures, be sure to remind them to READ.

“Summer Slump” is a phrase describing the decline in students learning skills over the summer months. As educators, we must make sure this doesn’t happen to our children. Here are some ways to make reading an important part of the summer day:

Visit the Library — Have the family join this year's Summer Reading 

"Say What?" Look at What the Library Has in Your Language

In the "melting pot" of New York City, people from all over the world come to visit The New York Public Library. Luckily, New Yorkers can get information in languages from all around the world. Check out these databases, available from home.

Here’s how to access NYPL’s databases: 1. Go to 2. Click on ‘Find Books, DVDs, & More’ 3. Click on ‘Articles and Databases’ 4. Databases are listed in alphabetical order. If you are not accessing the 

Teacher's Take-Out! (Sampling menu of library databases)

Recommended databases and instructions on how to access, especially for teachers.

What is Boolean Search?

Boolean searching is built on a method of symbolic logic developed by George Boole, a 19th century English mathematician.

Boolean searches allow you to combine words and phrases using the words AND, OR, NOT (known as Boolean operators) to limit, broaden, or define your search. A good researcher should know how to do a Boolean Search.

"AND" logic

AND : Using AND narrows a search by combining terms.

"OR" logic

OR : Using OR broadens a search to include results that contain 

Electronic Resources for our Young Researchers

The New York Public Library has loads of resources available just for kids. From storytelling to searching, nothing is left to the imagination when using our resources. 

BookFlix- plays the narration while highlighting the words of the story across the screen (PreK-3) Kids Search - an easy-to-use database for students; search by keyword or by topic to find the most useful information (K-8)

Now That's History!

Ancient History, Middle Ages, Industrial Revolution... Does history homework make you feel like you are in the Dark Ages? Well be enlightened by the library's resources!

You can find complete, trustworthy information a lot faster using the library’s databases and apps.

Here’s how to access NYPL’s databases: 1. Go to 2. Click on ‘Find Books, DVDs, & More’ in the top menu 3. Click on ‘Articles and Databases’ in the left sidebar 4. Databases are listed 

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month!

September is National Library Card Sign-Up Month! Make sure everyone in your family has their own "smartest card." A library card provides access to not only books but movies, music, computers, and a variety of electronic databases.

From young to old, everyone can enjoy the resources of the public library. The library provides the best-sellers to the classics, board books to graphic novels, as well as paperbacks to eBooks. All your reading desires can be met.


Back-to-School Tips

It’s that time of the year. Kids sharpen their pencils, pick up the backpack, and head off to school. Here are a few tips to get your child ready for the new school year.

• Re-establish school routines. About a week before school starts get your child used to going to bed early, waking up early, picking out their clothes the night before, and start talking about what is expected from them this upcoming school year.

• Prepare. It’s extremely important that your child has all their school supplies when heading into the classroom. But 

How to Get Students to Believe in Themselves

How many times do you hear students in your classroom or library say, “I can’t”? Doesn’t that phrase make you cringe? I always tell students, "Don’t say that because you can,” and help them figure out ways to reach their goals.

That’s one way to help, but sometimes a person is not always around to reinforce a positive way of thinking. After doing some reading, I came across “The Fish Story” (this story works with various age groups).

When the students walk in your classroom or programming room,