Ten Songs about Libraries and Librarians
The New York Public Library recently published a blog post about favorite fictional librarians. I'm a librarian who plays music—and the drummer in my group is also a librarian—which got me thinking about songs about libraries and librarians. I came up with this list of ten songs about libraries and librarians (researched at the library). Suggest your own favorites in the comments section below.
1. "Karen" / The Go-Betweens

Formed in Brisbane, Australia in 1977, The Go-Betweens featured the twin talents of singer-songwriters Robert Forster and Grant McLennan. The group released 9 albums between 1981 and 2005. The Forster penned hymn to a librarian named Karen was the b-side to the group's first single 1978's Lee Remick. This song is the only one I know that praises a librarian's readers advisory skills. Forster sings:
Helps me find Hemingway
Helps me find Genet
Helps me find Brecht
Helps me find Chandler
Helps me find James Joyce
She always makes the right choice.
You see what I did there? We just can't help ourselves!
2. "Young Adult Friction" / The Pains Of Being Pure At Heart
A lot of songs that mention libraries seem to be about things happening in the library that are not strictly study related. I couldn't find a single song about, say, bibliographic instruction or collection development. But that's OK. In their song "Young Adult Friction," New York City indie-poppers The Pains of Being Pure at Heart sing about an activity taking place in the library that should not be taking place in a library. Sex and libraries in songs is a common theme. Characters are either hanging around the library before going somewhere to do their courting, or are hoping for a date (or more!) from the sexy librarian. The lyrics to "Young Adult Friction" refer to "stacks" and "microfiche," and there is a pun on Young Adult Fiction, so bonus points to The POBPAH. Knowledge of library terms also suggests that this group might have spent some time in the reading room.
Pains of Being Pure at Heart (Musical group)
3. "Library Rap" / MC Poindexter and the Study Crew
Enough with all this bookish indiepop. It's time for some bookish rap, albeit pretend rap. As I write this I am working from the reference desk, so can't listen to this tune in order to discern it's musical qualities, but I heartily endorse the sentiment in this sample of the lyrics.
The silence is golden
To books I am beholden
I know I'm bad,
'Cuz of the knowledge that I'm holdin'!And I give you one warnin'
There will be no repeats:
Get out of my face
While I'm readin' my Keats.
I 'd not heard of MC Poindexter and the Study Crew, so I did some searching online. It would appear that this song appears in the 1990s science fiction show Sliders, in an episode called Eggheads (Season 1, Episode 7). MC Poindexter is actually actor Mark Poyser. Fittingly enough, the episode in question is available to borrow on DVD from The New York Public Library. So you can see and hear for yourself!
Sliders. First and second seasons.
4. "Lost In The Library" / Saint Etienne
Taken from their 1999 Japan only album The Misadventures of Saint Etienne (could I be more obscure?) by the English dance pop group of the same name, Lost in the Library is an instrumental song. So I cannot be sure whether it is about losing oneself in a world of knowledge, of books, prints and photographs, archive folders, and microfiche, or a song about struggling to find the geography section. Or perhaps it's about a quiet existential crisis in the reading room? Whatever, it's a plangent, acoustic piece whose mood is most relaxing. Quiet calming. Like the library.
Saint Etienne (Musical group) Performer
5. "Thee Ecstatic Library" / Comet Gain
Esoteric musical choices are a necessity in this post as I'm steering clear of library clichés, as mentioned, so I have to take what I can find. It appears that most of the songs in this selction are by acts you probably haven't heard of. Some are new to me too. Oh well. We're here to experience new things. Comet Gain, a British indie band founded in 1992, recorded this song for their 2011 LP "Howl Of The Lonely Crowd." I love the idea of a psychedelic library, where everyone is ecstatically happy, high on the new things they discover. I'm not sure that's what this song is about , but that's not my problem. The song says "Music will save you again and again." Which is a good thing. Where can you find music? In the library. So logically the library can save you again and again. And it does. If you think about it.
6. "At the Library" / Green Day
All life happens in the library. Green Day is not a band I am very familiar with despite their being much the most well-known act in this post. This song seems rather jolly. I say seems... the protagonist, too shy to talk to the girl he has a crush on, sees her leave the library with her boyfriend. But he's not bitter. He hopes maybe they'll meet again someday. Maybe that'll be in the library? He's already in the right place to kill time. This song is from the group's 1990 release 39/Smooth. You can read about, and listen to Green Day using materials held by The New York Public Library.
About Green Day (Musical group)
7. "French Navy" / Camera Obscura
Spent a week in a dusty library
Waiting for some words to jump at me
I was sure Scots twee legends Belle and Sebastian would have written a song about libraries and librarians, but it seems I may have been wrong. Perhaps a keener fan will know? Fellow countryfolk popsters Camera Obscura do, and seem to have had more luck with love in the library than Green Day, as described in the song French Navy, taken from their 2009 LP My Maudlin Career. Sitting in the library. Looking for some inspiration. Suddenly! Love happens! We can't guarantee love will happen in your library, but if you don't go looking for it, you never know what you might find. More microfiche? Not sure how much work these love-struck folk are getting done, but hey, what better place to meet people?
Camera Obscura (Musical group)
8. "Swinging London" / The Magnetic Fields
I read your manifestos and your strange religious tracts.
You took me to your library and kissed me in the stacks.
Hmm. Perhaps I am being unrealistic expecting to find lots of songs about collection development, the Dewey Decimal System, and Library of Congress subject terms? Yes. I am. Whether the narrator in this song was taken to a public library I'm not sure. I hope so. This is another sweet song that involves a library. That people are going to libraries is what matters. Use it or lose it people! This is one of The Magnetic Fields more electronic sounding songs.
Magnetic Fields (Musical group) Performer
9. "Library Card" / Frank Zappa
Library bar-code, PE label
Student must carry this card at all times,
And present upon demand for identification
This card are not while currently [enrolled pony]You may be liable for any unauthorized use of this card prior to notifying the used card office
In writing, of possible unauthorized use due to loss or theft
I agree to comply with all library regulations
And to assume responsibility for all use made of this card
Wow. This ain't no Carpenters. Possibly not a song about library cards. I sense something more sinister is afoot. "Students must carry this card at all times" suggests some kind of authoritarian dystopia, as if the library card has ceased to be your free pass to a world of knowledge, and has become a means of control by the state. Perhaps it's a critique of education? Of Western teaching? I'm not sure. Hmm. Too surreal for me. You can make your own mind up by using your New York Public library card to request materials by and about Frank Zappa: there's lots to choose from. By the way, if you are worried about privacy issues and your NYPL library card you can review The New York Public Library's Privacy Policy.
By Zappa, Frank
About Zappa, Frank
10. "Lisa Librarian" / Velocity Girl
I'd heard of this song from my bandmate, the drumming librarian whose name is Lisa. This is the first time I've actually heard this tune. I was thrown because I thought Velocity Girl, out of Washington, D.C. (1989-1996) had a female singer. Which they did usually, one Sarah Shannon. But this is a chap. I clearly need to listen to more Velocity Girl. The recording is a sort of shoegazey meets Pavement affair. Like most shoegaze music, it's quite hard to make out what the words are from the muffled singing, but...
I'd like to tell you something
But I have to think of something firstI want to visit you at work
It is all quiet
It is so quiet at work
These are the best lines in the song, and the most pertinent to libraries. Our hero needs some inspiration to help him think of something to tell the librarian. How about an icebreaker first? He could borrow from Robert Forster. "What do you have by Hemmingway? Can you recommend a book by Genet? Brecht? Chandler? James Joyce?" I'm sure Lisa, like Karen, will make the right choice.
Read E-Books with SimplyE
With your library card, it's easier than ever to choose from more than 300,000 e-books on SimplyE, The New York Public Library's free e-reader app. Gain access to digital resources for all ages, including e-books, audiobooks, databases, and more.
If you don’t have an NYPL library card, New York State residents can apply for a digital card online or through SimplyE (available on the App Store or Google Play).
Need more help? Read our guide to using SimplyE.
"Love in the Library"/Jimmy
Submitted by SPF (not verified) on April 18, 2017 - 4:02pm
Lazy Librarians Son
Submitted by Scott Jeffries (not verified) on April 18, 2017 - 4:11pm
More Songs About Libraries And Books
Submitted by Johnny Anarchy (not verified) on April 18, 2017 - 5:24pm
Library Songs
Submitted by Kat Macmurray (not verified) on October 4, 2018 - 10:32am
OMG! My father used to sing
Submitted by Vicky Freeth Ma... (not verified) on June 27, 2019 - 8:30am
Sweet Librarian by Railroad
Submitted by Guest (not verified) on April 18, 2017 - 6:09pm
Brautigan gets a mention
Submitted by fishhh (not verified) on April 18, 2017 - 6:23pm
Apologies to Mr. Monnone.
Submitted by Philip Sutton on April 19, 2017 - 11:28am
How could you leave off "Marion the Librarian" from "Music Man"?
Submitted by Carol Kent (not verified) on April 18, 2017 - 10:51pm
oh wow!
Submitted by fishhh (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 8:32pm
Library-related, at least
Submitted by Karen Ostertag (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 1:20am
My Morning Jacket - Librarian
Submitted by Lukas Koster (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 1:47am
Library songs
Submitted by Melanie (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 7:19am
Library Songs
Submitted by Cindi (not verified) on May 17, 2017 - 1:54pm
My Morning Jacket - Librarian
Submitted by Wicklow Libraries (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 7:44am
My Morning Jacket "Librarian"
Submitted by Pam Noyd (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 7:48am
Marion The Music Man
Submitted by Sherry (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 9:59am
"Librarian" / My Morning Jacket
Submitted by Onefelipe (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 9:59am
From the movies.
Submitted by Anita, BC Libra... (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 10:10am
Libsongs - Songs about libraries, librarians and reading.
Submitted by Vform (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 2:05pm
Songs about Library School
Submitted by The Nefarious D... (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 2:29pm
Library Girl by Reina del Cid
Submitted by Elizabeth S (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 3:28pm
Submitted by Michaila (not verified) on March 23, 2021 - 8:20pm
Lunch Money - "I Love My
Submitted by Leah (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 4:56pm
Library Songs
Submitted by Gail Prusslin (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 6:53pm
Library Magic
Submitted by Margaret Henderson (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 8:25pm
Overdue fines from the Decemberists
Submitted by LibrariAnne (not verified) on April 19, 2017 - 11:23pm
Adam Benitez - Uncatalogable
Submitted by Peter Alsbjer (not verified) on April 20, 2017 - 1:25am
Library songs
Submitted by Darren (not verified) on April 20, 2017 - 3:46am
Good call, Darren. Love The
Submitted by Philip Sutton on April 20, 2017 - 11:30am
Rock Library Rock
Submitted by DALLAS ROOTS (not verified) on April 20, 2017 - 10:54am
Here's another twenty for you
Submitted by Ian Anstice (not verified) on April 20, 2017 - 2:44pm
Submitted by Natalie (not verified) on April 20, 2017 - 7:00pm
Librarian song
Submitted by Lisa (not verified) on April 20, 2017 - 10:13pm
Hefner - "The Librarian"
Submitted by Alessandra (not verified) on April 21, 2017 - 5:06am
Wrapped Up In Books
Submitted by Lindsey (not verified) on April 21, 2017 - 11:30am
Librarian songs
Submitted by Vince (not verified) on April 21, 2017 - 4:56pm
Joe Uveges!
Submitted by Jessamyn (not verified) on April 23, 2017 - 1:11pm
Ask the DJ by Mr Hudson and
Submitted by Andy Horton (not verified) on April 25, 2017 - 2:56pm
Ten Songs about Libraries
Submitted by Jeri Morgan (not verified) on April 26, 2017 - 12:33pm
Seems like she forgot all about the library
Submitted by Caroline Cutroneo (not verified) on April 27, 2017 - 3:30pm
Belle & Sebastian does have
Submitted by Jenny (not verified) on April 28, 2017 - 3:48pm
Song about being a "Librarian"
Submitted by mike (not verified) on April 29, 2017 - 3:22pm
I second that.
Submitted by jaime (not verified) on May 12, 2017 - 11:46am
And don't forget "Libraries
Submitted by David kendall (not verified) on April 29, 2017 - 3:32pm
A new underground one from 2016!
Submitted by Leslie (not verified) on May 2, 2017 - 12:52pm
YouTube Plalist
Submitted by Lara Starr (not verified) on May 12, 2017 - 12:22pm
My Morning Jacket
Submitted by Jordan (not verified) on May 12, 2017 - 11:40am
Who knew?!
Submitted by Mary Lewis Soileau (not verified) on May 12, 2017 - 1:16pm
"Library Magic" by The Head
Submitted by Liza (not verified) on May 12, 2017 - 1:42pm
Reference Librarian song
Submitted by Rob Lopresti (not verified) on May 12, 2017 - 10:54pm
a whole list of songs about libraries/ians
Submitted by Bruce Greeley (not verified) on May 17, 2017 - 5:17pm
"A Trip to the Library" from She Loves Me
Submitted by Bridget (not verified) on August 15, 2017 - 3:20pm
Punjabi Songs about Librarian with English transaltions
Submitted by Tyson Sidhu (not verified) on February 16, 2019 - 10:53pm
10 songs about Libraries
Submitted by Guest (not verified) on May 17, 2019 - 4:57am
"Love in the Library"/Jimmy
Submitted by AHS (not verified) on December 19, 2019 - 12:57am
Songs and Librarian with English love it
Submitted by Arshad Hussain (not verified) on December 29, 2019 - 1:42am
Submitted by jatinder (not verified) on January 4, 2020 - 4:48pm
Nice article
Submitted by LyricsWix (not verified) on January 27, 2020 - 6:48am