Blog Posts by Subject: Slavic and Baltic Studies

The Library Enriches Its Photographic Collection on Sakhalin

The newly acquired is a unique, extensive collection of rare original photos showing Sakhalin and its penitentiary system in the early 20th century.

Read Slavic Newspapers Online with Your Library Card

Slavic newspapers are available through the Library’s database, Press Reader, which provides access to current newspapers from around the world in full-color and full-page format.

Short-Term Research Fellows: A Closer Look at Tatar-Language Pamphlets

Russia — what does it make you think of? Cold winters, fur hats, vast forests, and perhaps some vodka and caviar? As a Russian historian in training, I want to help people understand that Russia is much more complex than these simple images suggest, 

Wildwood Dancing: A Review

In the wilds of Transylvania, set on a high spur of rock next to the Wildwood, rests a castle named Piscul Dracului. The castle itself is unexceptional, old and crumbling as it is. Looking at it, you would never know it hides a portal to the Other Kingdom.

Each full moon five sisters travel through the portal into a magical glade where they dance with creatures rarely seen outside of fairy tales--fairies, dwarves, trolls and other creatures only whispered about back home.

For nine years of full moons, the sisters have gone dancing in the Other Kingdom.
