Posts from Pelham Parkway-Van Nest Library

Fierce Reads to Help Celebrate Women's History Month

Strong female characters—all available as e-books.

Aging Creatively with Art for a Lifetime

The New York Public Library is offering a unique opportunity for those 50 and older. Several neighborhood branches will be offering classes in a variety of art forms.

Health Insurance Open Enrollment 2017: Assistance at The New York Public Library

Do you need to apply for health insurance? Do you have questions about health insurance? We can help.

Ep. 55 "It's Important To Build Literacy" | Library Stories

Not every mom designs a curriculum for her preschool child, but NYPL helped Trenicia see possibilities—especially when she added more than one branch library into the equation. The combination of multiple library locations, diverse children's programs, and lots of books helped Trenicia boost her daughter's early literacy and ability to engage with different people.

Hitchcock-ian Reads

It's the birthday of Alfred Hitchcock. To honor the Master of Suspense, our crackerjack team of book experts came up with a list of books that would do him proud: psychological suspense novels that give readers the same creepy, think-y thrill as watching his movies... and feature twists that no one saw coming.

Literary Bad Boys

In honor of Heathcliff, we asked our book experts here at The New York Public Library: Who’s your favorite literary bad boy and why?

When 'The Man' Wins

Inspired by a reader’s comment on our Angry Birds post, we’re thinking about books where the non-underdogs—a.k.a., those little round pigs with the helmets—wind up on top.

Keeping Up With the Jonesaviches: Branches Change with the Neighborhood

Three libraries responding to changing language needs in their communities.

Can You Grok This? Stories of Strangers in a Strange Land, Part 1

In honor of Robert Heinlein's birthday, we asked our NYPL librarians: What are some other books that speak to displacement—of being a stranger in a strange land?

Book Review: Make Lemonade by Virginia Euwer Wolff

Make Lemonade, by National Book Award winning author Virginia Euwer Wolff, is a realistic fiction book about making sweet “lemonade” with bitter lemons.

Voices from East of Bronx Park: Our Launch Event!

Voices from East of Bronx Park is the first large scale effort to collect oral histories from people who have lived or worked in the Allerton, Pelham Parkway, Van Nest and Morris Park neighborhoods.

A Bronx Week Reading List: May 8-18

One of the unique features of the Bronx is that is has a week dedicated to showcasing and celebrating all its wonderful attributes: history, literature, culture, etc. Here is a reading list which is sure to spark your interests in all things Bronx!

Learn to Express Yourself Through Art: Free Courses for Midlife and Older Adults

Thanks to Lifetime Arts for securing funding and inviting our library system to participate, NYPL is once again able to offer free sustained art courses, taught by professional teaching artists, for adults age 55 and over. Seventeen branch libraries have received funding that enables them to host these classes, which will take place from February-November 2013, and which cover a wide variety of arts including: painting, sculpting, collage, memoir-writing/performance, drawing, and quilt-making.

Because of the great interest generated over the years, many of the 

A List of Lists: April 2012

Visit NYPL's BiblioCommons for these lists and many more. You can also create your own and share them with us in the comments! See below for some interesting staff picks from the past month, on topics both timely and timeless:

April is Poetry Month, and April 26 is Poem in Your Pocket Day. Don't be caught unprepared; NYPL staff can help you find the perfect poem.