Posts by Jenny Engstrom

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October was designated National Breast Cancer Awareness Month back in 1985, and over the past 25 years has grown to include a huge number of organizations and individuals all working together to promote awareness and understanding of the disease and provide greater access to screening services.

According to the American Cancer Society, in 2009, an estimated 192,370 women in the United States were diagnosed with invasive breast cancer and about 40,610 women were expected 

International Literacy Day 2010

A few weeks ago, I had dinner with my friend Patrick, who is also a librarian. We were catching up about our summer activities and plans for the school year, and in the course of the conversation, he asked about my mother. She's a teacher in Arizona, where they start back to school in mid-August (so much earlier than the NYC kids, who are just getting back today!) so I shared some funny stories she had been telling me about her first few weeks of first grade. If you're at all familiar with the comically literal tendencies of

Power to the People: ILL goes DIY!

Interlibrary Loan provides access to library materials that are not available in NYPL's collections. We've recently redesigned the Online Request Form to make submitting and managing requests more accessible.

You can still approach any information desk for help submitting a request, but you can also create an account and submit your own requests online! This

The Joy of Reference

A few weeks ago I was invited to a bridal shower, and by the time I got around to looking up the registry almost everything had already been fulfilled. I don't love registries anyway, and because I'm a librarian I figured I can always get away with giving people books for any and every occasion. Right? I thought a nice cookbook would be the perfect gift, and then remembered I had already done this a few years ago, giving another friend

Best of Reference 2010: Thrifty Reference

Knowledge is power, and in hard times, finding the best information can be even more important. These books, websites, and electronic resources, available through your local library, can save you both time and money! 

Selected and presented by librarians from all three NYC library systems, Best of Reference is sponsored by The New York Library Association's Reference and Adult Services Section.

Coupon Clipping   Encyclopedia of World Mythology and Legend Anthony S. Mercatante and James R Dow, eds.