Posts by Bogdan Horbal

Digitized Slavica: Uwagi Tygodniowe Warszawskie

Uwagi tygodniowe warszawskie was the first Polish periodical fully dedicated to the subject of agricultural development. Only 52 weekly issues were published (1768-1769). The NYPL's copy carries the handwritten notes of the previous owner(s) and some parts of the text are underlined in red pencil.

Научные электронные книги на русском языке теперь доступны в NYPL

Нью-Йоркская публичная библиотека начала пилотный проект по приобретению научных электронных книг на русском языке.Подборка российских научных книг (история, политика и международные отношения, религия и философия, литературная критика и. т. д.), а также биографические и справочные издания будут добавляться каждый месяц на 

Scholarly E-Books in Russian Now Available

We've begun a pilot project to acquire scholarly e-books in Russian on topics such as history, politics, international relations, religion and philosophy, biographies, literary criticism, and reference sources.

N. Kymmel: An Early Supplier of Books from Russia

N. Kymmel was a bookstore, a publishing house, and an antiquarian book dealer based in Riga (Russian Empire, later Latvia). The NYPL started purchasing books from it soon after establishing the Slavonic Division in 1899.

Где получить доступ к электронным материалам на русском языке

Помимо электронных книг на русском языке, Нью Йоркская Публичная Библиотека предлагает нашим читателям доступ к газетам, журналам и научно-периодическим изданиям в электронном формате.

NYPL Researcher Spotlight (WFH edition): Prof. Yasha Klots

Like many of us, Klots' research routine has pivoted to materials he can access from his home office.

Digitized Slavica: Magazin DP

Magazin DP brought together designers, manufacturers, and distributors of applied arts and modern design to create affordable items of mass consumption for a wide range of people.

The 19th Century Hand Colored Photographs of Moscow by J. Daziaro

In honor of National Photography Month, let's learn about the history of this famed publishing house in Russia.

How Were Immigrants Seen…A Hundred Years Ago?

Explore the digitized New American Series, which was published in the United States just before Ellis Island was closed to mass immigration and tended to be sympathetic but critical in its approach to the immigrants.

Digitized Slavica: Khudozhestvennyia sokrovishcha Rossii

Khudozhestvennyia sokrovishcha Rossii [Artistic Treasures of Russia] is one of the best Russian periodicals on art from the beginning of the 20th century.

Novoe Ruskoe Slovo Now Available in Digital Format

The digital archive includes over 40,000 pages with full page-level digitization, complete original graphics, and keyword searchable text.

PressReader Database: Your Window on the World

You don't have to travel to keep up with news in other countries.

Open House to Celebrate International Mother Language Day

Come join us!

Welcoming Recent Guests and Receiving Gifts at NYPL

In recent weeks, NYPL has hosted a number of distinguished guests from Lithuania, Latvia, and Poland, and received generous gifts for our collections.

Leopold Niemirowski's Contribution to the 1844-1845 East Siberian Expedition

The illustrations that detail Ivan Dem'ianovich Bulychev's 1,000 km-expedition were created by a Polish political prisoner born to a noble family - a man largely forgotten by history until the 1990s.

The Coronation of the Last Tsars

With the recent debut of the docudrama "The Last Czars," we look at images from a rare presence in the NYPL collections: seven coronation albums of the tsars, the largest such collection outside of Russia.

Primo Levi at 100: If This Is a Man

In honor of 100 years since Primo Levi's birth, multilingual artists, teachers, and writers will read from "If This Is A Man," Wednesday, June 12 from noon to 8 PM at the Stephen A. Schwarzman Building.

Early Russian Interest in Walt Whitman’s Works

Two hundred years after Walt Whitman's birth, a new NYPL exhibition at the New York Public Library examines many of the individuals, beliefs, and experiences that shaped Whitman’s work, and features Whitman's impact on foreign writers and literatures, including Russian authors.

Hymn To Apollo: The Ancient World and the Ballets Russes

Get dates, times, and details for this exhibition at NYU, which explores the role of dance in ancient culture, with some objects on view loaned by NYPL.

Upcoming Slavic and East European Programs at the Library

From poetry readings and a family celebration of Alexander Pushkin, to the screening of a famed film, join us for a series of East European-focused events throughout NYPL.