Scholarly E-Books in Russian Now Available

Sluzhebnaia perepiska Kominternovskogo voenkomata Moskvy v dekabre 1941 goda

The New York Public Library has started a pilot project to acquire scholarly e-books in Russian. The vendor for these books is East View Information Services. A selection of recently published Russian scholarly books (history, politics and international relations, religion and philosophy, literary criticism, etc.) as well as biographies and reference sources will be added every month to our East View E-books platform until March of 2021. Available e-books will relate to Russia, the Former Soviet Union, and/or countries of Eastern Europe.

The East View platform is accessible remotely with your NYPL library card. E-books are fully keyword searchable and selected pages can be downloaded to the extent allowed for by the copyright law.

This new initiative is an addition to other Russian e-resources that the Library makes available to our readers, including newspapers: Pravda and Novoe russkoe slovo. Scholarly articles in Russian are also available in several databases and many Russian e-books are available in the NYPL branch collection (they can be accessed using our SimplyE reader app).

Fenomen Dostoevskogo

The project, which is carried out in cooperation with Columbia University and Cornell University, will also include full cataloging records for each e-book. These records will be added to our catalog so that these new e-books are fully discoverable. Among the publishers covered by this pilot project are some of the major Russian scholarly publishers. They are listed below. Please note that not all of their publications are available in e-format. Those not available in e-format will be purchased in paper format (you can look them up in our Shared Collections Catalog).

  • Ad Marginem Press
  • Akademicheskii proekt
  • Aleteiia
  • Azbuka-Attikus
  • Delo, izdatel'skii dom RANKhiGS
  • Gosudarstvennaia publichnaia istoricheskaia biblioteka Rossii
  • IAzyki slavianskoi kul'tury
  • INES (Institut ekonomicheskikh strategii)
  • Institut Gaidara
  • Institut vostokovedeniia RAN
  • Ivan Limbakh
  • Limbus Press
  • Lomonosov
  • Medina Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniia
  • MGU Nestor-Istoriia
  • Novoe izdatel'stvo
  • Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie
  • Novyi khronograf
  • Pashkov dom
  • Paulsen
  • Probel
  • Prodiuserskii tsentr
  • Progress-Traditsiia
  • Prometei 
  • Rossiiskaia natsional'naia biblioteka
  • Rossiiskii institut strategicheskikh issledovanii
  • ROSSPEN (Rossiiskaia politicheskaia entsiklopediia)
  • Sadra
  • Sankt-Peterburgskii gosudarstvennyi universitet
  • Seans
  • Sefer
  • Soglasie
  • Sova
  • Universitet Dmitriia Pozharskogo
  • Ves' Mir
  • Vozvrashchenie
  • Vremia/Webkniga
  • Vysshaia shkola ekonomiki