Posts by Elizabeth Rutigliano

International Newspapers at the Library

The General Research Librarians have created a research guide of the most heavily used newspapers from this collection, comprised of titles from multiple cities in over 70 countries.

NYPL Researcher Spotlight: George M. Alvarez-Bouse

Alvarez-Bouse, a retired teacher from Detroit, has been researching Australian women writers and their contribution to the country's education and culture.

New Research Guide: Language and Literature Resources in the General Research Division

Whether you're just starting your research or are well within your project, this research guide will provide you access to multiple collections and databases to further your scholarship. 

NYPL Researcher Spotlight: Miranda B. Tagliari Sousa

Sousa, a Musicology PhD student and bassist, conducted research at NYPL related to Brazilian concert music under a decolonial lens.

NYPL Researcher Spotlight (WFH edition): Neil Hernandez

Hernandez has been using the Library to research reorganization efforts at the Immigration & Naturalization Service in the 1970s and 1990s.

Everyday Heroes: Thank a Nurse Today

Throughout history, nurses have shaped the world that we live in and paved the way to better health.

“Donde Quiera que Estės": Selena 25 Años Despuės

Su relevancia continúa creciendo.

"Donde Quiera Que Estés": Selena 25 Years Later

Her relevance continues to grow.

Valentine’s Day and Cacao, the Food of the Gods

How did chocolate and Valentine's Day get linked anyway?

The Spirit of Will Eisner: Celebrating a Graphic Novel Pioneer

Will Eisner is commonly recognized as the father of the graphic novel and is considered one of the most innovative and influential comic book artists of the 20th century.

The Art Museum Underground

Did you know our subway and commuter rail stations, bridges, and tunnels are home to more than three hundred works of art?