Schomburg Center and NYPL Honor the Life of Chadwick Boseman

Chadwick Boseman
Chadwick Boseman

The Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture and The New York Public Library join in remembering Chadwick Boseman, actor, playwright, and inspiration. Boseman had a long connection to the Schomburg Center based in Harlem, teaching acting to students in our Junior Scholars program from 2002 to 2009. At the height of his success with Black Panther, after portraying Thurgood Marshall, James Brown, and Jackie Robinson, Boseman took time to remember the program, discussing the Schomburg Center’s importance to Black culture and film in several interviews, and posting a video wearing a t-shirt featuring the Center. We are proud that he was a part of the extended Schomburg Center and NYPL family.

Boseman’s career touched on many aspects of the Black history championed and collected at the Schomburg Center, from fighting segregation in court and on the playing field, to Black innovations and excellence in music, comic books, and movies themselves. As a former instructor at the Schomburg Center, Chadwick Boseman embodied the principles and possibilities of Black culture and history, redefining the idea of a hero. His work brought to life for new generations the critical importance of historic American moments and figures like Jackie Robinson and Thurgood Marshall, while also breaking ground to create new, inspirational heroes who were super in their own ways. The number of kids and adults dressed up as Black Panther for the Schomburg Center’s annual Black Comic Book Festival indicates the reach of Boseman and his brilliant work in Black Panther, and the importance of finding Black heroes to emulate. 

His death at 43 from colon cancer leaves an indelible loss. Former students from his time teaching at the Schomburg Center have written in response to the passing, as have innumerable activists, actors, artists, and fans worldwide. Our hearts go out to his family and loved ones, the millions who loved him from afar, and those who learned from him up close at the Schomburg Center.

Watch Chadwick Boseman talk about his work at the Schomburg Center on BET, on ABC's Good Morning America, and on Boseman's Instagram

For press inquiries, please contact Amy Geduldig at AmyGeduldig@nypl.org. 


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So young. So talented. So

So young. So talented. So terribly sad.

Thank you Kevin for writing

Thank you Kevin for writing this article. My thoughts and prayers go out to his family. I admire Chad Boseman's work in Jackie Robinson. I was a Communications Intern at Schomburg Center in 2016. His work there hits home. I never knew him personally, but I imagined Chad being a phenomenal acting teacher and Youth Mentor. He touched the lives of many. My condolences.

This is great . It is well

This is great . It is well deserved

Chadwick Boseman and Costumed Heroes

Black Panther opened my eyes to the fascinating world of Black people interested in "cosplay." And I became aware of the Schomburg's annual festival devoted to it. Too bad that the devotees of costumed heroes won't be able to get together for a celebration of Chadwick Boseman's life until after the Corona Virus pandemic crisis is over.

An Amazing Actor

Chadwick Boseman was a wonderful character actor. He embodied each personality he took on and played each role to the fullest. You saw the person who he played completely and got to know them better through his skilled performances - James Brown, Jackie Robinson, Thurgood Marshall. He did justice to each iconic figure. His legacy will live on in his films and all of the lives he touched.