#LoveReading: Valentines for Book Lovers

We're feeling the love this week at The New York Public Library as we prepare to release the 125 Books We Love this Friday, Feburary 14. 

If reading is your one true love, celebrate your Valentine's Day the library way with these literary valentines! Share these valentines on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram—send them to your favorite book lover, or keep them all for yourself.  These valentines are the perfect way to show that we all #LoveReading. 

red background with blue hearts along border. There is a blue hashtag that says #LoveReading and text in the middle saying: Our love is nonfiction

Pink graphic with red hearts around border and a heart that has pages like an open book with the text: I'll never put our love on a shelf

Dark red background with pink hearts along border. Grpahic of a heart that is stylized like an open book's pages with the text: ISBN thinking of you

blue background with red hearts along border. Red graphic of a book laying flat with two pages making a heart next to a hashtag that says #LoveReading. Text in the middle says: Dewey belong together?

Pink graphic with red hearts along border and a heart stylized as pages of an open book. Text in the center saying: What's your call number?

Red background with blue hearts along border and text displaying: Are you a library book? 'Cause I'm checking you out.


Want to print out these valentines to give to a special someone?

Click here to download rectangular versions, and click here to download square valentines.


Which valentine is your favorite? Tell us in the comments! 


Patron-generated content represents the views and interpretations of the patron, not necessarily those of The New York Public Library. For more information see NYPL's Website Terms and Conditions.

Fabulous Valentine's Day

Fabulous Valentine's Day cards! I'm actually laughing out loud. Good thing I'm not in a library (or any other public place)! Thank you. I'm definitely giving out a few of these and sharing them electronically with other librarians!

Valentines for Book Lovers

My favorite is DEWEY BELONG TOGETHER? because only a certain group will understand this meaning!

Definitely belongs in 817 ;

Definitely belongs in 817 ; D

Fav cards

Call number, Dewey, & ISBN - hilarious & so cute! Can’t wait to share these with my fellow library lovers!!