Video: Libraries Make NYC Stronger

Libraries Make NYC Stronger

This morning, the City Council met to discuss next year's budget for libraries. Our staff shared this video with the Council members. Take a moment to watch. 

This demonstrates to our elected officials that libraries are a vital part of NYC’s communities, and therefore need more funding—not less—to sustain the spaces and services that so many New Yorkers rely on. 

Public figures have lent their support for libraries as well. Author Jennifer Egan wrote her own letter in support of libraries, and Sarah Jessica Parker asked other library supporters to post a virtual sticky note about why they love libraries.

If you haven't signed your letter to City leaders, it's not too late to sign your letter now

Tell City leaders that libraries need more funding—not less!


Sign a letter


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I have an additional comment-

I have an additional comment- in case you noticed I don't have a NYC email address! I learned my "library habits" in NYC and they have sustained me wherever I have lived...and that's been a long time. I love the video the NYPL prepared for all of you who have the ability to sustain and increase funding for libraries. "Knowledge is Power." The library is a fount of learning and enjoyment. I now also have a NYPL card to visit with!

The importance of libraries

One of my proudest childhood memories of 75 years ago was having learned to write my name meaning I could get my own library card at the Children’s Room of the Brooklyn Grand Army Plaza library. My mother and I went to the Library each week where each of us took out 4 books to read and enjoy during the week. I have always remembered the squirrels in profile on the gates at the entrance to the Children's Room. They still bring a smile to my face when I walk past them these days. I’ve always had a library card and now use the Riverside branch in Manhattan close to my own. Today I used the self checkout for the first time, a great additiom!

Long time library supporter

As a child growing up in the 50’s in Harlem, the library was my after school home away from home. I was a latchkey kid and I spent hours there. I have been a library card carrying member since that time. I will always be thankful and grateful to the NYC public library. i worked in the high school library in Queens and eventually had my first real job working part time at the Laurelton library in Queens. The library remains an important part of my life. Please increase the budget to support the library. Please keep the 34 th Street mid Manhattan Business library open.