The Librarian Is In Podcast, Biblio File

Teens Take Charge: The Librarian Is In, Ep. 105

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Frank and Gwen get a visit from BridgeUP, NYPL's holistic academic support program for NYC teens. They talk to a teen scholar and program leader about this unique library initiative, what students want and need outside the classroom, and everything that goes into getting them where they want to go in life.


Listen to the podcast that BridgeUp produced on Latino stereotypes here.

Book Recommendations


Fierce Conversations by Susan Scott

Fierce Conversations


1984 by George Orwell



And a Non-Book Recommendation

The new HBO series "Random Acts of Flyness."


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I hope Bridge Up spreads throughout the country!

This podcast proved reason number million and one why libraries are relevant and irreplaceable and not businesses! Please keep doing this!

thank you!

Gabriela, thank you so much for this comment -- we were really fired up and we're glad you are too!

I wish I had this at my library

I wish I had this program at my library when I was younger. A lot of educational programs out there are so concerned with funding that the students start missing out. It seems that Bridge Up really cares about every single participant. What a special thing! Please spread this to other locations!