Library Stories

Ep. 9 "Turn a Negative Into a Positive" | Library Stories

Our first story comes from Christine Richards, who like so many people, lost her job in the great recession. But after she stumbled she knew where to go, and has been visiting the Parkchester Library regularly to make use of its space, computers and resources. She was able to turn a negative into a positive and find a new job through her own determination and the library she used a home base during a tough time.

Ep. 1 "Change a Negative Into a Positive" | Library Stories

"People forget about the library, but I haven't...Sometimes you have to stumble in life to realize, okay, the library, yes, that's where I need to go to." - Christine Richards, Parkchester Branch patron

Posted by NYPL The New York Public Library on Monday, December 28, 2015

Library Stories is a video series from The New York Public Library that shows what the Library means to our users, staff, donors, and communities through moving personal interviews.

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I love this way of turning

I love this way of turning négative into positive . A library is a perfect place to ressource yourself and to meditate. Génial , j'adore !

Turning a Negative Into a Positive

This is such an inspiring story. It has really touched me as it showed the power of a place of sanctuary after a storm in life. Kudos to Christine and NYPL!