So You've Taken the MTA Conductor Exam... Now What?

Woman in a Hat
Woman in Hat and Shawl in Times Square Station. Image ID: 5038704

I decided to write a companion post on the MTA Conductor exam because I have received so many questions from readers in my other post on studying for the test (which can be found here). This is an effort to help people figure out what comes next.

So, first things first: Relax!  You've studied and taken the exam so the hardest part is over. Now starts the second hardest part, waiting for results. Below are some of the questions posed by readers of my post in regards to what happens after the test and my answers (most of which are courtesy of the testing institution, the Metropolitan Transportation Authority).

I bought a copy of the study guide and no longer need it, what do I do with it?

If you just want to donate it, then the library can always use more copies. You can donate to any location. If you want to get money back, you may want to put it for sale on Amazon or Ebay. Just remember, the book is only in demand when an exam comes out so now that it has finished I doubt there will be much interest. You may want to hold onto it until the next one comes out and people really need it.

How do I find the answer key for the test I took? What is my score?

Visit the answer key page.

There you will find the answers for various MTA exams. Please look for Conductor, Exam No. 6601, then look for the date you took the test. You will see exact dates, as well as whether it was AM or PM for that day.

As for figuring out your score, you can try a simple math formula. To calculate a test score, you divide 100 by the amount of test questions there are. Once you do that, you get what each question is worth. Take the number of questions that are wrong and multiply it by the worth of each question. Subtract that figure from 100 and you will know your score.

I checked my answers and it looks like I scored pretty well on the test. When can I expect to hear from the MTA?

Remember thousands of people have taken the exam, so there is no way to tell offhand what your position will be on the list. You have to wait until you receive your actual number to know for sure.  According to the MTA:

At this time, we do not have an expected month in which this list will be made public or established. Once the list is established, you will receive your official Notice of Results in the mail.   " 

Please check their information page for any updates!

You will receive the results in the mail so make sure your contact information is accurate. 

To update your address, you may do one of the following:

  • Visit the MTA Exam Information Center located in the lobby of 180 Livingston Street, Brooklyn, NY 11201, Mondays through Fridays, between 9 AM – 3 PM
  • Email them at
  • Fax them at (347) 643-8110

I took the test but have yet to recieve any information about my score or place on the list? What is going on?

From what I understand according to those who took the test in the comments section, scores have been sent out and likley are still being sent out. If you took the test and have not heard anything your only option is to use one of the contact methods listed above and/or wait until you get something the mail. Rest assured if you did well enough to be considered you will hear from them. 

I didn't score so great on the test, will I get on the list?

In order to pass the exam you had to get a score of at least 70, but be mindful as I mentioned above that thousands of people have taken the exam. Therefore those who scored highest are most likely to get called. Wait for the results and see your place on the eligibility list before writing it off.

I got my score and it's in the 90's, I'm definitely in right?

Over 30,000 people took the exam so it may matter where in the 90's your score is. Along with the score you should have received your actual number on the list. If they had a high amount of people score 96 and above, your score would need to be in that range to even be considered. Remember there are limited spots and a limited time frame for the filling of those spots so the higher you are the better. It is possible that someone might have scored say a 93 but still end up with a list number of 8,000, it all depends on what the average score was.

I did okay but my list number isn't really high. If I don't get called do I have to take the test again the next time around?

Unfortunately you would have to take the test again to be considered. The list they issue is only good until the next time they give an exam which is usually every four years. Once that four year period comes they would have exhausted the list and that could mean they may have stopped in the 4,000's, 5,000's, etc. It all depends on how many positions became available during that time period.

I missed the test, how long do I have to wait before it is given again?

Usually these exams are given every four years, but as with many city agencies much depends on funding as well as whether positions open up (i.e., employees retiring or moving on to other positions). So there is no concrete answer for when it will happen again, but at the very least it would be four years.

What is the difference between a conductor and a train operator?

Some people want to know this because the exams are often offered in the same year. The positions are actually very different and the job explanations are available on the exam notices. Here are the requirements of each position as stated in their notices.


 Conductors, under supervision, are responsible for the safe, timely and proper operation of the Transit Authority’s trains in customer, yard and work train service. In customer service, they open and close doors, make proper announcements to customers and set up the automatic announcement system. While in road service, they interact with the Train Operator, Supervision and the Control Center when necessary. They provide flagging protection service duties, such as setting up flags and light signals and take other required measures for the protection of workers performing work on or near trainways. They work as platform conductors in the stations; patrol platforms; assist customers in safely entering and exiting trains, and assist in the timely dispatch of trains from key stations. They operate hand-thrown switches in the yards; make reports of unusual occurrences; and perform related work.

Train Operator

Train Operators, under supervision, have direct responsibility for the safe, timely and proper operation of MTA New York City Transit multi-unit subway cars, subway service cars and trains in accordance with the rules, regulations and special instructions governing such operation. They operate trains in revenue and non-revenue road service, and in yard or terminal service; prepare trains for road service and switch cars in yards; in revenue road service, convey passengers over assigned routes; may open and close doors in stations and terminals; may make announcements; in non-revenue road service, operate work trains and revenue collection trains; in yards and terminal service, switch cars, prepare trains for road service and operate trains between yards and terminals; convey trains into facilities for inspection and repair, and through car washes for cleaning; and perform related work.

The most basic explanation I gave someone is this: 
The conductor is the person who sits in the middle car of the train, opening and closing doors, making announcements, providing customer service etc. The train operator is the one actually driving the train and is in charge of all train operations. Another major difference, to be eligible to be a train operator you must have a valid NY State driver's license as well as one full year of work experience that has been continuous with one employer along with a high school diploma (or its equivalent). The conductor exam only requires a high school diploma (or its equivalent).

Is there such a position as an assistant conductor, and if so how would I apply for that position?

I can find no evidence that the MTA uses assistant conductors in New York City. I did come across mention of this position for both the Metro North Rail Road and Long Island Rail Road. If you are interested in seeing if and when this position opens up, please visit the MTA employment page. There you can click on the specific branches of the MTA and see what jobs are available.

I'm interested in taking exams for other MTA positions, how do I go about that?

The MTA usually has a full list of upcoming exams for the year posted on their website with the dates of when they will be. When registration opens you will see a button that says Apply Now. Visit the MTA page for the list.

Disclaimer: I do not work for the MTA and have answered these questions to the best of my ability with the information provided from the MTA. If you have more question in regards to the exam I suggest contacting them directly via email,, or their Information Center in Brooklyn. 


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I recently took the exam but

I recently took the exam but didn't copy my answers on the given paper to view my answers when the answer sheet came out. How do I go about knowing my score?

Hi David, Unfortunately there

Hi David, Unfortunately there is no way to know what answers you provided if you did not write them down. You will just have to wait until they notify you about your score and place on the list.

Test results

I took the conductor test last summer 6601 and i haven't gotten my results or a list number if i passed when will i be getting some news of my results?

I take my mta test like 3

I take my mta test like 3 months ago and didn't receive my scores eyt

Hi Destiney! No one has

Hi Destiney! No one has received their score yet. You can check their web page for updates, but at this time a list has not been established.

Eligibility list

The mta just established an eligibility list as of 2/14 of this year.. Be on the lookout for a letter from the mta in regards to your score, and if you've passed your eligibility number or place on the list... Good luck!


received my resilts. scored 98.750. list number 504 wish i had known stuxy material was available. what is tge highest score? and what are the chances pf being called since im 504 on the list.

I have yet to get my test results

Hey, I took the conductor exam 6601 in April. I did not receive my results yet, how can I obtain them?

Please check their web page

Please check their web page for updates on exam information. Scores have not been sent to anyone at this time.You can copy and paste the following link.


Hello took last test wanna know how fine out about my test score haven't receive any mail yet

Hello, answer has not changed

Hello, answer has not changed from what I posted previously, a list has not been completed as of this time therefore they have not sent out scores. Please visit the MTA page for updates in regards to when they will be sending out what your score is,

Does exam result expires

Hi, I took the test in 2009, does the test results expire. I thought I heard someone say that it does?

Hi Lois, results do expire.

Hi Lois, results do expire. Once they give another test that means they have gone through all those they wanted to contact from the previous exam. You would have to take it again to be back in consideration.

MTA Train Operator test

Hello, which book do I need to study for thew upcoming 2017 Train Operator test? The conductor or train operator test book. Thank you for any help on this.

Hello Jason, As I mentioned

Hello Jason, As I mentioned in the blog the conductor and train operator exam are two different tests.The library does own a train operator study guide but no copies are available and the wait list is long. You may want to try Amazon in regards to finding a copy of the book, the name would be Train Operator (Passbooks).

My boyfriend is taking the

My boyfriend is taking the training for MTA mechanic and another guy was asking for answers and he try to help and got caught, what happen now.

Giving answers to others in training class

If a person is in a Training class where there is a group discussions of MTA policy and work related questions then it's ok to give a fellow trainee the answer,if it's a actual test - part of discussion,then the MTA could removed whomever gave the answers,they do have instructors who will help anyone who is not sure of a questions,

classes to prepare for train operator test

good day any class offering to prepare people to take the test?? please i will appreciate the info

how many minutes you get to

how many minutes you get to take the test?

Passed pre screening. Now what?

I applied for a job in their IT Department as a Computer Analyst, Level 2. I checked my account status and it says I "passed pre-screening'. What is the next step (interview?) and how long does that usually take?


hello, Did anyone from MTA reach out to you after your application status was updated to pass/pass pre-screening. I have the same curiosity as well.

RE: Train Door repairman

Please advise. My son has over 5 years of experience in repairing door. He desires to work with MTA. In line of that king of job what subject he should take in college.

OPA exam

I took the Conductor #6601 exam in April of 2016. It is now September 2017 and I have just received a letter instructing me to report for an Oral Proficiency Assessment. I still have no idea what my score was, or what my place on the list is (if that has even been established yet). I guess I just want to know, because I received this notice to report, is this indicative of anything positive with regard to my test results and potentially being called for employment/training/etc?

Oral proficiency exam

I received a letter too... I know my score.. by comparison with test key.. 96.5.. New 25 dollar fee for part 2 oral test...

OPA Exam

Emanuel and Kas, I just got he letter too. Scored a 96.25. I think our chances are very good, as my friend who got he same score also got the letter.

Hi Kas. I didn't have time to

Hi Kas. I didn't have time to copy my own answer key so I have no way to compare with the answer key that has been released. Charlie, did you copy your answers for comparison, or did you receive some confirmation of your score? I'm trying to look into other avenues of information to see if I can get a clear answer on my (our) collective status in the process and specifically what being called for the OPA means with regard to the hiring process. I'll be back with answers as I get them. Congrats you two!!


Hi Can you get called with a 91 score

Kas and Charlie (and others)

So I spoke with someone that is a train conductor. At this point it seems that they want to begin the process for us from what I was told. After the OPA, we should be called back for further tests including vision and hearing and I believe I was told an EKG (not sure why though) but all in all, this entire process can take upwards of 9 months to a year. We will be called back for various exams and tests including a test towards the end of the process on the signals where we MUST earn a score of 100%. I hope this helps anyone else still in the dark and wondering what's next.

Conductor #6601 exam in April 2016-Oral Proficiency Assessment

I took the Conductor #6601 exam in April of 2016. It is now September 2017 and I have just received a letter instructing me to report for an Oral Proficiency Assessment. I still have no idea what my score was, or what my place on the list is.Is this something new that they are doing because people I know that work for MTA have never done this. Does this mean that my test results are good and I'm potentially being called for employment/training/etc?

OPA Exam

SG - The answer to your question is yes !

Regarding Exam #6601

Hi, I also took that exam and I just paid for track worker as well. I just upgraded my new address on my acct for the MTA sign in. However, I do usually get my mail forwarded. I hope I didn't miss a letter from them. Did anyone receive a phone call as well? I'm so anxious and I don't even know what I scored!? Anyway that I can check my score or status without going down to Livingston?



OPA Exam

LINA - If you don't know your test score, it is probably in the 90's judging from those of us who are being called for the OPA. Hope we are all co-workers soon everybody !

Yes everyone hopefully I will

Yes everyone hopefully I will see you all for this OPA thing. Congratulations and good luck it looks like we’re pretty much in we just have a few more steps

I just took the drug test for

I just took the drug test for conductor I wanna know how long till the contact u after u take it

did you take the opa?

did you take the opa?

What is the opa....i got a

What is the opa....i got a letter to take a drug test I went down filled out paper work and took the drug test that was it

OPA exam

I got a letter too! I wonder what the next steps are?

Am I the only one nervous..

Am I the only one nervous...wat is this ops anyone take it yet


I got the letter too. I'm scheduled to report this coming Thursday. going based on the exam answers I scored in the high 90's, so I hope this is a good sign.

Hey Emanuel I compared answers to test key

I compared the answers on the worksheet we were allowed to take home, and my score was 96.25. I received no letter about results or list number. But I think any of us being called for OPA did in the mid to high 90's. Just a gut feeling!

OPA but no list number...

Is this a first for the mta, the opa. Does it mean we have a chance of being hired next year ?

OPA is new as my sister did

OPA is new as my sister did not have to do this when she was hired. My boyfriend is scheduled take the exam tomorrow


So I just got the same letter, I have no idea what my score is but do you guys think they will drug test right then and there ?

I applied to several

I applied to several applications on the MTA portal and at he status bar I see passed pre-screening. Things is the status keeps saying that and never moves. Will they ever reach to me? If not, does anyone have any advice on what may happen. Someone told me if you pass HR will call to set up an interview and if I haven't received any by now then it's over for me.

Hi Jillian,

Hi Jillian, Can you provide a link to check statuses?

Took OPA Today

Took the OPA today, long process for such a short test, but i think I did well.

Do you know if we are able to

Do you know if we are able to bring cell phones to the opa?

opa exam questions

what topics did it consist of?


Wat was it about...was it hard


How long did the OPA take? I have one scheduled at 2:00pm. When should I get out?

what was the process besides

what was the process besides taking the test?

Opa exam

I took the exam also. I did not receive my score but I receive a letter for the opa exam for this Wednesday.

I took this exam in April’s as well

I took this exam in April and I know a friend who took the exam as well and he went to do a hearing test today. I believe he scored around the 96 percentile and I scored around the 92 percentile. I’m just happy for him and everyone who has gotten some type of information for the exam. May the best of luck fall to everybody that took the exam!!

I got the letter and lost it

I got the letter and lost it what time does it say on the paper I remember 7:30 am

Auto Mechanic

Hi in 2015 I did a auto mechanic exam Maintainer Group B, Exam # 5 6 0 2 but I never got an answer,what I should do how to find out, nobody called me and I do not know if I fail or pass


Hello. I heard if you cannot make it on your assigned OPA day, you can get it changed. Any thoughts on this? I was rear ended the morning of mine and had to get towed. Thus I didn’t make it. I tried emailing the exam unit several times for several days; I also called the exams units and was advised to send an email to the same address Ive been sending it to. No one bothers to respond.....

Re: Results from conductor exam #6601

Dear Sirs, I'm writing to find out if there is a phone number you can call to find out your test score for conductor exam #6601? I took it two years ago was just wondering because I don't think I did too bad.

Hi I took the train conductor

Hi I took the train conductor exam 6601 and I still haven't received any letter in the mail. I calculated my score and I scored an 83. It's now about to be 2018 do y'all think I would be called with that score or I have to retake the test?

I took the exam September

I took the exam September 15th 2015 was wondering when this exam is coming out with the results was also wondering it's been almost two and a half years are they going to even start calling people from that lives or he still have other list also how can I get in touch with MTA to find out my score cuz I know I passed it

Received letter with list number today

Just got my list number it’s 8489.000 I scored a 92.5 and my question is ... do I have any shot at getting a letter for future screening for this job or am I looking at years if ever?

Exam 6601

Sorry I forgot to say the test I was referring too was 6601 that was given in April of 2016 ... with a list number as high as mine in the 8,000s how many year will it take? Also if there are any insight of the salary besides what I know it’s around $20 and hour and in five years it goes to $25... is that about right ? Because I work in a hospital and I make $20 an hour days so is it even worth the wait?

92.5 Percentile

Hey, I got the same score as you. 92.5. I'm list number: 9611. I just received my letter on 2/21 and it was processed 2/14. Looking for next steps. What exactly is the OPA, and is their anyway to study for it ahead of time. Any info greatly appreciated.

Exam 6601

I just got my letter from the MTA stating I passed the test and gave me my list #. I am 13418 on the list. It doesnt say anything about being called or written for OPA. I guess its a sit and wait...... and wait....


I received my final resilts after taking both initial exam and the OPA. i scored 98.750 and im 504 on the list. wish i knew that study material was available.what are my chances? what is the highest score? i have not received any notices for drug testing or physicals. when does that happen?

list 2433

i received my letter as well, i scored a 96.250 and im 2433 on the assume that you would start being processed for the job when they get close to your number (which shouldnt take long), whereas i may have to wait till the end of the year or next year. im pretty sure you will have a chance, there were over 10,000 people who took the test and you're ahead of 95% of them.

Over 30,000*

Over 30,000*

I pass my exam so I know I'm

I pass my exam so I know I'm looking at about 2 to 4 years before they call me. I'm just happy to be on the list. My list number is 5,000 + so I'm willing to wait.

Mta exam

I received my letter back in the mail I’m number 89, how soon should I be called in , days , months , years


Hey, Just wondering what the date was that you took your exam? I took a test on February 23rd, and they said that we should expect to find out our score in 3-6 weeks. That seems pretty quick compared to what I am reading on a lot of forums.

OPA results

My OPA score came the other day. I passed and it says I'm still on the list

OPA Exam

I took the test for the conductor position back in April 23rd 2016. Never got my score back but I did get the letter to take the OPA which for me is this Tuesday at 1:15pm. So I'm guessing that I must've scored somewhere in the mid 90s. Anyone who took the OPA could you offer some advice on what it's about, how to dress, the do's and dont's, etc. Any info is helpful

mta analyst exams

any preparation material or class for mta analyst exams?

Scored a 98!

I received a scored of 98 and still haven't heard anything back, How long do I wait? it's been over 2 years.

Hi,I passed conductor exam

Hi,I passed conductor exam 6601 with a 95. I went to take OPA in May,2018 have not received anything in mail since then, Is there a department number i may call to question my status? Thanks!

Mta conductor

I took the test past and i would like to know when my number will be called 31288000

Mta Conductor

Hi Antoinette. My number is 2118, and the last number appointed was 1764. You can check list status by calling DCAS and using the automated system. The number is 212-669-1357. Best of luck to you.

have not gotten score yet .

I took the test for metronorth conductor trainee and i have not received my score yet don't know what to do obtain my score. can someone please contact me and tell me what to do.

Practical Exam

Hey! Do you guys have any knowledge on what MTA practical exams might consist of? I've scoured the internet trying to find information about them and how to prep. I'd appreciate the guidance. Thanks for the information Chasity.

Hi Rae, you are very welcome.

Hi Rae, you are very welcome. It looks like you are referring to the exams they give for specific positions that require hands on work. The Notice of Examination will give you some idea on what you will be required to do but there are no books on those specific tasks.The only books available for any of their tests would be the Passbook series. They are not all NY transit specific but provide a basic understanding of the concepts they test on, you can check out their site here: Do a search for the name of the specific test. You can also try posting in the transit forum which is a public site where people can share info on transit. People post alot about exams there:

Changing information

I’ve taken test 6601 and i passed but I’ve moved from the address the MTA would have on file. Now how do i change that information?

Please see the contact

Please see the contact information provided in the post in regards to updating your address.