Career Services

NYC Poll Worker: Make a Difference and Get Paid

board of election

If you live within the five boroughs of New York City, the Board of Elections in the City of New York would love for you to apply to become a Poll Worker today!

All new online users, regardless of whether or not you have filled out a paper application in the past, must complete an online application.

Poll Worker Positions            Apply Now 

If you want to apply for a stand-by poll worker position, please read the following instructions:

  • Please fill out one of the following applications and return it to the Board of Elections office in the borough of your residence.
  • Please read carefully the requirements for each position and apply only for the one you qualify.
  • Remember, as a stand-by poll worker you will be notified to report to work by the Board of Elections only if your services are needed.
  • You will find additional information, including work hours and pay, on each application.

Poll Worker                      Application

Description:  Depending on your registration status and availability you may be assigned to work as an Inspector, Poll Clerk, Information Clerk or Accessibility Clerk.

  • Inspector/Poll Clerk are generally responsible for the operations in the ED, including opening the polls, serving voters and closing the polls including accuracy of canvass.  Inspectors must stay for completion of canvass and tally.  Ensures that Affidavit Ballot Envelopes are completed correctly and signs each one.  Responsible for the set-up & closing of the Ballot Marking Device and Scanner.  Assists the voter as needed on this equipment.
  • Information Clerk use the Street Finder and Poll Site List to direct voters to their correct ED/AD and poll site .  May also be re-assigned to be an Inspector or Poll Clerk on Election Day, as necessary.
  • Accessibility Clerk ensures that the alternative entrance is accessible throughout the day.  Monitors the entrance to prevent unauthorized individuals from entering.  Checks to see that a ramp with handrails and/or platform are in place if required.  Assists but does not provide physical help to disabled voters entering the site.  Checks that access posters, directional arrows, "Vote Here/Vota Aqui" signs and all other outdoor signs are hung properly.,


  • Inspector/Poll Clerk/Information Clerk - Must be a registered voter in the City of New York
  • Accessibility Clerk - Permanent U.S. resident, New York City resident, and 18 years of age


Description:  The Interpreter assists non-English speaking voters by translating voting information given by the Inspector and answers voter questions.  The Interpreter may also assist non-English and limited-Englsih speaking voters in voting booths.

Requirements: Permanent U.S. resident, New York  City Resident, 18 years of age, fluent in English and Interpreter's language.

For further information visit Board of Elections in the City of New York


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When you click on the

When you click on the applications links, it takes you to an image of the application. You can't fill it out and send it directly to the NYC BOE. So are we expected, in the year 2016, to print this form out, and send it by snail mail? Time for The Board of Elections to get into 20th century technology. We're already 16 years into the millennium. Come on, BOE!

The website to sign up is

The website to sign up is google is your friend


i would like to apply for a Trainer position for the next election cycle.

Sent in application

I would like to check on the status of my application. I sent it in several months ago and have heard nothing yet. It is my understanding that the training will be coming up soon. Just concerned that it wasn’t lost in the mail

Contact Board of Election

Hi Kim - We recommend you contact the Board of Elections directly regarding your application. Here's the direct link to their website, which includes their phone numbers at the bottom: