Biblio File

How to Find Your Next Favorite Book: Readers' Advisory Resources

Library on wheels, carrying about 500 books for Grown-ups and Children, Digital ID 94732, New York Public LibraryLibrary on wheels, carrying about 500 books for Grown-ups and Children, Digital ID 94732, New York Public LibraryYou may not be aware, in this age of social media and auto-generated recommendations, but librarians are usually pretty good at suggesting books that match your reading tastes and habits. The technical term for this is "Reader's Advisory," and we try to spend time getting to know a wide variety of authors and genres of writing so that we are always ready to give you a tip when you ask for one.

Librarians are not all-knowing, however, so there are a variety of tools we use to assist you in the discovery of new books. Try them yourself the next time you need something new to read!

Free with your library card

Tags for mysteries in BiblioCommonsTags for mysteries in BiblioCommonsBiblioCommons is NYPL's social catalog interface where you can manage your account as well as browse user-generated lists, tags, reviews, and more. Follow users with similar reading interests to see what they add to their shelves and find new books that way.

Fiction Connection is a database that allows a reader to search for similar or read-alikes by: title, author setting, topic, character, genre, location and timeframe.

What Do I Read Next is a database that allows a reader to search for one's next similar title to enjoy. This reader's advisory tool helps locate a book by title, author, genre, setting, character and even has Awards, Bestsellers and Other Lists Search.


No signup required

  • Book Spot - what to read from bestsellers to genre and where to purchase.
  • Gnooks - tell Gnod what you like and in return receive suggestions for new authors. It uses the information you provide to get better at connecting similar authors.

Certain features require an account

  • BookYap - create a profile to tell this site what you like, and it creates recommendations based on that.
  • Goodreads - add books you like to your profile and get recommendations. Also a thriving discussion community.
  • LibraryThing - organize your home library or books you've read and share with the larger community.
  • Shelfari - "a community-powered encyclopedia for book lovers."
  • Small Demons - find new connections by exploring people, places and things that happen in books you've enjoyed.

The Small Demons page for NYPLThe Small Demons page for NYPL

  • TasteKid - create an account for personalized recommendations.


Find out more about any of these titles on BiblioCommons.

Are you on Twitter? Follow Ask NYPL's "Books" List for updates from publishers and reviewers. And since it is summer after all, be sure to check out our Summer Reading Lists for Adults, Teens and Kids at!


Patron-generated content represents the views and interpretations of the patron, not necessarily those of The New York Public Library. For more information see NYPL's Website Terms and Conditions.

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