Blizzard! The March Snowstorm of 1888

A Policeman Rubbing Snow On The Frozen Ears Of A Passer-By During The Storm. Image ID: 809702

Spring is ahead in the month of March. The anticipation is for the warmer weather to come and for winter to leave. This was probably the same idea that New Yorkers and many others along the northeast seaboard believed during mid-March, 1888.

The weather forecasters reported slightly warmer temperatures and fair weather, followed by rain. Certainly, there would be nothing to worry about. This was a big mistake one hundred and twenty-three years ago...

The weather from March 11-14th, 1888, pounded the northeast with howling winds and bone chilling temperatures. The aftermath of the blizzard left New York with a paralyzed transit system, non-existent communications, two hundred dead in New York City from an estimate of four hundred casualties in the East.

This type of storm would wreak havoc today. The people of the 19th century enjoyed none of the modern technology that we take for granted. If you were lost in that blizzard, there would be no cell phone service to let your family know where you were stranded. You were on your own.


Transportation of any type was no match for this weather. The elevated trains grounded to a halt. Commuter trains were buried  NOAA Photo LibrarySlender wires turned into huge cables by an ice-storm. credit: NOAA Photo Libraryunder mountains of snow. Newspapers of the day published many accounts as excerpted from these articles:

"About seventy-five miles of the Long Island Railroad system is still blockaded by the snow. The blockade is on the Port Jefferson Branch. The Locust Valley Branch was opened through to-day." Washington Post, Mar. 19, 1888

One of the fascinating facts about the "blockade" was that people walked across the East River to Brooklyn.

"The East River is almost entirely blocked with ice. A huge floe formed a natural bridge early in the forenoon and thousands of people crossed shore to shore. Not a train has come to New York over any road since last night.” Washington Post, Mar. 14, 1888

"This sort of travel kept up for an hour or so, several hundred people crossing from Brooklyn, and a few people crossing from New-York until the Brooklyn police authorities, fearful of a catastrophe and loss of life, put an end to any further attempts to cross." New York Times, Mar. 14, 1888

Communications and Related Issues

The aftermath of the blizzard destroyed much of the cables overhead. Reports about Brooklyn (an independent city until consolidated as borough in1898) illustrated the dire conditions at the time:

"The storm yesterday set Brooklyn back 50 years. Its great surface railroad system became useless, and its telephone service practically valueless. Its telegraph wires were torn down, and its main thoroughfares, where only electric lights are used, were left in darkness... At daybreak, or what should have been daybreak, the city resembled a hugh country village, and Fulton-avenue, from City Hall up, looked more like a deserted cowpath than the main business street of a big city." New York Times, Mar. 13, 1888

The snowdrifts blocked traffic coming and going. Newspaper headlines screamed the fear of famine because of concerns over a lack of food and coal. This blizzard effectively stopped everything.

The Aftermath

The aftermath and the future would see remarkable changes as a result of the blizzard of 1888. In the years to come, the landscape of New York City would change forever. Cables would be buried underground. And, the rumbling to build an underground subway system became a reality. An editorial about the aftermath of the storm was published soon after in the New-York Tribune commenting about the dangers of having the lines of communications exposed to the elements. And the building of a subway system received the following attention:

"The Brooklyn Bridge serves two cities as well, but everyone realizes to-day that tunneling under the Hudson and the East-River would meet a need which nothing else can. The city of to-day has been conquered by the elements for a time only because it has been content to develop on the surface and not at the roots." New York Tribune, Mar.18, 1888

Searching your Family History

Your own family history may hold information about surviving the Blizzard of 1888 and other significant weather events. Family manuscripts and records have the possibility of contemporary accounts of this and other significant storms of years past. Searching your family records, listening to oral history, reading diaries and letters could yield surprising results.

There is a lot more to learn about the Blizzard of 1888 then this brief blog post. The New York Public Library holds a wealth of resources to explore. The following sources should give you a start:


 New York Public Library









The recent Winter storms serve as a powerful reminder that March can bring a surprising amount of snow and deadly weather conditions. As cited in this blog, New York City buried their power lines after the storm. The following photographs illustrate this point, for the power lines were snapped as if they were matchsticks. The photographs are credited to the Richard Rogers Bowker papers, New York Public Library.

Some notations indicate that these photographs were taken on (or near) West End Avenue, in the seventies. Does anyone know exactly where these photographs were taken? The buildings may no longer exist or have had their appearance altered. If you also have a current photograph, please send it along.

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The Blizzard of '88

Alledgedly, my great grand father went to work that morning (they lived in lower Manhattan), but didn't return until one week later. We have had a lot of laughs about this over the years...but who is to confirm?

Oral history for the Blizzard of '88

It is probably true that your grandfather's x two did not return home for a week. Obviously, he found shelter and food. It does sound funny today that someone was trapped for a week. He was very lucky because a lot of people never made it home.

And yet...

...the newspapers managed to turn out editions. Some industries always seem to manage it.


My grandfather died during the horrible storm

Blizzard of 1888

My Grand Mother Ellen Corboy was 12 years old and lived in the city ,her father had to tunnel thru 14ft snow drifts to get out of their house,school did not reopen until April that year.

Blizzard of 1888

What a terrific story. I was watching the news about the massive blizzard that hit the Midwest two weeks ago. The snow drifts are reminiscent of the eastern blizzard of long ago. Most people probably don't realize that the blizzard of 1888 started on March 11,1888. Fortunately, your grandmother and great-grandfather lived to tell the tale. Thanks for sharing your story.

Looking for ships that docked during the Blizzard of '88

I am trying to retrace the steps of my grandfather when he came to the U.S. The only thing I know is that his ship docked but no one was allowed off because of the blizzard of '88. A few sources I've come across said the storm happened March 11,1888 until the 14th. is this correct? It is important to me because I am using those dates in searching and Does anyone know of a website to research the names of the ships that were stuck or held over during that storm? I am looking for a ship that would have departed Palermo or another Sicilian port about January or February 1988, and landed at Ellis Island, NY port at or near the time of the '88 blizzard. Having the name of the ship can be used for the search. Can anyone help me?

Weather in 1888

My grandfather was a recent migrant in his teens from Poland to the US sometime about 1886-1890. He told me about a time when he was quite young when New York Harbor froze over and he and hundreds of other New Yorkers walked across the harbor on the ice. Has anyone else heard this story? Did the Harbor freeze during the blizzard of '88? I'd love to learn more about this.

Blizzard of 1888

Hi Carrie: Your grandfather was telling the truth. The East River froze over during the Blizzard of 1888 allowing people to walk back and forth between Brooklyn and New York. In 2013, an article published in the Gothamist reported: "New Yorkers used to walk over the frozen rivers on Ice Bridges" The dates noted from 1813 to 1875. The year 1821 had an immense ice flow. Someone "built a temporary tavern on the ice of the North River, midway between New York and Hoboken and dispensed eatables and drinkables to travelers between the two states." The term North River is no longer commonly used and refers to the southernmost portion of the Hudson River between New York City and northeastern New Jersey. This recent polar vortex froze up the Hudson River. The Coast Guard cutter broke up the ice to ease the flow of commercial traffic. Thanks for sending your comments.


Hello, Have you any idea how many people may have died in Albany New York during the blizzard?

Deaths in Albany 1888

Hello Robin. You pose an interesting question. How many people died in Albany during the blizzard of 1888? There were over 400 deaths from the storm, about 200 people died in New York City. Published sources indicates that Albany received 48 inches of snow. These published sources did not indcate deaths in Albany due to the storm. I suggest that you contact Ask the Librarian at Keep in mind that records for this period are probably incomplete. Some people may have died from natural causes. If you find out the answer, please let me know.

Great Blizzard of 1888

My great grandmother arrived in New York City from Scotland on March 19, 1888. What a sight that must have been! At least the ship made it to port.

Port Arrival

Thank you Richard for your comments. Your great-grandmother witnessed one of the great storms in New York City history. That would have been an experience that she didn't forget.

blizzard of 1888 death records

I was wondering if there was any way to confirm a death during that time? We think that our great grandmothers twin sister perished in the storm at the age of ten.

1888 Blizzard Albany, NY

My grandmother was born in Albany during the blizzard and her brother had to climb out of the second story window to get the doctor because they could not open up the door. My great grandfather was one of the people who built the million dollar staircase in the capital building.

Blizzard of 1888

Hi Gerri. What an amazing family story about the birth of your grandmother and your great-grandfather constructing the capital's staircase. As I had wrote in my blog about the Blizzard of 1888, there was no modern technology to help you. I imagine that the doctor had to climb up to the second story on the snow. After this weekend blizzard, I was comparing the ferocity of 1888 to that of 2016. Blizzards have the power to knock out electricity and stop all transportation.

Grandfather's parent or parents may have died during the storm

My grandfather was born in October 1887 and was placed in the New York Foundling home, located at 175 East 68th street, in New York City around the time of the storm in March '88. Since then, they say fire has burned any records they may have had of his parents or why he was placed there. I have gotten results back from DNA testing from my dad's YDNA and thought if I could find a list of people that may have died in the storm that maybe I could find a match. Do you know of a list anywhere of the people that died in New York that Spring?

Grandfather's History of the Blizzard

Hello Barb. You have a very interesting family history about your grandfather and the blizzard. I may have been asked this question before but I do not know of any comprehensive list for those individuals who died in the storm. If as you said, the records were destroyed copies would not exist.
According to family oral history, my grandfather arrived in NY during the Blizzard of 1888. Kathy might search for immigration records from Castle Garden. I don't think Ellis Island was functioning in 1888. I was told my grandfather came in to the U.S. through Castle Garden which was somewhere in the vicinity of South Street Seaport.

snow storm of 1888 and the Adirondacks

I am researching this storm for a book and trying to find articles about this storm and how affected places like Saranac Lake, Tupper Lake, and Long Lake, NY.

Researching for Publication

For research, I would suggest that you examine copies of 19th century newspapers and recommend that you contact NYPL Ask A Librarian

The Great Blizzard of '88

Hi Kathy, Another Kathy here. I am also trying to research my grandfather's immigration to the United States. One of my cousins tells me that he was born in Menfi Sicily and that his ship could not dock because of the 'Great Blizzard of 1988', which happened March 11th - March 14th, 1988. And yes, as other posters have said, the passengers were not allowed off the ship because this Nor'easter dumped as much as 40-50 inches of snow and paralyzed the city. The East River was frozen over, and the roads were blocked because of all the snow. You see, back then New York City did not have snow plows they way we do now; so people came out and used hand shovels to clean the roads. Matter of fact, that one storm was the reason New York City created the snow removal sanitation department. It took about 6-8 weeks for a ship to travel from Italy to the east coast back then. A hard journey, to be sure. Travelers were not well off during the 1800's, and didn't travel with much. Many got sick and some died during that long delay in docking. Getting back to our grandparents... The problem is this: We will not find any records from Ellis Island in FamilySearch because Ellis Island opened on January 1st 1892. That would make it about 4 years *after* our grandparents arrived here. Record keeping for Ellis Island ended in 1954; until it was closed on January 4th 2016. Okay, what does this all mean to folks like you or I? Well, the ship that they came in on didn't use Ellis Island... They docked in a Manhattan Port! What makes matters worse for me, anyway is the fact that I cannot find his birth records because of the 1968 Belice earthquake that destroyed many buildings where the Sicilian records were kept. Bottom line is... I do not know the name of his ship and also have no idea where to find immigration records for ships docking in a Manhattan Port. Good luck to you in your search.