
My Library: Veronica

"I could do better than the men.""I could do better than the men."
So, Veronica, you’ve been a custodian for…how long have you worked for NYPL? 
25 years.
How long in this building? 
10 years off and on, I was willed back here by the spirit of Willa Cather! (note: there is a portrait of author Willa Cather in the library’s auditorium). Willa Cather willed me back here after being away at other branches, she decided she wasn’t—
She wasn’t being cleaned enough?
Exactly! She needed someone like me to hold her up ‘til she became rehabbed. (Laughs)
So what do you like most about your job?
Going around meeting everybody and having the experience of going to different communities. Jefferson Market is my first baby and I will never give her up and if she calls me back I will always come.
Awwwww… What’s your favorite part of the building?
I can’t tell you that (laughs)—Because I have no favorite part. For every librarian in this building, my job is to see to it that they are comfortable and that they pretty much have everything they need to function normally.
Thank you—I hardly ever have to deal with you because you just take care of business, supporting us in ways we don’t even realize—
That’s because I’m nosy!
You also get a lot done!
I have to move around the building and be a part of all the functions whether they like it or not—I’m all in it!
So would you say you are house proud?
Hmmm—I’m waiting for my baby to get some lipstick and this important building needs all the help she can get—but when I’m here we have a glow!
So what’s your LEAST favorite part of the job?
I have no least favorite, I picked to be a porter—I came off the clerical desk to be a porter—if the men can’t handle it we have to show them who can so I decided I didn’t like what I was seeing with the cleaning team so I decided to be a part of it.
And you wanted to be a part of it because you thought you could…
I COULD do better than the men, I have proved that.
So you like NYPL?
I’m never going to leave NYPL it took me too long to get here—I was trying to get into NYPL since the '70s but I was rejected—but I was accepted to NYPL when I came to the interview in a beautiful suit!
So you didn’t dress like a hooligan!
Exactly! We had strict rules then. But once I got in the door…
Any movies you are watching or anything you are reading or listening to?
I do it all—I watch movies I listen to books—I like the audio books they’re my favorite. 
Anything to recommend?
Oh, pretty much no one would like to know what I like to read but…
You can be down and dirty—you don’t have to be high-falutin’!
I like the dirty books, yes….
Like Zane dirty?
(Veronica gives us a “look”)
Ok, thanks Veronica! This was fun!


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I have know Ms. Veronica Sheppard for the whole twenty five years that she has served the NYPL. I only can say well done. As she has stated Jefferson Market has always been her baby once she was tranfer from another branch. I wish her well. Ms. Sinda Johnson LTAII (BPSE) SASB

My Library

Thank you,Pass the Love... I hope you found "MY LIBRARY" helpful and Joyful When making your next reading selections.RVS


Job well done Sis.....and I do hope Jefferson Market gets the facelift it deserves while you're still around to care for it. 25yrs I couldn't done better myself.... Gloria Sheppard


THANK YOU! PASS THE LOVE... I hope you found "My Library" helpful and joyful when making your next reading selections. RVS


One leg up for the workers behind the scene!

Oh My...She's Famous

Love you are not playing around. If there is no one else I know who takes their job serious...I can attest to knowing 1 person who does..YOU..with all that you have been through with NYPL, you would not let them get you down..."I just go in, do my job, and they should just leave me alone"...a RVS quotable.