Orchestra Collection

First Floor (Plaza Level)

Phone: (212) 870-1624

Email:  orchlib@nypl.org

Fully accessible to wheelchairs

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
CLOSED 12:00 PM - 
2:00 PM
CLOSED 6:00 PM - 
8:00 PM

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The Orchestra Collection is a fee-based lending library used by community, student and professional performing organizations. The Collection contains scores and parts for orchestral, choral, operatic and solo vocal works. It is part of The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts. The Collection is located on the first floor of the Library at Lincoln Center. Hours are Tuesdays, from 12-2 p.m., and Thursdays, from 6-8 p.m.

For all organizations, there is an additional fee of $35.00 per title for the use of complete operas and ballets.


The Orchestra Collection lends materials to organizations, not individuals. We require representatives of the orchestra, typically conductors or librarians, to apply for use of the collection on the official stationery of the orchestra or its sponsor. Application for borrowing privileges must be renewed annually. You will need to bring three items on the day you register:

  • A letter on the organization's stationery expressing interest to use the collection
  • Payment (cash or check made out “NYPL Orchestra Collection”) of $95
  • Application (can be filled out on site)


Holdings of the Collection are now found within the main NYPL Catalog. Here is the procedure for searching:

  1. Go to the Legacy Catalog.
  1. Choose keyword and then type "orchestra collection" (in quotes) and the name of the composer and/or piece you want (e.g., "Orchestra Collection" AND Beethoven mount olives)

Rules of the Collection

  1. Sets may be reserved one month in advance of the checkout date.  Please note that placing a folder on reserve, whether picked-up or not, will count as an item checked-out.
  2. Materials must be checked out in person during the Collection’s office hours by a registered borrower of the orchestra.
  3. Borrowing is limited to complete sets of orchestra music. Individual instrumental parts are not available for loan.
  4. A maximum of five (5) titles may be borrowed at one time.
  5. Sets are loaned for ten (10) weeks. This will be enforced and fines will be levied.
  6. Returns: Materials may be returned directly to the Collection during office hours or by appointment.
  7. Materials are due on or before the date shown in the “Date Due” space on the circulation slip. 
  8. It is the obligation of the borrower to replace any and all missing parts and/or scores. These replacements must be either the same edition as the rest of the set or a substitute edition approved by the Orchestra Collection Librarian. The Orchestra Collection may provide guidance in seeking a source for providing the missing material but the actual transaction and payment are the responsibility of the borrowing orchestra. 
  9. There will also be a minimum fine of $100.00 for any missing part for which no replacement can be found.
  10. All missing parts must be returned/replaced within one week from date of the return of the set.  Borrowing privileges are suspended until all missing part issues have been rectified.
  11. If three (3) or more sets are returned incomplete within one season, then the group’s privileges will be suspended indefinitely. All fines must be paid and missing parts must be returned/replaced or accrued fines and fees will be turned over to an outside collections agency.
  12. The New York Public Library for the Performing Arts provides this service at its discretion, and reserves the right to cancel the registration of any organization that is unable or unwilling to conform to the rules and procedures of the Orchestra Collection.
  13. The Collection does not, at any time, guarantee the availability of any music, nor do we vouch for the completeness or physical condition of our holdings.