Short-Term Research Fellowship recipients

2024-2025 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

    Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center

    • Sinjini Chatterjee, “Do not treat us like mindless dupes or victimized agents of reform!”: Mahari Art as Shared Expressions of Resistance
    • Alison D'Amato, Out of Oblivion: Carmelita Maracci in Los Angeles 
    • Nora Grimes, Legacies of Resistance: Women Theatre-Makers and Nationalist Mythmaking Onstage in Dublin's Abbey Theatre and New York's Little Theatres
    • Daniele Palma, US pedagogies of Singing: Transnational circulation and cultural imaginaries (1890-1950)
    • Laura MacDonald, The Broadway Musical's Transnational Journeys: Circulating American Dreams in Europe and East Asia
    • Giles Masters, Transatlantic Internationalism: The ISCM Festival and American Musical Modernism, c. 1922–1960
    • Mary McAvoy, A Time to Do Their Part: The Unsettled A History of Women, Children, and Theatre in the United States, 1890-1950
    • Amanda Moehlenpah, The “Sauvage” on Stage:  Ballet Pantomime, (Dis)ability, and 18th-century Ideas of Race    
    • Jose Luis Segura Maldonado, Indigenous Modernism and Non-repetition Atonalism in Six Strings: Towards a New Critical Edition of the Music for Guitar Written by Carlos Chávez
    • Alexander Sergeant, Hollywood Lambs: Examining the Influence of NY's Oldest Acting Society on the Early US Film Industry
    • Caroline Shadle, Mapping Dance in the Chicago Federal Theatre Project (1935-1939): Federal Arts Funding, Artistic Experimentation, and Urban Social Networks    
    • Erika Villeroy da Costa, Dancing the black diaspora in New York: Mercedes Baptista and the Clark Center for the Performing Arts

    Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture 

    • Ibrahim Anoba, Colonizing African Spirituality: Litigating ‘Witchcraft’ and Ritual Healing in Colonial Nigeria (1850-1960)
    • Elizabeth Bergman, Selling Celebrity: Dancing Idols and Icons in Right On! Teen Magazine, 1971–1990
    • Anthony Grant, Slavery in the U.S., Caribbean, and Africa, and How It Produced Cultures That Shaped Attitudes and Behaviors Amongst African American, Caribbean, and African People
    • Jeffreen Hayes, Augusta Savage: Leading as a Race Woman
    • Jajuan Johnson, Black Church Burnings in the Wake of Freedom: Terror, Survival, and Reclamation
    • Jordan Klevdal, ‘A Palette of Infinite Gray’: Roy DeCarava, the Artist’s Book and the Poetic Image    
    • Nafeesa Muhammad, The Nation of Islam and Black Nationalism in Atlanta, 1955-1975
    • Delarys Ramos Estrada, Funny ha-ha, funny strange: Blackness, Interpretation, and Theatricality
    • Brandon Render, Colorblind Universities: The Making and Unmaking of Race in Higher Education    
    • Kalvin Schmidt-Rimpler Dinh, Symbols and Cymbals: On Afro-Surreal Expressionism
    • Noah Secondo, Race War: Paramilitarism and Resistance in the Long Red Summer          
    • Yana Shtilman, Public Image, Private Lives: Creating the Image of the New Negro Woman in the Harlem Renaissance (1920-1945)    
    • Ashley Steenson, Blacklisted Women: Tallulah Bankhead, Lillian Hellman, and Fredi Washington
    • Cheryl Toman, Intersection of Women’s Writing and Photography in Mali  

    Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture & Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

    • Darcy Buerkle, Surgeons of Democracy:  Transnational Antifascism, Gender and Race, 1930-1955                
    • Emily Ann Francisco, Casting Feminine Space: Gender and the American Sculpture Garden        

    Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

    • Robin Bates, University of Cambridge, The United States Sanitary Commission and the Civil War Pension System
    • Mian Chen, Between Chongqing and New York: Transnational Networks of Chinese Communist Propaganda in Republican China             
    • Julián Delgado Lopera, Queena                        
    • Douglas Foster, Jonathan Schell's Sherman Park Reconsidered      
    • Frank Garrett, Textual Analysis of Józef Czechowicz's Poetry                  
    • Marc Gotthardt, ‘Freedom’s Second Dawn’: Traces of Transatlantic Revolutionary Thought in the Hunt-Byron-Shelley Circle of The Liberal         
    • Zoe Guttenplan, ‘Your hands will always be covered with ink’: Modernist book design and networks of women-run presses in the early twentieth century.           
    • Eva Isherwood-Wallace, Laura Riding's Sculptural Selves                        
    • Dmitrii Ivanov, Russian-Language Anarchist Press in the United States (c. 1910-c.1960)                        
    • Nicole Khayat, From Palestine to New York: The Antique Trade from the Late 19th Century to WWII                        
    • Génesis Lara, Mobilizing Grief: Dominican Feminisms and Caribbean Human Rights      
    • Edú Levati, Hemispheric Negotiations: the United States’ Recognition of Brazilian Independence 
    • Ivan Matijasic, Displaced Jewish classical scholars in the USA: Evidence from the Emergency Committee in Aid of Displaced Foreign Scholars               
    • Michael McGalliard, A Farewell to Arms?: US Debates over War and Militarism in the 1920s and 1930s 
    • Alex McPhee-Browne, The Tortuous Road: The Extreme Right in Twentieth-Century America
    • Katie Mulkowsky, Cross-Bronx, South Circular: The health impacts of highway development in New York and London 
    • Diane Mutti Burke, Scattered to the Four Winds of the Earth: The Civilian Refugee Crisis in the American Civil War
    • Dara Orenstein, What Was the World Trade Center? A Local History of the Global City 
    • Camille Paysant, Pioneering women in artistic institutions in the US at the turn of the 19th and 20th Centuries: The legacy of Cornelia Bentley Sage Quinton and Leila Mechlin 
    • Craig Phillips, Early European Mapping of the Religions of the World and the Emergence of the Academic Study of Religion 
    • Keara Sebold, A Morbid Affection: Romance, Murder, and the Emergence of the Lesbian Threat 
    • Nicholas Shatan, A spatial politics of income and expense: Techniques of affordable housing development, 1960 - 1999 
    • Jens van de Maele, Office Work and Office Workers in U.S. Comics, 1918-1960s  

    2023-2024 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

      Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center

      • Lisa Kolosek, Independent Researcher, Parmenia Migel Ekstrom
      • Attila Kornel-Markula, University of Vechta, Images of Beethoven in Anglo-American Exile Communities (1938-1945)
      • Ruari Paterson-Achenbach, University of Cambridge, Arthur Russell: the Queer Outsider
      • Ellen Peck, Jacksonville State University, "Hey, Look Me Over!": Carolyn Leigh's American Songbook
      • Kristopher Pourzal, University of Maryland, College Park, Historicizing Clark Center: Recovering African American Concert Dance Lineages of New York City
      • Elizabeth Rouget, Princeton University, Dance as Translation: Establishing French Opera, Ballet, and Circus in Early North America, 1780-1810
      • Shannon Skelton, Kansas State University, "The Playwright's the Thing": The Playwrights Unit, 1963-1972
      • Michael Solem, Texas State University, Lou Reed's Geography: Archival Research at the Intersection of Music and Place
      •  Paul Michael Thomson, University of Massachusetts at Amherst, "It's real to me": Super Soul, Shifting Consciousness, and Seeing THE WIZ Through a Black Arts Movement Lens

      Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

      • Gbenga Adesina, Independent Researcher, The African Burial Ground: Public Memory, Narrative, and Reckoning
      • Jennifer Aycock, Emory University, A Critical Biography Concerning the Life and Thought of Lewis Garnet Jordan
      • Miriam Emefa Dzah, Independent Researcher, Year(s) of Return: Pan-Africanist imaginaries and the (de)politicisation of African American heritage travel and expatriation to Ghana
      • Manar Ellethy, Leiden University Roosevelt Institute for American Studies, Paying the Dues: Early Black Documentary Film and the Quest for Truth
      • Irishia Hubbard, University of Utah, Reimagining Screendance: Reclamation of Black Aesthetics in Dance Film History
      • Jill Kelly, Southern Methodist University, Zamindlela Conco and the Voices of Liberation
      • Sarah King, University of South Carolina Aiken, Crossing the Big Muddy: The Vietnam War, the Revival of Left-Wing Celebrity Activism, and the Transformation of American Popular Culture
      • Jennifer Samain Lockwood, George Mason University, Ann Petry's Wake Work
      • Kevin Moseby, University of Akron, Changing the Color of HIV/AIDS Prevention: Black American Advocacy & Activism from the Dawn of the Epidemic
      • Melissa Parrish, Smith College, The "Evidence of Being" in Essex Hemphill's Poetry and Performance in the Age of AIDS

         Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

      • Robin Bates, University of Cambridge, The United States Sanitary Commission and the Civil War Pension System
      • Heather Bouwman, University of St. Thomas, Research in Blaeu’s Atlas Major as part of a novel project
      • Emily Cox, Yale University, In the Penal Colony: Craft and Incarceration on Sakhalin Island
      • Griffin Creech, University of Pennsylvania, Buriats Beyond Borders: Making and Unmaking Multi-Layered Citizens in the Russia-Mongolia Borderlands, 1890-1938
      • Brendon Floyd, University of Missouri Columbia, On Strange Tides: Irish Radicalism in the Revolutionary Atlantic, 1793-1816
      • Catherine Gander, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Extending the document: Transmedial poetics and the legacy of Muriel Rukeyser
      • Rina Goldfield, Yale University, Cloudy Days and Buttonholes
      • Quinton Huang, University of British Columbia, A Squatter History of Postwar Hong Kong
      • Richard Huddleson, University College Dublin, Catalan Youth and Catalan-Language Print Cultures in the Americas
      • Theresa Kaminski, Independent Scholar, The Jazz-Age Feminism of Jane Grant
      • Evan Kindley, Pomona College, Still in the Published City: A New History of the New York School of Poets
      • Justin McDaniel, University of Pennsylvania, Rare Siamese Manuscripts in the New York Public Library
      • Laura McGrath, Temple University, Middlemen: Literary Agents and the Making of Contemporary American Literature
      • Mateo Montoya, Harvard University, Novatores: The New Sciences of Governance among the Jesuits and Guaraní in Colonial Latin America
      • Katie Sagal, Cornell College, Transatlantic Specimens: Women and Marine Ecology of the Eighteenth Century 
      • Jeff Stilley, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Solidarity Against Industrial Kaisers: How Marginalized Workers Organized the Kansas City General Strike of 1918 
      • Rishona Zimring, Lewis & Clark College,  Olive and Al: A Story of Partnership in Life, Law, and Letters

      2022-2023 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

        Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center

        • Angela Ahlgren, Bowling Green State University, Backstage Boss: Ruth Mitchell and the Invisible Labor of Stage Management
        • Omonike Akinyemi, Independent Researcher, Manuel Alum: Close to the Earth
        • Samantha Arten, Washington University, Making Notes: Print, Music, and Readers in Tudor England
        • Zan Cammack, Utah Valley University, Seeing Wilde Songs: Charles T. Griffes's Synaesthesiaic Musical Settings of Oscar Wilde’s Poetry
        • William Everett, University of Missouri Kansas City, The Broadway Musical in 1924: Ghosting the Past and Forging the Future
        • Jane Fries, Independent Researcher, Marian Ban Tuyl: A Life in Dance
        • Amanda Hamp, University of New Mexico, Moving Beneath & Beyond the Visual: Socio-Somatic Dance in the Twenty-First Century
        • Sarah Horowitz, Boston University, Designing Postwar American Performing Arts Centers, 1955-1971
        • Alexandra LaGrand, Texas A&M University, Prompting Ada Rehan: Gender, Comedy, and Text in Performance
        • Kim Miller, Milwaukee Institute of Art and Design, Doing is Thinking: Rehearsing the Human Through Social Choreography
        • Maya Sonenberg, University of Washington, Adjacent, Against, Upon, Because: Essays about Merce Cunningham
        • Reba Wissner, Columbus State University, Sounds Suitable for Any Situation: Television Music Library Books in the Early Network Era

        Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

        • Mickell Carter, Auburn University, Stylin' Black Power: Fashion, Dignity, and Masculinity
        • Taylor Coleman, SUNY Buffalo, "Garveyism in Conversation": Black Latinx Intellectuals, Garveyism, and the Struggle Between Race and Nation
        • Kumera Genet, Boston University, The Networks and Roads to Cali: International Black Organizing and Knowledge Production at the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Americás (1977)
        • John Kapusta, University of Rochester, Sonny Rollins, Yogi
        • Olivia Polk, Yale University, "We Can Dream the Dark:" Black Lesbianism and the Ethic of Black Queerness
        • Alec Pollak, Cornell University, The Right to Repair: Literary Estates, Copyright Law, and Authorial Afterlives
        • Alison Posey, Kansas Sate University, Translating Black Lives Matter in Desirée Bela-Lobedde’s Being a Black Woman in Spain
        • Lotfi Sayahi, SUNY Albany, Language Policies and Language Use in Spanish Morocco
        • Deanna Witowski, University of Pittsburgh, Catholic Parishes, Jazz Composers, and Music Commissions in the 1960s: The Harlem Vicariate, Eddie Bonnemère, and Mary Lou Williams

        Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

        • Roann Barris, Radford University, Reclaiming and Redefining Exhibitions of Russian Art
        • Danielle Canter, University of Delaware, The Singular Impression: Monotype in Nineteenth Century France
        • Casey Carsel, Independent Researcher, For the Healthy and For the Dead
        • Harlow Crandall, Middle Tennessee State University, New York School of Poetry to Punk Rock
        • Tyler Goldberger, College of William and Mary, The Shifting Considerations of Human Rights and Historical Memory Pertaining to United States-Spain Relations, 1936-1991
        • Thomas Hallock, University of South Florida, The Epic of Florida: Poems by Juan de Castellanos, Bartolomé de Flores, and Alonso Gregorio de Escobedo
        • Chad Levinson, Virginia Tech, The Credibility Cartel
        • Sarah Lund, Harvard University, The Matrix of Citizenship: Female Printmakers in Revolutionary France 1789-1848
        • Hope McCaffrey, Northwestern University, Free-State White Women in Antebellum Democratic Politics 
        • Roger Mitchell, Indiana University Bloomington, A Jean Garrigue Reader
        • Tinashe Mushakavanhu, University of Oxford, African Eyes on a Romantic Archive
        • Aine Nakamura, Humbolt Universität Berlin, Poetics of Peace
        • Chelsea Spencer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, The Contract, the Contractor, and the Capitalization of the American Building, ca. 1865-1930
        • Phoebe Springstubb, Massachusettes Institute of Technology, The Inhabited Arctic: Indigenous Built Environments and American Empire in Alaska and the Far North, 1850-1980
        • Nick Sturm, Georgia State University, After the Last Avant-Garde: Researching New York School Writing Communities
        • Shirley Tung, Kansas State University, Creating Cosmopolitanisms: Eighteenth-Century Women Travel Writers and the Re-imagination of Identity 
        • Laura Vorachek, University of Dayton, The Society of Women Journalists, 1894-1914
        • Haleigh Yaspan, University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry, Attitudes and Practices around Birth Control in Progressive Era New York City
        • Naomi Yavneh Klos, Loyola University New Orleans, Jewish Participation in the "Temple of Religion" at the 1939 World's Fair
        • Yacov Zohn, University of Wisconsin Madison, Homo Sovieticus Goes to Extra Time: Constructing the Soviet Image in Soccer (1946-1992)

          2021-2022 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

          Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center

          • Emily Coates, Yale University, Science Dances, a multimedia project
          • Christopher Corbo, Rutgers University, "Forms and Norms: Melodrama’s Reimagining at the Dawn of Modern American Theatre, 1890–1929"
          • Kasey Graham, Independent Scholar, Keep it Gay; Broadway’s Love Affair with Queer Humor
          • Julianne Lindberg, University of Nevada-Reno, "Depression-Hit Stage Children”: Youth and Adolescence in Babes in Arms (1937)
          • Amanda Moehlenpah, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Danced Emotion: The Relationship of Performance to Audience"
          • Tony Perucci, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, On the Horizontal: Mary Overlie and The Viewpoints
          • Laura Pita, Columbia College-Jefferson City, "Louis Moreau Gottschalk's Mentorship and Influence on the Early Musical Career of Teresa Carreno, 1862-1866: Transnational Musical-Literary Networks and the Shaping of the Virtuosic Culture in the Americas"
          • Gillian Rodger, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, The Music of Tony Pastor's Theater
          • Max Schmeder, Independent Scholar, "Empire of Harmony: Modulation, Science, and Power in Georgian England"
          • Miya Shaffer, University of California-Los Angeles, Interpreting Mixed-Race: Theorizing a Multiracial Analytic for North American Dance

          Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

          • Christopher Adams, University of London, "A Publishing History of Queer British Fiction, 1945-1967"
          • Lauren Arrington, National University of Ireland-Maynooth, "Radical Women of the WPA"
          • Arthur Banton, Tennessee Technological University, "The Harlem Playground Movement, 1934-1950"
          • Sharika Crawford, United States Naval Academy, Recovering the African American Expatriate Experience in Ghana
          • Sherita Cuffee, Montclair State University, "Learning from Past Creative Entrepreneurs of Color: A Sankofa Approach to Business Planning Creative Enterprises"
          • Merve Fejzula, University of Missouri-Columbia, When Negritude was in Vogue: The Structural Transformation of the Black Public Sphere, 1947-77
          • Aldwyn Hogg, Jr., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, "Black Sonic Techpoetics: Sound, Music, Race, and Technology in Twentieth-Century America, 1908-1972"
          • Khadija Khan, London School of Economics and Political Science, "Expressions of “Empire Consciousness”: Afro-Asian Conversations on Resisting U.S. Imperialism through Music, 1955 – 1966"
          • Martha Patterson, McKendree University, A New Edition of The New Negro: Readings on Race, Representation, and African American Culture, 1892-1938
          • Tara Pixley, Loyola Marymount University, Rebel Vision: Decolonizing Photojournalism
          • Robyn Spencer, Lehman College, Yours for the Struggle: Pat Robinson and the Archives of Black Women's Radicalism

          Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

          • Quinn Anex-Ries, University of Southern California, Regulating Sexual Liberation: Race, Technology, and the Making of U.S. Sexual Cultures, 1960-1989
          • Jessica Bachman, University of Washington, "Reading Soviet Books in Postcolonial India, 1951-1991"
          • Brigitte Bailey, University of New Hampshire, Antebellum City Texts: Periodical Print Culture and Emergent U.S. Metropolitan Spaces
          • Heesoo Cho, Washington University in Saint Louis, "The Making of the Pacific Ocean in the Early Republic, 1780-1820: How American Merchants Reimagined Ocean Spaces and the World"
          • Hsiao-Yun Chu, San Francisco State University, "Women's Industrial Design Education in the United States: 1850-1914"
          • Eric Denker, National Gallery of Art, Ernest David Roth: Biography and Catalogue
          • Ashleigh Elser, Hampden-Sydney College, Short Bibles and the Aesthetics of Abridgment
          • Scott Kushner, University of Rhode Island, "Moving Crowds to, through, and away from the 1939-40 New York World's Fair"
          • Jocelyn Marshall, State University of New York at Buffalo, "Queered Temporalities and Traumatic Reckonings as Feminist Praxis in 1970s-1980s U.S. Multiethnic Women Writers and Artists"
          • Julie Mellby, Princeton University, The National Poetry Exhibitions
          • Robert Montgomery, Baldwin-Wallace College, Mikhail Bogdanov (1878-1919), the Buryats, and the Khakas: The Intersection of Two Native Siberian Peoples
          • James Pilgrim, Johns Hopkins University, Jacopo Bassano and the Environment of Painting
          • David Schley, Hong Kong Baptist University, Gridlocked: A History of Traffic in New York City before the Automobile
          • Martha Schoolman, Florida International University, Jamaica in 1850: Land, Labor, and Abolitionism in the Hemispheric Nineteenth Century
          • Astrid Tvetenstrand, Boston University, "Buying a View: The Collection and Consumption of Nineteenth Century Landscape Painting through American Second-Home Culture, 1870-1900"
          • Kay Wells, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Uncanny Revivals: Designing Early America during the Rise of Fascism
          • Lucy Whitehead, Cardiff University, Gone West: British Literary Collections and the American Archive
          • Eunice Yu, University of Oxford, "A Printing Dynasty in Venice: The Bertelli and Their Networks"

          2020-2021 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            Library for the Performing Arts, Dorothy and Lewis B. Cullman Center

            • Patricia Akhimie, Rutgers University-Newark, "Editing Shakespeare’s Othello"
            • Ewelina Boczkowska, Youngstown State University, "Composers of the Postwar Polish Diaspora: The Case of Jerzy Fitelberg (1903-1951)"
            • John Brackett, Vance-Granville Community College, “Mutant Disco”: The Disco and Dance Music of Arthur Russell (1978-1984)”
            • Melanie George, Lumberyard Center for Film and Performing Arts, "Jazz in the Margins: Re-Centering Black Artists and Women in Mid-Late 20th Century American Jazz Dance"
            • Hannah Kosstrin, Ohio State University-Columbus, "Kinesthetic Peoplehood: Choreographing Jewish Diaspora"
            • Peter Kunze, Eckerd College, "Productive Women: Gender, Labor, and Broadway Theatrical Production in the 1970s and 1980s"
            • Crystal Song, University of California-Berkeley, “Queering the History of Competitive Ballroom Dance in the United States”
            • Sunny Stalter-Pace, Auburn University, "Modern Spectacle: A History of the New York Hippodrome"
            • Jessica Stearns, University of North Texas, "Indeterminate Music and the City: A Context for Christian Wolff’s Notation"

            Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture

            • Melanie Chambliss, Columbia College-Chicago, “Saving the Race: Black Archives, Black Liberation, and the Making of a New Racial Modernity”
            • Erin Chapman, George Washington University, "The Truth Demands Its Own Equals: The Life of Lorraine Hansberry"
            • Ninoska Escobar, University of Texas-Austin, Pearl Primus: Auto/body/graphy and 21st Century Black Dance
            • Jessica Larson, City University of New York, Building Black Manhattan: The Architecture of Race and Reform, 1857 to 1914
            • Jessica Parr, Simmons University, To Drink Samaria’s Flood
            • Angela Tate, Northwestern, "That's What a Song Can Do: Etta Moten Barnett, Black Chicago, and Performing the Global Freedom Struggle, 1930-1990"

            Stephen A. Schwarzman Building

            • Kathryn Angelica, University of Connecticut, "The Chairman of the Women's Central Relief Association: Louisa Lee Schuyler and the women activists of the United States Sanitary Commission" 
            • Suzanne Boorsch, Yale University, The Musaeum Italicum 
            • Megan Brown, Swarthmore College, Racing Against Decolonization: The Rallye Méditerranée-Le Cap and the Infrastructures of Empire
            • Luke Freeman, University of Minnesota, "The Enlightenment Unbound: Bernard and Picart’s Cérémonies et coutumes religieuses des tous les peuples du monde"
            • Sussanah Hollister, Independent Scholar, A Biography of Kenneth Koch
            • Josie Johnson, Brown University, “Before the Iron Curtain: Margaret Bourke-White’s Early Soviet Photographs”
            • Phillip Koyoumijan, University of Rochester, “Maps and the Making of Geographical Knowledge in Britain, 1660-1730”
            • Natalia Koulinka, University of California-Santa Cruz, "The Union of Pen and Hammer: Socialist Revolution in Russia and the Search for a New Social Cohesion"
            • Frances Lazare, University of Southern California, "A Vanguard of Friends: Sociability and Collaboration in the New York School’s Milieu "
            • Emily Lyon, Northwestern University, "Domesticating Difference: White Women, Visual Culture, and America’s Empire at the Turn of the Century"
            • Atsede Makonnen, Johns Hopkins University, “The Actual Sight of the Thing”: Visualizing Blackness in 19th Century Britain
            • Caroline Foster Marris, Columbia University, "The 'Silver Sea' and the Nation-State: The Multifaceted Geopolitics of the Early Modern English Channel"
            • Smoki Musaraj, Ohio University, "Albanian Culture, Literature, and Ethnography at the New York Public Library"
            • Ani Ohanian, Clark University, "Perpetuation of Atrocity and the Armenian Genocides Influence within Bolshevik, Kemalist, and Armenian Relations, 1917-1921"
            • Emily Setina, University of Nevada-Las Vegas, A Biography of Kenneth Koch
            • McKayla Sluga, Michigan State University, “Brokers and Negotiators of Modernism: Interwar Institutions of Modernist Art and Film in New York City”
            • Orianne Smith, University of Maryland-Baltimore County, Romanticism, Revolution and Witchcraft
            • Claudia Stokes, Trinity University, "Anonymous was a Woman: Anonymity and the Nineteenth-Century American Woman Writer"
            • John Sullivan, Northwestern University, "Cartographies of Curiosity: Herman Moll’s The World Described"
            • Megan Walsh, St. Bonaventure University, Bad Archives: Extra-Illustration and Information Management in the Nineteenth-Century U.S.
            • April White, Independent Scholar, "The Divorce Colony: The Women Who Pioneered Modern Divorce on the American Frontier"
            • Amy Worthen, Des Moines Art Center, "Fra Gasparino Borro di Venezia’s Commentaries on Sacrobosco’s Sphæra Mundi, 1490 and 1494"

            2019-2020 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            • Juliane Adams, Vanderbilt University, Preparation of Lady Mount Cashell's manuscript Selene for publication
            • Autumn Allen, "From Integration to Protest: Growing into the Black Power Movement" 
            • Hamza Baig, Yale University, "Spirit in Opposition: Malcom X and the Question of Palestine" 
            • Hadji Bakara, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, "Governments of the Tongue: A Literary History of Human Rights" 
            • Sara Bakerman, University of Southern California, "A Penomenon Called Katharine Hepburn: Nostalgia and Aging, Female Stardom on Broadway, 1967-1982" 
            • Katherine Benton-Cohen, Georgetown University, "Copper Capital: The Phelps Dodge Corporation and its Legacy" 
            • Henry Bial, University of Kansas, "The Tastemakers: New York Theatre Critics and the Making of American Culture" 
            • Jeanne Bonner, University of Connecticut, "Translating the Untranslatable: Holocaust Imagery in the Works of Italian Women Writers" 
            • Tyler Bunzey, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, "Writing in the Breaks: On the Textuality of Hip-Hop"
            • Samuel Cushman, University of California Santa Cruz., "Music of the World's Peoples: Henry Cowell's Innovative Music Curricula of the 1930s"
            • Lee Ann Custer, University of Pennsylvania,  "Urban Voids: Picturing Light, Air, and Negative Space in New York, 1890-1930"
            • Pichaya Damrongpiwat, Cornell University, "Materiality in Eighteenth-Century Epistolary Fiction"
            • Jessica Friedman, University of California San Diego, "Dancing a Demand for Space: The Interventions of Sophie Maslow and Pearl Primus in the American Cultural and Economic Commons at the 92nd Street YM-YWHA"
            • Brenna Greer, Wellesley University, "Issues of Color: Black Popular Magazines and the Business of African American Life"
            • Karen Gross, Lewis and Clark College, "This is Not the End: The Apocalypse in Medieval England" 
            • Jacob Harris, University of Chicago, Exquisite Schemes: Luxury and Global Modernism" 
            • Tracey Johnson, Rutgers University, "Carving Out a Space for Themselves: Black Artists in New York City, 1939-1989" 
            • Derek Muson, University of Missouri Columbia, "A Sense of Place: Phenomenological Discourse and Critical Interpretation of Three of Lanford Wilson's Late-Career Places: Redwood Curtain, Sympathetic Magic, and Book of Days
            • Bryan Norwood, University of Michigan Ann Arbor, "Race, Religion, and the Formation of an American Architectural Profession" 
            • Hayley O'Malley, University of Michigan, "Dreaming Black Cinema: The Filmic Turn in African American Literary Production" 
            • Meenakshi Ponnuswami, Bucknell University, "'For the Have-Nots in a Have Society': Alice Childress’s People's Theatre"
            • Ashley Pribyl, Washington University St. Louis, "Fifty Years of 'Company': Exploring Shifts in Marriage, Gender, and Sexuality Through an American Musical, 1969-2019"
            • Rachel Quinn, University of Houston, "Good Women Die: The Mixed Race Transnationalism of Philippa Duke Schuyler (1931-1967)"
            • Jane Raisch, University of York, "Unmasking the First Facsimiles (1550-1800)"
            • Mark Reeves, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, "Lost Horizons: Anticolonial Internationalism, 1930-1970"
            • Paulette Richards, "Throwing Voice: African American Object Performance"
            • Camille Roccanova, Simmons College, "Humility and Pride: Amy Spingarn and Troutbeck" 
            • Danny Rodriguez, Texas Christian University, "Malcom X, Black Rhetoric and Culture" 
            • Emma Rothberg, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, "Manhood on the March: Civic Manhood, Parading Culture, and Democracy During the Long Gilded Age" 
            • Urmila Seshagiri, University of Tennessee Knoxville, "Virginia Woolf's 'Sketch of the Past'"
            • Tatsiana Shchurko, Ohio State University, "International Feminist Solidarities: The Legacies and Relevance of Friendship Between Black Feminists and State Socialists"
            • Chris Simpkins, University of South Africa, "Hilda Morley: Intersections of Identity and Critical Neglect"
            • Katarzyna Stempniak, Duke University, "Outfitting Paris: Fashion, Space, and the Body in Nineteenth-Century French Literature"
            • Lissette Swydzky, University of Arkansas Fayetteville, "Toy Theaters, Adaptation, and Nineteenth-Century Participatory Culture"
            • Molly Thacker, Georgetown University, "With No One Obligated to Care: A History of Unaccompanied Immigrant Children in the United States" 
            • Andrew Walgren, University of South Carolina, "Media Combat: The Great War and the Transformation of American Culture" 
            • Lillian Willis, "Seeking Accessibility: A Brief History of American Dance Practices for the Blind and Visually Impaired" 

            2018-2019 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            • Cheryl Black, University of Missouri, "Mr. Dave and Madame Butterfuly: David Belasoco's Chinese and Japanese Imaginings" 
            • Jacob Arthur, University of Michigan, Robert Wilson and pop musician Tom Waits
            • Caitlin Brown, Indiana University Bloomington, "Yaddo and Enchantment" 
            • Tamara Butler, Michigan State University, "Rooted Literacies: Black Women's Place-Making and Memory Work on Johsn Island" 
            • Jamie Crosswhite, University of Texas at San Antonio, "The Critical Regionalism of Annie Proulx" 
            • Ann Daly, Brown University, "Hard Money: The Making of a Specie Currency, 1828-1846" 
            • Matthew Davidson, University of Miami, "Haiti Cleaned Up: U.S. Imperial Medicine and the Transofrmation of Health in Haiti, 1915-1934" 
            • Katia Dianina, University of Virginia, "Returned from the West: Restoring Imperial Heritage in Post-Soviet Russia" 
            • Sarah Faulkner, University of Washington, "Jane Porter's National-Historical Novels and the Construction of Paratextual Authority" 
            • Ann Fletcher, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, "Beyond the Horizon of Scene Design: Eugene O'Neill's Influence on American Scenography" 
            • Victoria Fortuna, Reed College, "Concert Dance, Race and Identity in Argentina" 
            • Danielle Funicello, Univeristy of Albany, "The Indelible Mrs. Church: A Woman's Influence in the Early American Period" 
            • Alexander Hoffman, University of Chicago, "Finery, Finance, and Fraudulence: Dressing for Success and Defining Deviance in New York City, 1880-1930" 
            • Colleen Hooper, Point Park University, "Dance as Service: From the 1930s to the 1970s"
            • Rachel Isom, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, "Enthusiastic Poetics and the Woman Writer, 1806-1856"
            • ​Carina Johnson, Pitzer College, "Matters of Appearance: Identity Markers and Complexion in Sixteenth Century Europe"
            • Katherine Karlin, Kansas State University, "Remembering the Forgotten Woman: the Twentieth Century Life of Etta Moten Barnett"
            • Kevin Kim, University of Washington Bothell, "Worlds Unseen:  Henry Wallace, Herbert Hoover, and the Making of Cold War America"
            • Kelsey Kiser, Southern Methodist University, "Secret Selves: Surveillance and Twentieth-Century African-American Literature" 
            • Matthew Knight, Harvard University, "The Irish Language Revival and the American Popular Press, 1857-1893" 
            • Sarah Krasnostein, "A Social History of Women's Crime and Punishment in New York City"
            • Christopher Lee, LaFayette College, "The Audio Recordings of Alex La Guma (1925-1985)"
            • Etta Madden, Missouri State University, "Engaging Italy: American Women, Utopian Visions and Negotiating Transnational Networks"
            • Emily Masghati, University of Chicago, "The Rosenwald Explorers: How the Rosenwald Fellowship Program Transformed Philanthropy and Social Science, 1928-1954"
            • Marci Mazzarotto, "Experimental Art and Research Practices of the Fluxus Avant-Garde"
            • Sarah Miller Davenport, University of Sheffield, "Capital of the World: New York City and the End of the 20th Century" 
            • Clare Mullaney, University of Pennsylvania, "American Imprints: Disability and the Material Text, 1858-1932" 
            • Katherine Preston, William and Mary College, "George Frederick Bristow (1825-1898); New York Composer" 
            • Amy Reading, "Polish: Katherine S. White Edits the New Yorker" 
            • Vanessa Reubendale, University of Minnesota, "Intermedial Labor: Networked Gestures in Cold War American Art" 
            • Joshua Robinson, University of Minnesota, "See What I Wanna See: The Musical Theatre Intervention(s) of Michael John LaChiusa" 
            • Katie Schroeder, Case Western Reserve University, "Salutary Violence: Quarantine and Controversy in Antebellum New York" 
            • Elizabeth Schwall, Northwestern University, "Contested Bodies: Ballet and Disability in Twentieth-Century Cuba"
            • Christina Simko, Williams College, "What We Talk About When We Talk About Terror: Time, Memory, and the Moral Weight of Political Violence" 
            • Madeleine Steiner, University of South Carolina, "The RObber Barons of Show Business: Travelling AMusements and the Development of the American Entertainment Industry, 1970-1910" 
            • Kin-Yan Szeto, Appalachian State University, "Aesthetics East and West: A Study of Cloud Gate Dance Theatre of Taiwan"
            • Kaitlin Tonti, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, "Burning Letters, Keeping Diaries, and Circulating Poetry: Conceptualizing the Fluidity of Spheres in Early American Women’s Life Writing"
            • Hannah Tucker, University of Virginia, "Masters of the Market: Mercantile Ship Captaincy in the Colonial British Atlantic, 1607-1774"
            • Cady Vishniac, University of Michigan, "The Short Stories of Yente Serdatzky"
            • Amber Wingerson, "Lighting in the Gilded Age"

            2017-2018 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            • Bailey Anderson, Davidson College, “Emotions and Mental Health: Disability Aesthetics in Early Modern Dance”
            • Richard D. Benson, II,  Spelman College, “Funding the “Revolution”: Black Power, White Church Money, and the Financial Architects  of Black Radicalism 1966-1976”
            • Kate Bredeson, Reed College, “A Lifetime of Resistance: the Diaries of Judith Malina 1947-2015”
            • Dasha Chapman, Duke University, “Immaterial Transformations: Changing Pedagogies of Haitian Folkloric Dance”
            • Carla Della Gatta, University of Southern California, "The Erasure of Latinidad: The Festival Latino and Theatre History"
            • Ryan Ebright, Bowling Green State University, “Scoring the Body: Meredith Monk’s Atlas and the American Operatic Work “
            • Devin Fitzgerald, Harvard University, “Chinese Information Management in the Early Modern World”
            • Joel Galand, Florida International University, “Oxford Broadway Legacies: Kurt Weill and the American Musical Theater”
            • Ben Gillespie, Johns Hopkins University, “Bowery Blues”
            • Theodore Gordon, University of Chicago,  "Bay Area Experimentalism:  Music and Technology in the Long 1960s" 
            • Michael Haggerty, University of California-Davis, “Filth and Fury: The Politics of Crime and Freedom in Nineteenth Century America”
            • Patricia Herrera, University of Richmond, "Staging America Through Sound: Latino Theatre in the 21st Century"
            • Mary Leighton, Northwestern University, “Transnational Science in Times of Crisis: Rescuing Refugee Scientists  “
            • Amy Lukau, "Dona Beatriz Kimpa Vita & the Feminine Sacred: Traces of Sainthood and Revolution in the Americas”
            • Brooks Marmon, University of Edinburgh, “Rhodesian and Zimbabwean Responses to African Decolonization
            • Regina Mills, University of Texas at Austin , “Afro-Latinx Literary History: Identities and Politics Across the Ethno-Racial Divide”
            • Kevin A. Morrison, Syracuse University, “The Athenaeum Club: Patrons, Professionals, and Bureaucrats, 1824–1930”
            • William H. Mosley, III, The University of Texas at Austin, “Epistemologies of Black Insurgency: Activism, Fiction, Music”
            • Adam Nagourney, Independent Scholar/Writer, “A History of The New York Times: 1977-2016
            • S.N. Nyeck, UCLA, Bidding for Freedom or Dependence? Marcus Garvey, Firestone and the Government Outsourcing in Liberia
            • Tina Peabody , University at Albany, SUNY, “Wretched Refuse: Garbage and the Making of New York City”
            • Roger Rothman, Bucknell University, “Uncritical: Fluxus and the Affirmative Avant-Garde” 
            • Franklin Sammons, University of California –Berkeley, “The Long Life of Yazoo: Land, Finance, and the Political Economy of Dispossession, 1789-1840”
            • Lauren Schachter, University of Chicago, “Deviant Standards in Eighteenth- and Early Nineteenth-Century Writing”     
            • David A. Varel, Case Western Reserve University, “Let the Truth Speak: Lawrence Reddick, the Black History Movement, and the Revolution in American Historical Thought, 1910-1995”
            • Elizabeth Verklan, University of Arizona, “The Politics of Labor and Immigration in the Shadow of the Sweatshop”
            • Elizabeth Welch, University of Texas at Austin, “Look at Bodies:  Dance Index, the Visual Arts, and the Image of Performance in the 1940s”           
            • Marcy Whitebook, University of California, Berkeley, “Necessary Evil or Public Good: The Origins of the Contemporary Early Care and Education Debate in the U.S.”
            • Lucas Wilson, Florida Atlantic University, “The Structures of Postmemory: Portraits of the Post-Holocaust Home in Second-Generation Holocaust Experience”
            • Sarah Winsberg, University of Pennsylvania, “Making Work: Lawyers and the Boundaries of Labor, 1780-1860”

            2016-2017 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            • Lauren Angel, Hot Bodies, Cold War: America Abroad in Person and Performance
            • Rosemary Candelario, Identification in Process: Asian American Dance Theater and Asian New Dance Coalition
            • William L. Coleman, Painting Houses: The Domestic Landscape of the Hudson River School 
            • Paul Conway, Nineteenth Century Photographically Illustrated Books and the Potential of the eBook
            • Amanda Caroline de Oliveira Pereira, The After-life of Slavery in Latin America 
            • Marlo D. David, Experimental Aesthetics: Recovering the Work of Bill Gunn
            • Lauren Duval, Landscapes of Allegiance: Space, Gender, and Military Occupation in the American Revolution
            • Christin Essin, Working Backstage
            • Chantal Frankenbach, Isadora Duncan, Adolf Furtwängler, and German Hellenism
            • Sarah Gardner, Reading During Wartime
            • John J. Garcia, The Making of an Anthology: E.A. Duyckinck's Cyclopedia of American Literature (1855)
            • Christopher Gillett, Catholicism and the Making of Revolutionay Ideologies in the British Atlantic, 1630-1673
            • Jorge L. Giovannetti, Afro-Caribbean Diaspora, Labor, and the Transnational Experience
            • Susannah Jacob, Let Me be Clear
            • John Koegel, The People’s Palace of Entertainment and Americanization: Music and Spectacle at the New York Hippodrome 
            • Aditi Mehta, The Politics of Community-Based Media in the Post-Disaster City
            • Alexandra Montgomery    , Projecting Power in the Dawnland: Colonization Schemes, Imperial Failure, and Competing Visions of the Gulf of Maine World, 1710-1800
            • Angela Moore, Democracy in the Federal Theater: Recovering Hallie Flanagan the Theorist
            • Margaret Pearce, Revealing the invisible: Thematic map techniques in the nineteenth century
            • Jesus Ruiz, Subjects of the King: Bourbon Royalism and the Origins of the Haitian Revolution, 1763-1804. 
            • Leonora Saavedra, The edition of Carlos Chávez's Aztec ballets
            • Leslie A. Schwalm, Racial Knowledge and America's Civil War
            • Emma Stone Mackinnon, An American Dilemma Writ Large: Gunnar Myrdal and the Midcentury Politics of Human Rights
            • David Stromberg, The Satan of Our Time: The Essays of Isaac Bashevis Singer
            • Timothy Whelan, The Correspondence of Mary Hays and her Dissenting Circle, 1792-1843 
            • Mechella Yezernitskaya, War and the Early Russian Avant-Garde, 1900-1917
            • Dan Zborover, From Starr to Cortés: Southern Mexican Ethnographic and Historical Sources at the NYPL

            2015-2016 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            • Jennifer Aubrecht, University of California - Riverside, "Finding Yoga in Dance Archives"
            • Lawrence Bauer, University of Chicago, "Raising Small Citizens: Democracy and the Political Socialization of American Children, 1865-1917"
            • Richard Brown, Occidental College, "John Cage and Avant-Garde Cinema"
            • Finbarr Curtis, Georgia Southern University, "The Economy of American Religious Freedom"
            • Greg Dart, University College London, Complete Works of Charles and Mary Lamb
            • Mara Dauphin, George Washington University, "She's a He: Lynne Carter and the Mid-Century Politics of Femininity"
            • Christina Davidson, Duke University, "Converting Spanish Hispaniola: The AME Church in 20th Century Dominican Republic"
            • Nese Devenot, University of Puget Sound, "Timothy Leary’s “Set and Setting”: Psychedelic Research and Self-Programming"
            • Emily Gale, University of California - Merced, "Sounding Citizenship in Mitch Miller's Sing Along with Mitch"
            • Midori Green, "A Heavy Debt to Pay Women: Female Entrepreneurs’ Role in the Adoption of the Typewriter by Nineteenth-Century Business"
            • Sonia Hazard, Duke University, "The American Tract Society and the Materiality of Print in Antebellum America"
            • Megan Jackson, University of Arizona, "Running Bodies: A Contemporary Art History"
            • Jeannie Kenmotsu, University of Pennsylvania, "Translations in Print:Full-Color Books in Japan, c. 1750-1770"
            • Joshua Kryah, Southern Illinois University, Journey out of Essex
            • Luke Mielke, Macalester College, "Black labor movement history: Cassius, Allen and Johnson"
            • Monica White Ndounou, Tufts University, "Acting Your Color: The Power and Paradox of Acting for Black Americans"
            • Youn-Joo Park, University of Missouri - Columbia, "Behind the Foreign Desk at The New York Times: Communications of Foreign Correspondents with the Home Office"
            • Brent Salter, Yale University, Agent (Author)ity: The American Play Company, Copyright and the Demise of the American Playwright
            • Christel ​​Schmidt, A Biography of Minnie Maddern Fiske (1864-1932)
            • Mark Schoenfield, Vanderbilt, "The Palimpsest of Justice: Law, Narrative, and the Romantic Self"
            • Jenny Scholick, University of California-Los Angeles, "Choreographing New York"
            • Jonathan Senchyne, University of Wisconsin-Madison, "The Bibliographic Thought of Henry Harrisse"
            • David Roth Singerman, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, "Purity and Power in the American Sugar Empire: Science, Labor, and Capital, 1860-1930"
            • Jessica Werneke, University of Texas - Austin, "Soviet Photography in America: An Introduction to the New York Public Library’s Slavic, East European and Baltic Collection"
            • Gregory Witkowski, Indiana University, "Answering the Call: Nonprofits after the 9/11 Attacks"
            • Shi Xia, New College of Florida, "Reconfiguring Traditions: Gender, Philanthropy, and Public Life in Early Twentieth-Century China"

            2014-2015 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            • Kate Addleman-Frankel, University of Toronto, "Héliogravure and the Art of Reproduction, 1825–1869.”
            • Adam Coombs, Indiana University, "Aesthetics of Black Entrepreneurship in 20th Century US Culture."
            • Ninoska M’bewe Escobar, University of Texas-Austin, "Wrought with Light and Dreams: Auto/Body/Graphy and the Persistence of Pearl Primus."
            • Susanna W. Gold, Temple University, "The Color of My Father: Trans-racial Identification in American Visual Culture."
            • Joseph Christian Greer, University of Amsterdam, “The PC is the LSD of the 1990s”: The Role of Timothy Leary’s Technophilic Esotericism in Cyberpunk Literature.
            • Hilary Havens, University of Tennessee “From Manuscript to Print: Revising the Eighteenth-Century Novel.”
            • Yasmine Marie Jahanmir, University of California-Santa Barbara, “Bathing Beauties”: Gender, Nationalism, and Parody in Theatrical and Competitive Synchronized Swimming.
            • Nicole M. Leopoldie, University of Texas at Arlington and Université Paris- Diderot, “The Franco-American Love Affair: Transnational Marriage and Cultural Infatuation in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Century.”
            • Alfred L. Martin, University of Texas-Austin, "Celluloid Motown: Motown Productions, The Wiz and the Recuperation of Authentic Blackness."
            • Megan Metcalf, University of California-Los Angeles, “Dancing is a Process that Never Stops: Merce Cunningham’s Choreography of Spectatorship in the Contemporary Art Museum.”
            • Tammy-Cherelle Owens, University of Minnesota "Making Black Girls Real: The invention of Black Girlhood in the U.S., 1861-1963."
            • Stephanie Christine Porras, Tulane University “Maarten de Vos: a Renaissance life in between.”
            • Barbora Příhodová, Masaryk University “Transatlantic Influences in Performing Arts: Richard Rychtarik's Stage Design.”
            • Mary Simonson, Colgate University, “‘Expressing the Invisible’: Rethinking Sound in Maya Deren’s Films.”
            • Summar C. Sparks, The University of North Carolina-Greensboro, “Unbound Regionalism: Nineteenth-Century Southern Editors and American Nationalism.”
            • Jessica Stair, University of California, Berkeley, California, “Indigenous Literacy and Systems of Remembrance in the Techialoyan Manuscripts of Seventeenth-Century New Spain.”
            • David Kelley Thomson, University of Georgia, “Bonds of War: Capital and Citizenship in the Civil War Era.”
            • Megan Threlkeld, Denison University, “Women and World Citizenship Before 1945.”
            • Peter Wood, University of Pittsburgh, "Mammon’s Revenge: the Living Theatre at the Intersection of Art, Commerce, & Law."
            • Marc Wortman, independent, “1941: Waking to War: Uncensored, The Writer’s Anti-War Bureau and Its Role in the Prewar Isolationist Campaign.”
            • Natale A. Zappia, Whittier College, "Food Frontiers: Indigenous and Euro-American Ecologies in the Early American West."

            2013-2014 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            • Aaron Bryant, "A Different Lens: Alternative Views of the Civil Rights Movement and the 1968 Poor People’s Campaign"
            • Marvin Chochotte, “Behind the Dark Shades of State Terror": Tonton Makouts, Peasants, Labor, Development Agencies, and the Longevity of the Duvalier Dictatorship, 1957-1986
            • Jesse Noah Feiman, "Adam von Bartsch (1757-1821): Genius, History, and Nation in the Scholarship of Prints"
            • Stephanie Frakes, "Louis Moreau Gottschalk’s Autobiography Notes of a Pianist (1881): New Notes, New Interpretations"
            • Susan Greenberg, "Macmillan: The New York Story"
            • Noam Maggor, "Brahmin Capitalism: Gentlemanly Bankers, Urban Populists, and the Making of the Modern American Economy"
            • Joellen A. Meglin, "Ruth Page and The Merry Widow: A Woman’s Wit and Will"
            • Yael Merkin, "We Were Much Afraid of Our Voices for a Long Time": Women and Power in Gilded Age New York
            • Jennifer-Scott Mobley, "Enter Fat Actress: Female Bodies on the American Stage"
            • Amy Noel, “To Bring Liberty to the North”: The Invasion of Canada and the Coming of American Independence, 1774-1776
            • Ellen M. Peck, "Rida Johnson Young: First Lady of Broadway"
            • Christopher Phelps, "The Strike: A History of Ideas"
            • Roy Scranton, "Making War in the American Century: World War II and American Literature"
            • Peter Simons, "Global Heartland: Shaping the Postwar World on the North American Prairie"
            • Lauren Rebecca Sklaroff, "Sophie Tucker and the Art of Invention"
            • Andrew M. Stauffer, "The Making of Lord Byron’s Hours of Idleness"
            • Carrie A. Streeter, "Movement Cures: Therapeutic Movement in American Pursuits of Health, 1840-1940"
            • Nicholas Underwood, "Staging a New Community: Jewish Immigrant Culture and the Fight Against Fascism in Interwar France, 1922-1939"
            • Maggie Yancey, "Death in the Bottle: Alcohol and the Civil War Era"

            2012-2013 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            • David Brenner, “The Film Schindler’s List vis-a-vis the Earliest Significant Collection of Holocaust Survivor Testimonies”
            • Joshua Britton, “Building Brooklyn: Elites, Space and City-Building in the Nineteenth Century.”
            • Gary Dyer, “Lord Byron on Trial.”
            • Andrew Falk, “Shadow Diplomats: Constructing a Humanitarian Network during the Refugee Crisis of the 1930s and 1940s.”
            • Chris Goertzen, George P. Knauff’s “Virginia Reels” and the History of American Fiddle Repertoires and Styles.
            • Gary Guadagnolo, “Creating a Tatar Capital: National, Cultural, and Linguistic Space in Kazan, 1920-1940.”
            • Susan Harlan, “Objects of War: Militarism, Memory, and the Making of the Early Modern English Subject.”
            • Holger Hoock, “Scars of Independence: Practices and Representations of Violence in the American Revolutionary War.”
            • Monica Huerta, “The Evidence of Things Unseen: Law, Photography, and Subjectivity in Nineteenth Century America.”
            • Tanya Camela Logan, “Sartorial Second Skins: Black Men, Masculinity, and Agency in Dress.”
            • Jessica Linker, “It is my wish to behold Ladies among my hearers”: Early American Women and Scientific Practice, 1720-1860.
            • Hassan Melehy, “Jack Kerouac, Quebec in New England, and the Poetics of Exile.”
            • Nicholas Mitchell, “Disciplinary Matters: Black Studies, Women’s Studies and the Neoliberal University.”
            • William Piper, “Pictures at Work: African American Studio Photographers and the Business of Everyday Life, 1900-1968.”
            • Adam Roberts, “Keeping Score: A Handbook of Musical Insights for Musical Theatre Artists.”
            • William Slauter, “Who Owns the News? Journalism and Intellectual Property in Historical Perspective. “
            • Erin Zavitz, “Revolutionary Memories: Commemorating and Celebrating the Haitian Revolution, 1804 -2004.”

            2011-2012 Short-Term Fellows and Projects

            • Luther Adams, "Black and Blue: Toward a History of Police Brutality"
            • Yelena Biberman, "Understanding Pakistan's Foreign Policy, 1947-2001"
            • Andy Boyle, "Samuel Daniel’s Collection of the History of England"
            • Michael Brown, "Experts, Eggheads, and Elites: Debating the Role of Intellectuals in American Political Culture, 1952-2008"
            • Eric Bulson, "Little Magazine, World Form"
            • Marco Carynnyk, "Ukrainians, Jews, and Poles, 1939–1941"
            • Armando Chavez-Rivera, "The Formation of the Cuban Nation in the Nineteenth Century: a View from New York"
            • Carol Lea Clark, "The Palestine Expedition: America’s Forgotten Mission to Ottoman Palestine"
            • Ari Cushner, "Holding the Center: Cold War Liberalism and the Development of the American Century, 1945-1968"
            • Diana Dinerman, "Pluralism in Motion: American Nationalism and the Lester Horton Dance Theater, 1930-1960"
            • Michael Gutierrez, "Two Thieves Escaping through the Bowery (a novel)"
            • Anne Hammond, "Genevieve Taggard: A Study of Her New England Poems,1935-1948"
            • Carol Hess, "Historiographer of the Airwaves: Gilbert Chase and Latin American Music at the Height of the Good Neighbor Period"
            • Amanda Higgins, "Instruments of Righteousness: The Intersections of Black Power, Anti-Vietnam War, and Welfare Rights Activism"
            • David Levitus, "Metropolitan Progressives: Building a Social Democratic Base Across Greater Los Angeles and New York, 1930-1960"
            • Paula Maggio, "Bloomsbury at War: Pacifism and the Bloomsbury Group 1914-1945"
            • Julia Mansfield, "Yellow Fever’s Paradox in the Age of Reason: American Studies on Epidemic Disease in the Early Republic"
            • Thomas McLean, "Citizens of the World: A Critical Biography of the Porter Family"
            • Rachel Parikh, "The Development of Illustrated Books of Divination in Persia"
            • Anne-Marie Reynolds, "The Life and Work of Cy Coleman"
            • Raymond Parrott, "Resisting the Wind of Change:The International Politics of Portuguese Decolonization, 1961-1974"
            • Jack Selzer, "Kenneth Burke in the University: Dramatism and Logology after 1940"
            • Tanya Sheehan, "Blacks and Whites: Race and Photographic Humor"
            • Mihoko Suzuki, "Antigone’s Example: Gender and the Politics of Civil War in Early Modern England and France"
            • Wayne Wiegand, "This Hallowed Place:’ A People’s History of the American Public Library"

            2010-2011 Short-Term Fellows 

            Carl H. Pforzheimer Collection of Shelley and His Circle

            • Caroline Franklin
            • Devoney Looser
            • Dr. M.O. Grenby
            • Timothy Webb

            Dorot Division

            • Tamaar Ehs
            • Rachel Gordon
            • Caroline Luce
            • John Sewell
            • Asaf Yedidya

            Manuscripts and Archives Division

            • Thomas Campanella
            • Ivan Gonzalez
            • Rachel Hermann
            • Marc-William Palen
            • Steven Carl Smith

            Wallach Division of Art, Prints, and Photographs

            • Elisabeth Fraser
            • Carl Fuldner
            • Mazie Harris
            • Elizabeth McGoey
            • Weston Naef
            • Lisa Pon
            • Allison Stagg