Introducing Online STEAM Storytime

lion graphic with magnifying glass

The early literacy team hopes you and your families are safe and well. We are excited to launch a new resource for families to enjoy this summer: Online STEAM Storytime. STEAM is short for Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math. It is never too early to introduce your child to concepts they’ll need for creative, mathematical and scientific thinking later on. These online STEAM storytimes provide fun ways to explore topics like the five senses, movement, color, sound, and so much more! 

Each Online STEAM storytime features a story, songs, rhymes, and an activity. Each video is accompanied by a one-page guide that explains how to do the activity, thoughtful questions to extend learning, and explore STEAM concepts at home. Beginning July 6, 2020, look for a new STEAM storytime every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on all summer long!

All STEAM storytimes are always available to watch on demand here!

Downloadable Activity Guides:

Pro tip: You might not get through a full story or video, or complete an activity exactly as suggested. That’s perfectly normal, especially with young children. Any time you spend learning, and playing together is valuable. Some of the activities can be done outside, and we encourage you to explore the natural world with your child whenever you are able.

Wishing you joy this summer as you go full STEAM ahead with this new resource!



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Describe the activity in the video title, please

Hi! We like these videos and these activities! But you can't tell from looking at the video titles what activity goes with the video. It would be nice if it was easy to see which activity was done in each video. Thanks!

Please give each video a title!

I agree with the previous comment that it would be helpful if the videos had titles that described the theme or lesson for each of them. Thank you!