The American Negro Theatre's Groundbreaking Radio Program, "New World A-Coming"

scene from Anna Lucasta, featuring Canada Lee
Scene from the Broadway production of the American Negro Theatre's "Anna Lucasta," featuring (left to right) Canada Lee, Hilda Simms, Alice Childress and Alvin Childress, 1944

Mei Tei Sing, Curator of The 75th Anniversary of the American Negro Theatre, describes the significance of the theater's groundbreaking radio program which is featured in the exhibition:

In September 1945, our American Negro Theatre (ANT) became the first theatrical company to present a radio program. Titled "New World A-Coming," the series aired Sunday afternoons for 30 minutes and was designed "to promote the universality of scripts, characters and performing talent." It was produced by and in cooperation with the City-Wide Citizens' Committee on Harlem and Ted Cott in association with ANT co-founder Abram Hill, as well as WNEW production manager Jack Grogan. 

Typically, actor and ANT member Canada Lee was the host/narrator of the series, which featured guests such as Tuskeegee Airman Virgil Richardson, playwright Eugene O’Neil, and contralto Marian Anderson. The musical opening for the series was composed by the Duke Ellington Orchestra. 

Popular dramatic  episodes reflected political and racial concerns through true-life acccounts of experiences within the African-American community, such as social life in 1940s Harlem, black U.S. soldiers on leave who weren't allowed entry in public spaces,  discrimination in the workplace, and other issues during the Jim Crow era. Through representations of everyday life in the black community, the series highlighted the significant political and racial concerns of its time.  In addition, it included classical dramatizations—from William Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet to Charles Dickens’ Scrooge and operatic productions. 

Learn more about our exhibition, The 75th Anniversary of the American Negro Theatre. And listen to an excerpt from "A New World A-Coming, which is featured in the exhibition, below:


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Negro step and recovery

The wind blow from north to south with storm end point recovery missing child loneliness and temptation the world unite saying how come we are no longer leaving on dark age where mysteries cloud the spy i could remember the trace of trade mark historical 1796 ocean flow with blood night cheaps sky procliam the day shall come where every with be equal are sure i dream of creature falling down from the sky i pleaded not guilty how come the night bear the name Call me Meek I am the MEEK from Bronx NY Where is the agony child gone soon be back from the spy all with blessing Black is unique picture of roses likewise the white but who first created has mankind believe the beauty of the night spy No more terror i say next generation smile with languishing flavor how the night changes trust be honest and loyalty No more slavery and terror who i start it check your background is Meek our YOU

Thanks for History and Black Culture

Thanks for the excerpt and read. Looking for research for Harlem Local, Harlem Renaissance article.