Includes information on election dates and candidates, voter registration statistics by borough, and links to related sites such as the League of Women Voters.
Includes voter registration and election statistics by county and links to federal and state election laws.
Information about the Help America Vote Act (HAVA) is available from the home page of the New York State Board of Elections. HAVA is a package of reforms that will ensure meaningful access to the democratic process for all New Yorkers. New York has developed a plan to implement the Act's provisions and access the federal funds needed to ensure compliance. The draft plan and public hearing schedule, as well as additional information regarding the law is available.
Information on voter registration (including downloadable forms), polling places, dates of elections, how to become a candidate, and how to volunteer as a poll worker, plus much more.
Developed and maintained by the Board of Elections in the City of New York, this site explains how to register to vote, gives upcoming election dates, locates polling places, and provides candidate lists and other information about New York City elections.