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Offers special testing with extended time and in alternative formats at specially arranged times for people with disabilities.
Through the National Center, physicians, parents, administrators, and other health care professionals have access to educational, resource, and advocacy materials, guidelines for care, evaluation tools, and technical assistance.
Provides full participation of persons with disabilities in postsecondary education.
Offers support and information to families of children with ADD, adults with ADD and professionals through a network of AD-IN chapters.
Promotes and distributes an audio, visual, kinesthetic, and oral (AVKO) multi-sensory teaching methods and materials for dyslexia.
Acts as a clearinghouse of information for people with brain injuries and their families through a national network of state associations.
Works to improve the lives of people affected by AD/HD through collaborative leadership, advocacy, research, education, and support. Serves as a national resource center on AD/HD.
This searchable site from the United Kingdom is a "worldwide, interactive, personalised forum for the sharing of information by people whose lives are touched by mental health problems and/or learning disabilities."
Advocates for the educational success of children with disabilities and children who are gifted and talented, and supports the professionals who serve them.
Provides effective teaching and promotes research to enhance the education and lifespan development of individuals with learning disabilities.
Specializes in laws and policies related to disability civil rights. Works to secure and advance the civil rights of adults with disabilities, and parents of children with disabilities.
Assists children and adults with disabilities and their families through a nationwide network of more than 450 service sites. Each center provides services tailored to meet the specific needs of the particular community it serves. Advocates for passage of legislation that helps people with disabilities achieve independence.
Provides nonstandard testing accommodations for test takers who meet Educational Testing Service requirements. Accommodations may include extended testing time, additional rest breaks, an accompanying recorder or writer of answers, and sign-language interpreters. Offers tests in alternative formats including audio recording, braille, and large print (18 point) and large-print answer sheets.
Grants special accommodations to GED candidates with documented medical disabilities, such as cerebral palsy, epilepsy, or blindness emotional disabilities, such as schizophrenia, major depression, attention deficit disorder, or Tourette's Syndrome specific learning disabilities such as perceptual problems, brain injury, minimal brain dysfunction, dyslexia, and developmental aphasia or other disabilities that severely limit a GED candidate's ability to perform essential skills required to pass the GED tests.
Serves as a national clearinghouse on post-secondary education for individuals with disabilities. Acts as an information exchange about educational support services, policies, procedures, adaptations, and opportunities at American colleges, universities, vocational-technical schools, and other post-secondary training entities.
Operates a free information and referral service. Includes a membership of a variety of professionals in partnership with individuals with dyslexia and their families. Actively promotes effective teaching approaches and related clinical educational intervention strategies for individuals with dyslexia. Facilitates the exploration of the causes and early identification of dyslexia.
Information on learning disabilitiesfor parents, teachers, and other professionals.
Identifies causes and promotes prevention of learning disabilities and seeks to enhance the quality of life for all individuals with learning disabilities and their families. Fosters research and advocates for the rights of individuals with learning disabilities under the law. Has online resources that include publications to download and links to state and government agencies.
Advocates for national policy, legislation, and funding to support adults with special learning needs. Provides professional development and technical assistance and disseminates information and research.
Provides information and support to women and girls with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder.
Organization founded to promote public awareness and understanding of children and adults with learning disabilities.
National information and referral center that provides information on disabilities and disability related issues for families, educators and other professional.
The leading Federal agency for research on mental and behavioral disorders.
Serves as an information center focusing on a wide range of disability and rehabilitation issues. Maintains a collection of disability and rehabilitation research literature.
Maintains a lending library of educational materials and textbooks on cassette tape and compact disc to persons with verified visual, physical, or specific learning disabilities that limit reading regular print. Requires a one-time registration fee and an annual membership fee for all applicants.
Works to increase employment opportunities for people with disabilities by expanding access to training, education, employment supports, assistive technology, and integrated employment.