Includes "thousands of online photos of historical architecture in Asia from China, Japan, North & South Korea, Cambodia, Thailand, Nepal, India, Pakistan, & Afghanistan." Browsable by country. Includes information and bibliographies.
Exhibits and links to more than 20,000 examples of Himalayan and Tibetan art around the world.
The Islamic Arts and Architecture Organization's website offers information and images in the categories of Islamic architecture, calligraphy, coins, and the woven arts. Each topic includes a bibliography.
Source of information on exhibitions, artists, art issues, and collector's issues. In English and Spanish.
Links are grouped under the foillowing headings: General sites About masks Websites of museums with African art Overviews/directories of exhibitions and museums related to African art Dealers/marchands/private galleries/shops Directories/lists with addresses of dealers/marchands/galleries/museums About journals/magazines Calendar of events related to tribal arts Maps of Africa Bibliographic database Discusssion/interst groups/online clubs Auction databases that cover tribal art.