Blacks in American Democracy: DARRYL PINCKNEY

November 29, 2012

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The Robert B. Silvers Lecture
This program is copresented with LIVE from the NYPL.
Darryl Pinckney talks about the history of the betrayals and successes that culminated in the Obama presidency, the price of Obama's victory in terms of black politics, and the results of the recent election. Pinckney is the author of the novel High Cotton, and, in the Alain Locke Lecture Series, Out There: Mavericks of Black Literature. He was a fellow of The Dorothy & Lewis B. Cullman Center for Scholars & Writers at The New York Public Library in 2011-12.
About The Robert B. Silvers Lecture:

The Robert B. Silvers Lecture is an annual series created by Max Palevsky in recognition of the work of Robert B. Silvers, editor of The New York Review of Books, of which he was a founder in 1963. The series features contemporary people whose fields correspond to the broad range of Mr. Silver's interests in literature, the arts, politics, economics, history, and the sciences.