Erica Baum, Acquas Paleatus from the series The Naked Eye The Natural World, inkjet print, 2018 © courtesy the artist Erica Baum and Bureau, New York.

Anna Atkins Refracted: Contemporary Works


In 1843 Anna Atkins began producing Photographs of British Algae: Cyanotype Impressions, the first book to be printed and illustrated using photography. Today, 175 years later, her landmark project—compelling in its fusion of science and art, its modernity, and its realization by a woman in an age marked by the feats of men—remains a touchstone for viewers and makers alike. This exhibition brings together a diversity of works by 19 contemporary artists whose respective practices attest to the wide reach and generative nature of Atkins’s continuing legacy.

Related Events

Meet the Artists: A Series of Mid-Day Conversations in the Gallery - Various dates from October 15–December 19

Be sure to check out the original work of Anna Atkins herself in our companion exhibition Blue Prints: The Pioneering Photographs of Anna Atkins, on view October 19, 2018–February 17, 2019.

September 28th, 2018 - January 6th, 2019 Stephen A. Schwarzman Building


This exhibition has been made possible by the continuing generosity of Miriam and Ira D. Wallach. Support for The New York Public Library’s Exhibitions Program has been provided by Celeste Bartos, Sue and Edgar Wachenheim III, Mahnaz Ispahani Bartos and Adam Bartos Exhibitions Fund, and Jonathan Altman. Additional support is provided by the Carl Jacobs Foundation, Anne Levy Charitable Trust, Jean L. Karotkin, Nancy D. Grover, the Robert Mapplethorpe Foundation, and the Bertha and Isaac Liberman Foundation, Inc., in memory of Ruth and Seymour Klein.