New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission Designation Reports
The Neighborhood Preservation Center and Landmarks Preservation Commission have joined together to provide free online access to Landmark designation reports. Designation reports explain the architectural, historical or cultural significance of an individual landmark or historic district.
Access Locations:
New York City History
The Landmarks Preservation Commission was established in 1965 when Mayor Robert Wagner signed the local law creating the Commission and giving it its power. The Landmarks Law was enacted in response to New Yorkers' growing concern that important physical elements of the City's history were being lost despite the fact that these buildings could be reused. The first building granted Landmark status in 1965 was the 300 year-old Pieter Claesen Wyckoff House and since then, nearly 23,000 New York City landmarks--individual, interior, historic districts and scenic--have been recognized by the Landmarks Preservation Commission. The architectural and cultural significance of every Landmark and District has been carefully researched, with the findings documented in an accompanying designation report. This searchable database allows researchers to browse through the collection of reports by entering various keywords such as an architect's name, a year a structure was built, a neighborhood, an architectural style or a property's former or current name or use.
Dates of Coverage: