Articles & Databases
5 resources found.
- (-) mergent
Mergent Archives
Mergent Archives is a platform for the digital delivery of the iconic Moody''s / Mergent Manuals of corporate and securities information as well as their huge retrospective collection of corporate annual reports. In addition this platform delivers the Mergent Industry Reports, Ford Equity Reports, the Key Business Ratios, First Research and other D & B products. The principal source for current in-depth company research remains the separate Mergent Online resource. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Mergent Horizon
Mergent Horizon has now been integrated into the Mergent Online database and renamed as the Supply Chain tab. Mergent Horizon; provides a 360 degree view of a company's competitors, suppliers, partners, and corporate customers, using a detailed hierarchical classification system for actual products and services. Records may be retrieved by company name, product or service category, or trade name. Data can be analyzed for an individual company or aggregated for an industry sector.
**Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Mergent Intellect
Mergent Intellect is an expansive directory database that includes more than 100 million private US, Canadian and global businesses, more than 6000 US public companies and over 200 million residents and local businesses, with previous addresses and allowing for reverse telephone lookups. It has job search and executive search capabilities and a multifaceted advanced search functionality. It also includes census data by zip code. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Information on more than 21,000 US and international companies, including 10,000 NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq exchange companies. All SEC (EDGAR) filings and domestic and international annual reports are included. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
First Research
Industry profiles include industry overview, recent developments, business challenges, trends and opportunities, executive insight, call preparation questions, financial and industry ratio's, industry forecast, web links and acronyms. Note: PDF's of First Research industry profiles can be found in Mergent Archives to view, save or print. In Mergent Archives, click the First Research tab. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**