Blog Posts by Subject: Horror

The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters

Happy 2014 and welcome to the first book discussion of the year! This month we read and discuss The Little Stranger by Sarah Waters, who primarily writes Victorian and Suspense fiction. Her books are rich in period detail and painstakingly researched to bring alive an era that is complex and contradictory to say the least. From Tipping the Velvet, to Affinity, to

Halloween Reads IV: The Repass

It's that time of year again, when Halloween book and media picks are falling like harvest leaves. Here's a small, but spooky, selection.

Tall, Dark and Deadly: Vampire Fiction For Teens

The concept of vampires has grown and expanded over the last few centuries. Sometimes they suffer from a disease, or sometimes they just evolve this way. Sometimes they prey upon humans, or sometimes they live among humans in peace. Sometimes they even sparkle in the sunlight.

Here are fifteen novels that you can find in our young adult collections that embrace many different aspects of vampires: the dangerous, the romantic, the bloodthirsty, and the beautiful.

In the Forests of 

Dark, Creepy, Scary, Spooky Crossover Books

One of the most common questions we get from our young readers is "Where are your scary books?" Unfortunately, books for children and teens that will keep readers on the edge of their seats are usually mixed in with the rest of the fiction section, so they can be a little tricky to find… until now.

Here is a list of twenty-five great crossover books (that is, for older children and younger teens) about lots of scary subjects. Sure, there will be plenty of vampires, ghosts, and even zombies. But there will also be nightmares, mysterious phone calls, 

Cool Halloween Apps, Movies and Books for All Ages!

It's the spookiest time of the year, when a young man's thoughts turn to scares and gore, children beg for scraps ... 'scuse me, I mean trick-or-treat, and people everywhere unleash their inner demons. In a good way, we hope! Here's a spotlight on cool apps for all ages to enhance your Halloween fun. There are iOS and Android apps to be found here, most of the them free and all of them good fun.

For Kids

An underrated Halloween classic, The Legend of 

Halloween Reads III: Trick or Treat

This is the third edition of Halloween reads, a sequel to Halloween Reads and Halloween Reads II: The Re-Ordering. I tried to have a theme to my previous posts and the theme of these can best be described mind candy: relaxing treats that you can read to keep you in the Halloween spirit since the holiday falls in the middle of week this year.

The Last 

NYPLarcade Horror Games

Our first NYPLarcade Game Club explored the works of thatgamecompany's Jenova Chen. In this six week series, we will look at a variety of horror-themed video games, from the terrifying Amnesia to the utterly bizarre Deadly Premonition to the experimental Dear 

Dark, Deadly, and Deeply Disturbing: Anna Dressed in Blood and Girl of Nightmares by Kendare Blake

Cas Lowood uses his father's blade to send ghosts out of this world and back to where they belong. Cas used to help his father with this task, but now his father is dead, murdered by one of those evil spirits. Cas has battled with many ghosts in his time, but when he meets a ghost named Anna, his unusual life takes an even more dangerous turn.

In Anna Dressed in Blood by Kendare Blake, Cas Lowood moves to the town of Thunder Bay to try to track down a ghost who became famous 

Vampiros por doquier...¡Vamos a Leer!

Muchas han sido las historias que se han producido acerca de los espectros de la noche, y Sombras Tenebrosas (Dark Shadows) es una de ellas, la cual es una nueva producción basada en la famosa serie de televisión producida en los años 1966-1971, y estará presentándose en los teatros próximamente con el talentoso actor Johnny Depp, protagonizando el papel de Barnabas Collins. La obra presenta la historia de la distinguida famila Collins y Barnabas Collins, quien se 

Humm… ¿Hambriento por más de “Los juegos del hambre”?

¿Entonces porque no tratar otra historia similar que podrás igual disfrutar y la vez enriquecer el literario paladar?

Los juegos del hambre (The Hunger Games) de Susan Collins, que acaba de salir en estreno el pasado fin de semana ya sobrepasa los 150 millones de dólares, se desenlaza en un mundo 

Reader's Den: Week 2 of "The Servants"

By now we are well into The Servants by M.M. Smith. Our protagonist, Mark, is 11 years old and unhappy. Having just relocated to Brighton from London, he has no friends and spends the rainy, chilly days skateboarding by himself. Full of resentment against his new stepfather, David, and confused by his mother's illness, he meets an old lady who unlocks for him a bygone era in her basement flat in the 200-year-old house David owns.

From the cover design by James L. Iacobelli, to the 

Monster Mash: New-ish Science Fiction and Horror Titles Available at Your Library

I've been thinking about this post ever since Lady Gaga and Mayor Bloomberg hosted the New Year's ball drop, which made me think of her Monster's Ball tour, and of monsters, in general. Unfortunately, I have been a wee bit tardy in posting it, so some of these books are not exactly hot off the presses, but I think they are all great horror and science-fiction reads for 2012. As a bonus, some are available as e-book titles. Readers, engage!

Poe in the Village

A cemetery used to take up residence in the block bordered by Leroy, Clarkson, and Hudson streets. Jam-packed with stones, approximately 10,000 people took up their final resting place on this block. James J Walker Park now fills this space, and a single stone honoring firefighters who died in the line of duty over 150 years 

Can't Get Enough of the Undead? Check Out Dust & Decay!

Benny Imura was appalled to learn that the Apocalypse came with homework.

Thus begins Jonathan Maberry's new teen novel Dust & Decay, the eagerly-anticipated sequel to his 2010 novel Rot & Ruin.

Benny Imura is a likable hero both for his strengths and his weaknesses. At the beginning of Rot & Ruin, we were more aware of his weaknesses: he was a scared, skinny kid who didn't know