Blog Posts by Subject: Teen and Young Adult Literature

10 Books for Fans of Dungeons & Dragons

Dungeons and Dragons, colloquially known as DnD or D&D, is experiencing a bit of a resurgence in popularity. First published in 1974, this tabletop role playing game is an enduring example of collaborative storytelling. If you enjoy playing D&D, consuming D&D content, or just want to see what all the fuss is about, here are some books to get you started.

Pearl Harbor & Japanese American Internment: Books for Children & Teens

The books below, for children and teens, are a mixture of fiction and nonfiction books to learn more about this event, its aftermath and the effect the internment and anti-Japanese sentiment had on individuals, families and communities.

Blast from the Past: Historical Fiction Manga

Travel to the past with these fantastic historical fiction manga!

A Veterans Day Booklist for Children & Teens

These titles—for young children, middle grades and teens—explore themes of loss, change and honor.

A Beginner's Guide to Classic Manga

These must-read manga books have impacted the literary or pop culture landscapes in some major, long-lasting ways.

25 Writing Contests and Publication Opportunities for Teens

A list of writing contests, competitions, publishing opportunities, and scholarships for high school students.

More Dark, Creepy, Scary, Spooky Crossover Books

Here is a list of great crossover books (that is, for older children and younger teens) about lots of scary subjects. You’ll find plenty of ghosts, witches, vampires, demons, and other things that will keep you in suspense!

Award-Winning Manga 3: Shonen Category

What is Shōnen? In short, Shōnen manga are Japanese comic books aimed at a young male audience. If you are looking for stories about adventure, friendship, and action, then you’re in luck!

125 ​Books We Love for Teens: A YA Librarian’s Tales of Censorship, Meeting Authors, Working with Teens and Falling in Love with Books

One librarian's stories of the books, teens and authors who have impacted her life and career.

Spooky, Bone-Chilling Tales for Middle Graders & Young Adults

Turn off your lights, turn on your flashlights and be prepared to be spooked by these thrilling tales.

125 Books We Love For Teens: Books to Fit Your Mood

Have you checked out NYPL’s newest teen book list yet? You’ll find old and new titles in all different genres, so you’ll definitely find something you’ll enjoy on this list. I have plenty of recommendations, but which ones I’d want to read first would depend on my mood ...

Award-Winning Manga 2: Shojo Category

Shōjo manga are Japanese comic books aimed at a young, female audience. Teenagers are typically the target demographic, but really these titles are accessible to anyone.

Award-Winning Manga 1: General Category

Trying to sift through the staggering amount of manga currently available can seem very daunting. Fortunately, a multitude of international committees have taken over the task for us.

The Past and Future of Teen Programs at the Kingsbridge Library

When COVID-19 happened, our programs were cut short and I was never able to give my teens their send-off in person. But I did want to let them know how much we appreciated all the great work they did to benefit our library, and give a virtual send-off instead!

Word Search Puzzles to Celebrate NYPL125

Please enjoy these puzzles based on some of our most checked out books.

Women's Suffrage Reads for Fiction Lovers

Adult, young adult and children's historical fiction, romances and mystery series set during the suffrage era and involving suffragists.

The Heir Affair and a Royal Romance Roundup

A round-up of adult and young adult royal romances, old and new, to keep you busy all summer long.

Dark Academia: Murder, Magic & Madness

Dark magic, svengali professors, mentally disturbed students, psychotic cliques and vanishing friends...

Comfort Reading, Watching, Listening, & Eating

Explore these links if you want to boost your morale, give yourself a change of perspective, or just get out of your own head for a while.

Advice for Working Through or Starting Your TBR (To Be Read) Pile Right Now

You might be reading through your TBR pile faster than before or you might be feeling less motivation to read anything at all. Both are ok!