Blog Posts by Subject: Staten Island

Display by Tottenville Historical Society

The Tottenville Historical Society put together a display titled “We Honor Our Veterans” that is on the display shelf in the branch on the first floor. There is a picture of Civil War Veterans marching in a parade, along with some other pictures. Also included is a program from the dedication of a World War II monument that was on Main Street. I believe that Linda Hauck, the president of the society, said that the monument disappeared when it was sent in for repairs in the 1950s. (It was made out of wood, I 

Tottenville Historical Society

Yesterday I spoke with Linda Hauck, president of the Tottenville Historical Society, about doing a program at the branch. I attended their annual meeting back in June, and she presented a slide show of historical houses in Tottenville, which was done in conjunction with the Preservation League of Staten Island. At the time I told Linda that I thought this would be a great program to do at the branch, and she agreed. It was a wonderful overview of older homes in the Tottenville area. Stay tuned for more information.

Tottenville: The Town the Oyster Built

From a letter sent out by the Tottenville Historical Society:

“In 2008, The Tottenville Historical Society and the Preservation League of Staten Island will jointly publish Tottenville: The Town the Oyster Built. A Staten Island Community, Its People, Industry and Architecture. Barnett Shepherd, Staten Island’s noted scholar and author, will write the book.

This comprehensive book will be based on the findings of the Tottenville Historic Resource Survey, a 

“The Hum” on Saturday

We had a really nice music program on Saturday, thanks to SI Boro Adult Specialist Kelly Yim, which was a performance by the two person acoustic  band called The Hum. They are from Staten Island, and they have played together for about 15 years. They played for about an hour, and I thought they sounded really good. They are working on a CD which they said would be out soon. They are appearing at Richmondtown this coming Saturday, and I think a few other branches in the coming weeks.

More on Carib II

From Linda Hauck, President of the Tottenville Historical Society:

All the details of Carib II’s arrival will appear in our next newsletter, The CART.

Everything was perfect. It was a crystal clear, sunny day.

The boat is beautiful. Inside and out. Boat owner David Soule is passionate about his 

Upcoming Program

On Saturday September 8 at 2:30 the Tottenville Branch will be hosting a music program.  A two person local acoustic rock band called “The Hum” will be performing.  The Hum performs melodies that challenge the boundaries of pop culture and contemporary music.  They have been featured on MTV, VH1, Staten Island Cable, and other places. Some have compared them to “Simon and Garfunkel.” Thanks to Kelly Yim, Staten Island Boro Adult/Reference specialist for setting this up.  Another FREE program!

Carib II Sailboat

I went to the Tottenville Pavillion, which is on the extreme southern tip of Staten Island, to watch the arrival of the Carib II along with members of the Tottenville Historical Society.  The boat was actually built in 1924 (not in the 30’s as I mistakenly wrote in another post) at the now closed A.C. Brown Shipyard in Tottenville.  It was escorted by 8 small boats, with sirens going and even a cannon shot.  About 30 people were there to welcome the boat, which unfortunately didn’t have it’s