Posts from New Amsterdam Library

Tales of Twin Sisters

Twins—a pair of aces, two of a kind, double trouble, peas in a pod, whatever you want to call them—have a companion for life, even if they bicker or banter or spend stretches of time apart. Here are a few favorite books about twins from our children's collection.

Reader's Den: Wrap-up of "The Servants" by M.M. Smith

Thank you for participating in our online discussion of The Servants. You put forward some excellent insights and raised challenging points. I hope you enjoyed the book as much I did. I first read it years ago, re-read it last year, and — for the purposes of this discussion — read it again last month. On each reading, I found myself unwrapping another revelation or wondering about another mystery.

The essential metaphors become gradually apparent. The 

Books for the Slow Cook

An orange Crock Pot™ was a familiar presence in my kitchen in the 70s and 80s, a parental wedding present displaced by the microwave as the decade progressed. I had no idea the slow cooker was back until my youngest sister handed me a lightweight modern version on my last visit home. "You'll use it all the time, trust me," she said, already on her way out the door to her next engagement.

The slow cooker is back, buoyed by the real food 

Memories of the Library

This writer did not grow up in New York; however, he has many strong, memorable experiences of the library from his home state. Nationwide, and even internationally, many libraries are in trouble and in desperate need of funding. Please contact your local branch and see how you can help today. Also, please consider donating or writing your elected official now!

The library is many things to many different people; it is an abyssal democracy of plurality without end. Here, I