Posts by Rodger Taylor

The Writers' Club — The End of the World?

Harold Camping predicted the world would end on May 21, 2011. These are our responses:

Judgment day came late this year     or early or sheepishly on the news I stood by the window ready to jump — On the ledge — It wasn’t that I wanted something to happen, But if it did I was prepared. 89-year-old Jimmy Burly Jones Said the world would end at six. (I thought he was talking about himself or his own life that he couldn’t fix). It wasn’t until I turned the TV on — on PIX That’s WPIX ... The 

Colorful Haikus, What's in Lenny's Bag and is that Dallas's Bag as well? - Teen Central Writers' Club

Hi - The Writers' Club is assembling a newspaper/newsletter that we will distribute as widely as we can in the Grand Central Library and places where teens are.  We hope to have this project completed in the next few weeks and we plan to ask for writing contributions, opinions and feedback from teens throughout the city.  So look out for Teen Voices from Grand Central. In the meantime we have a few more and more colorful Haikus for you to digest along with a special photographic thanks to Crystal Odame in all colors.

Purple and yellow A lovely flower I 

Haikus in Winter and Some Summer Talk in Spring: The Teen Central Writers' Club

A Haiku is a form of Japanese poetry that has become popular in the U.S. In English Haikus are generally three line poems that have five syllables in the first verse, seven in the second and five in the third—we generally stuck to this form although since it's poetry, we allowed for some poetic license. In January and February as we negotiated our way around what seemed like non-stop snow, members of the Writers Club, inspired by cool scenes of the winter photography of Crystal Odame and the summer hot artwork of Romare Bearden, wrote 

Thoughts on Japan and other monsters in the closet - the Writers' Club at Teen Central

We are all moved by the horrific disasters, natural and man-made, that have occurred in Japan.  When we met on March 17th a cataclysmic nuclear meltdown seemed quite possible and maybe imminent.  It was non-stop on the news, in our minds and conversations.  Many of the people who come to Teen Central on a regular basis are Manga fanatics and they have strong feelings about Japan and the dynamic impact its' culture has on their lives.  Even those of us who are not that into Manga realize that Japan, though physically far away, is closely linked every day to our 

Teen Central Writers' Club: Something's Missing: Visions and Voices of Loss

Writers' Club educator, mentor, writer and friend Lois Stavsky is curating an art exhibition at the Bronfman Center at NYU called Something’s Missing: Visions and Voices of Loss. Given the recent catastrophes in Japan and other places in the world, this event seems quite timely. At our March 9th meeting club writers focused on the theme of loss and who knows—some of our work may find a way into the show. Lois has shared, as a preview, two pieces of art that will appear in the exhibit. In between is a taste of what the Writers' Club produced when considering voicing visions 

Teen Central Writers' Club: Seeing Red and a Word

A special welcome to Lenny Collado one of our newer members and someone who is helping out a lot.  Lenny brought this poem to our April 29th meeting and shared it with us.  Can you guess the word he's referring to?

The Color of a Word  

They use it not knowing   They use it not seeing They use it not caring, Among themselves Around other people   In the crowded train. Talk, loud enough for Others to hear. They use it not knowing © Endi Collado They use 

Teen Central Writers' Club: Those Manipulative Shoes

As winter kicks in, Teen Central and Grand Central's second Writers' Club newsletter is now available (PDF).  We decided to feature a poem written by Crystal Gomez at the November 26th meeting of the writers' club. She wrote this in response to M.C. K~Swift's exercise on "personification." (Personificaton could 

The Writers' Club Kicks Off @ Teen Central

On Wednesday, November 10th, Teen Central's newly formed Writers' Club held its first meeting in Grand Central Library's second floor Community Room.

Hip-Hop artist and educator M.C. K~Swift introduced himself and then shared writings from his journal with the other members of the Writers' Club.

High school senior Celeste Pajotte, who dreams of becoming a published writer, read from her novel-in-progress and