Posts by Lynda Perez

Reader's Den October Book Discussion: Wrapping Up Joe Sacco's "Palestine"

I hope you enjoyed reading Palestine, by Joe Sacco. If you didn’t have a chance to read the book and participate, please feel free to post your thoughts at a later time. The discussion will remain online in the Reader’s Den.

Palestine About the Author, Joe 

Reader's Den October Book Discussion: Questions about Joe Sacco's "Palestine"

Welcome to week three of the October 2010’s Readers Den. Here are some discussion questions:

Joe Sacco wrote Palestine with the intention of showing the realities of the occupied territories and the affect on the Palestinians. According to David Thompson’s 2003 online review in The Observer, “a number of stridently Zionist web sites have perversely, accused Sacco of 'Jew-bashing' and his Seattle 

Reader's Den October Book Discussion: About the Author, Joe Sacco

Reader's Den October Book Discussion: Joe Sacco's "Palestine"

Welcome to the October 2010 online book discussion.

This month we will be discussing Palestine, by Joe Sacco. Feel free to participate and make comments.

Palestine, a graphic novel written and illustrated by

The Reader's Den: Discussion Wrap Up

Thank you participating in this month’s online book discussion. I hope you enjoyed The White Tiger as much as I did. If you didn’t have a chance to read the book and participate, please feel free to post your thoughts at a later time. The discussion will remain online in the Reader’s Den and hopefully, others will 

The Reader's Den Questions for Week 4: "The Rooster Coop"

In his novel, Adiga highlights the dichotomy between the rich and the poor. He discusses the poorer Indian peoples' subservient relationship with their rich masters and their reluctance to rebel against the establishment because of ingrained and learned beliefs passed down from generation to generation. The rooster coop reflects the desperate existence of the poor in India and the perpetual power of the rich to manipulate the system to suit their needs. "Hundreds of pale hens and brightly colored roosters, stuffed tightly into wire-mesh cages, packed as tightly as worms in a belly, 

Reader's Den: Questions for Week Three of "The White Tiger"

Early on in the novel, we learn that Balram is a successful businessman in Bangalore and an extremely complex character. In his first letter to the Chinese premier, he writes "my country is the kind where it pays to play it both ways: the Indian entrepreneur has to be straight and crooked, mocking and believing, sly and sincere, at the same time." What are your thoughts about Balram? Is he a psychopath?

Sudheer Apte, a reviewer for Mostly Fiction Book Reviews, wrote, "the most enjoyable part of this novel is 

Reader's Den: "The White Tiger," Week Two

Hopefully, you were able to get yourself a copy of The White Tiger and are enjoying the novel as much as I did. Here are a few questions to think about:

Why is Balram addressing his letters to the Chinese Premier, Wen Jiabo? What is his intention in writing these letters?

In the first chapter, Balram describes himself as "a thinking man" and "a man of action." Do you 

Reader's Den: "The White Tiger"

Welcome to the Reader's Den! This month's online book discussion will be The White Tiger, by Aravind Adiga. Feel free to participate and make comments.

Aravind Adiga was born in Madras, India in 1974. In high school, he and his family