Posts by Marianna Vertsman

Питейный Блог

Библиотека предлагают вниманию наших читателям беспроигрышные комбинации : пособия и путеводители по крепким напиткам, и соответствующие им литературные труды.

Петербург в книгах

В список книг входят самым разные жанры, от поражающих откровений о блокаде Ленинграда , до неформальных путеводителей по городу.

Что почитать летом 2021 года ? Новые поступления в электрoнном формате

Предлагаем вам новинки сезона ,последние  поступления  в электронном формате.  В данном списке новых книг содержится большое количество работ номинированных на различные премии, отмеченных критикам , или широкой публикой. 

Looking out for Maya: A Story of Literary Friendship

Maya has been a patron of the Library for a number of decades. She recently characterized books provided for her as the "chief supporting system of her soul".

Электронные Аудиокниги на Русском Языке

Мы рады сообщить вам о нашем недавнем приобретении большого количество электронных аудиокниг.

Сказки Народов Мира: Аудиокниги

Через прослушивание сказок народов мира вы познакомитесь с богатой историей многих стран мира.

Номинанты Литературных Премий 2020

Библиотека предлагает вашему вниманию перечень некоторых книг, фигурирующих в списках номинантов на литературные премии 2020 года.

Contemporary Russian Literature in Translation: 5 Great Reads

Expand your reading horizons with a Russian novel translated into English. Here are five great choices along with companion nonfiction recommendations,

Cooking with Basmattie: Guyanese Flavors in New York

Traditional Guyanese cooking is an exciting blend of East Indian, Portuguese, European, African, Chinese and Amerindian culinary heritage. Despite being the original "fusion cuisine," it is rarely documented in print.

25 Writing Contests and Publication Opportunities for Teens

A list of writing contests, competitions, publishing opportunities, and scholarships for high school students.

Жизненно Необходимые Книги для Выживания и Процветания в Бесконтактном Мире

Новые книги, которые помогут вам выжить и преуспеть в трудные времена

Tales of Courage & Sacrifice on the 75th Anniversary of the End of World War II

Reading tales of valor and resilience does not just honor war heroes, but inspires all of us to persevere and triumph over adversity.

Книги библиотеки New York Public Library в электронном формате : как пользоваться приложением SimplyE

A detailed guide to Russian e-books with SimplyE

Top 10 Reasons to Attend Mid-Manhattan Library’s Death Cafe

Have you heard of "Death Cafes"? They might sound scary or dark to the uninitiated, but there's a reason they're a growing worldwide phenomenon. At Mid-Manhattan Library, we have been hosting such discussions for almost two years now—here are ten reasons to attend:

Mid-Manhattan Library Reading Recommendations

We invite everyone to stop by Mid-Manhattan Library for recommendations in your favorite genre from our personable librarians. Until then, here are some of our recent staff picks.

Memorial Day Reading List: World War II

The titles recommended in this blog post focus on America's involvement in World War II; while the general Dewey Decimal Call Number for the subject of WWII at your local branch is 940.54 ,the majority of those books on the subject have a narrow focus. Other books on the war that are located across multiple parts of Dewey's spectrum can be challenging to track down. To enhance your digital serendipity, I have included a limited list of useful subject headings related to the Navy, Air Force, Pacific War, European Theater, and Women's Role in World War II.

Babylon Berlin : A Reading List

If you loved watching Babylon Berlin, or wish to know more about German culture and history, this list is for you.

Travel Around the World in 80 Checkouts

A World Languages librarian shares her favorite books, movies, and music from the Library's multilingual collections.

Let Them Eat Cake!

Want the chance to be crowned king or queen for a day? Try baking or eating a King's Day cake, a worldwide tradition.

Are You a True Francophile? Quiz & Book Recommendations

Take a Library Francophile quiz to find out if you are truly enamored with French culture, customs, and cuisine.