Oi! Reading Recommendations for Ted Lasso & the AFC Richmond Crew

characters from Ted Lasso

It was an eventful season for the AFC Richmond squad as they fought their way out of relegation and back into the Premier League. But they made it. Now that they've entered the off-season and will be spending time away from Nelson Road, they'll have more time on their hands and—let's face it, many of them could really use it to get their mental houses in order. With their sports psychologist gone, books may hold the heaping spoonfuls of truth soup they need to work on themselves and come back strong next season. 

To everyone at Team Richmond—don't forget there are no more late fines!

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Ted Lasso

In his two seasons as manager of the Greyhounds, folksy Ted Lasso, the walking embodiment of a Sloppy Joe sandwich—seemingly simple, yet quite a mess once you get into it—has been through a lot. A demoralizing divorce, hostile fan base, undermining boss, crippling panic attacks, and facing the terror of being offered tea on a near-daily basis. What Ted lacks in a basic understanding of the game of football, he more than makes up for with enthusiasm, heart, and a seemingly bottomless peanut butter jar of aphorisms and puns. Ted, we don't think Nate is going to tell you what you can learn here, but maybe these books can.

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Coach Beard

Everyone deserves a wingman as steadfast and loyal as Coach Beard in their life. (Everyone except Jane. Let him go, Jane.) Besides knowing he can pull off a flare-leg pant like nobody's business, Beard is the most enigmatic member of the Diamond Dogs. An astute student of football and chess (but, sadly, not in romantic entanglements), we suspect he has a rich interior life that he keeps to himself. Two things we do know about Coach Beard: he actually does understand the offside rule and he is a reader. Often seen with his feet up and head in a book, we love Beard's autodidactic streak and hope he expands his reading horizons to become a student of the self.

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Rebecca Welton

At first glance, a clichéd, caricature of a wronged woman out for revenge who doesn't care whose shortbread biscuits she has to stomp on to get it, Rebecca has turned out to be a supportive boss, caring friend, and a sympathetic traveler on the road to love and reinvention. She's also a "Boss A** B**tch" in the best way. We think these books are just what Rebecca needs as she starts this next chapter in her life.

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Roy Kent

He's here, he's there, he and his psychotic eyebrows are every forking where. Fading football legend Roy Kent is a Sesame Street Matryoshka doll with a surly Oscar the Grouch exterior and a lovable, furry old Grover center. Will he and Keeley stay together? Will he single-handedly fund Phoebe's college with his cursing? Will he ever finish The DaVinci Code? If he does, we recommend these titles to fill up his solo six-week holiday in Spain:

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Keeley Jones

Keeley Jones brings her glorious female energy to the hurly-burly of the Richmond locker room. Warmhearted and nurturing (so much so that she wants even her death to nourish people), Keeley is friend, confidant, and personal shopper to most of the Richmond squad, especially her ride or die and fellow shine-theory evangelist, Rebecca. Finally ready to be taken seriously as a businesswoman, we hope Keeley can stop watching the replay of Roy's retirement speech long enough to pick up one of these titles from her nightstand.

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Jamie Tartt

Showy, glory hog Jamie Tartt is trying to sell us on the male headband as hard as he's trying to sell us on the idea of a kinder, more mature Jamie Tartt. Are we buying it? Yep. Just like we're buying the Secret Santa present he forgot. We can't resist that pouty, sad little boy face, especially after we've met his loathsome, abusive excuse for a father. Lust might not Conquer All, but we hope the love and understanding others are showing him will conquer Jamie. These titles include some essential reads for Jamie's work-in-progress journey.

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Leslie Higgins

Higgins's fuddy-duddy exterior belies the most earnest of hearts and he's finally begun to loosen up and start bringing the confidence he feels in his loving home life to the workplace. Perhaps the wisest and most honest of the Diamond Dogs, we share his gratification at being invited into the kennel. Higgins has his hands full with work, raising five boys, and slapping the bass, but in a quiet moment we hope he has time for a few of these titles.

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Nathan Shelley

Nate's wish to be reincarnated as a tiger ("and then ravage anyone who looks at me wrong") seems to have come true. His gradual transition from sweet, unassuming kit man to wide-eyed assistant coach to indignant traitor too big for his navy poly-blend britches has left a bad taste in our collective mouth. Nate's insecurities opened the door to his darker impulses and his bullying snipes at Will escalated to a full-blown tantrum at feeling abandoned by his mentor, Ted. Books can only take one so far, but in this dark night of the soul, we hope these recommendations can help Nate find his way back to himself. Otherwise, enjoy the window table by yourself, Nate.


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