"World Refugee Day: Welcoming and Learning Together" Discussion Recap & Book Lists

Jewish refugee children
Jewish refugee children with books.  NYPL Digital Collections, Image ID: 1683665

Twenty years ago, on June 20, the United Nations established World Refugee Day to urge international action on forced migration. On June 21, The New York Public Library held a program with panelists from different local organizations who work with refugees, to learn about their work, to further understand the different immigration stories and experiences, and learn about the ways that everyone can support this work. 

 We were honored to chat with:

Refuge Day aims to recognize the strength of the refugees who have fled conflict and persecution in their country in hope of finding sanctuary and living a better life as well as honors their resilience and courage in the rebuilding of their future. We hope this conversation brings an opportunity for everyone to learn from experience and to understand and celebrate the rich diversity of the communities of refugees in our city and beyond.

If you missed it, you can watch the panel moderated by myself, Adriana Blancarte-Hayward.  Disclaimer: English captions were generated live on the day of recording and may not be entirely accurate.

World Refugee Day: Welcoming and Learning Together from The New York Public Library on Vimeo.

Below please find a list of resources, and book recommendations: