Celebrate Zines With Our Feminist Zine Name Generator!
Zines (pronounced like maga-ZINE) are DIY, handmade booklets. A unique form of self-expression, zines can cover any topic and are usually created out of love and for a community.
Although zines have been around for a long time, the riot grrl movement of the 1990s inspired a new wave of feminist zines that gave creative, politically-minded young women the chance to create something that was wholly their own and share it with anyone willing to read. Their creations were often striking with radical, collaged visuals and personal essays, poems, and more. The names were always strong and catchy like, Bamboo Girl, Geekgirl, Hip Mama, GirlFrenzy, and more!
To celebrate the rich tradition of this media, we’ve put together a Feminist Zine Name Generator which you can find below (including an accessible version). Share your zine name with us on social media! Find us on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook.
Learn more about the feminist zines in the Library’s Collections.
Feminist Zine Name Generator
Birthday Month
Plus First Letter of Your Name
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