World Languages, Children's Literature @ NYPL, Food for Thought
Chinese New Year Books | 農曆新年書籍 | 农历新年书籍
This upcoming Lunar New Year on February 12 will be different from so many others in years past. Due to the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic, all of the traditional ways of celebrating the holiday — gathering together for family reunion dinners, visiting temples and churches, meeting up with friends and organizing/attending parades and shows — cannot happen because of health and safety reasons.
The New York Public Library is here to help patrons of all ages and families with their alternative, physically and socially-distant Lunar New Year home celebrations with this suggested reading list of holiday picture books and cookbooks in Chinese / 新年書單 / 新年书单. We've also made a list of free virtual holiday events from a local library and other New York City arts organizations.
The next year will be the Year of the Ox / Bull / Cow. The zodiac sign is characterized as hard working, resilient and strong. We hope the Chinese New Year / the Spring Festival holiday brings good health, good safety and good fortune.
Please also visit our Lunar New Year celebration page with links to more NYPL Events and Resources.
在2月12日到來的農曆新年將與過去的許多新年有所不同。由於全球 COVID-19 大流行,所有慶祝節日的傳統方式由於健康和安全的原因而無法進行 - 例如聚在一起參加家庭團圓飯,參拜寺廟和教堂,與朋友見面,規劃或參加遊行和表演。
紐約公共圖書館在這裡為各個年齡段的讀者提供可以在保持社交距離下而進行的其他選擇 - 一些有關過年的圖畫書和食譜書單,我們圖書館和其他紐約市藝術組織提供的一些免費網上活動。
在2月12日到来的农历新年将与过去的许多新年有所不同。由于全球 COVID-19 大流行,所有庆祝节日的传统方式由于健康和安全的原因而无法进行 - 例如聚在一起参加家庭团圆饭,参拜寺庙和教堂,与朋友见面,规划或参加游行和表演。
纽约公共图书馆在这里为各个年龄段的读者提供可以在保持社交距离下而进行的其他选择 - 一些有关过年的图画书和食谱书单,我们图书馆和其他纽约市艺术组织提供的一些免费网上活动。
Chatham Square Library, 33 East Broadway
Lunar New Year Celebration - Chinese Papercut Workshop | 農曆新年剪紙 | 农历新年剪纸 , Wednesday, Feb. 10, 4-5 p.m.,
Lunar New Year Celebration - Music from China | 農曆新年音樂會 | 农历新年音乐会 , Wednesday, Feb. 13, noon,
Museum of the Chinese in America
Lunar New Year Virtual Family Festival | 農曆新年虛擬家庭節 | 农历新年虚拟家庭节 , Feb. 11 - 19, various times,
The Metropolitian Museum of Art
Virtual Lunar New Year Festival: The Year of the Ox | 虛擬農曆新年節:牛年 | 虚拟农历新年节:牛年, Saturday. Feb. 13, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Flushing Town Hall
Lunar New Year Chinese Bazaar | 農曆新年義賣市場 | 农历新年义卖市场, Sunday, Feb. 14, 2 p.m.
兒童新年書 |儿童新年书
Chinese New Year Colors = Chun jie de yan se = 春节的颜色 by Rich Lo
The Animals of the Chinese New Year =中国农历新年动物生肖= Zhong guo nong li xin nian dong wu sheng xiao, by Jen Sookfong Lee, translation by Kileasa Wong
Hui jia = Home for Chinese New Year : A Story told in English and Chinese. 回家 = Home for Chinese New Year : A Story told in English and Chinese / by Wei Jie and Xu Can ; translated by Yijin Wert
Nian = Nian, the new year monster. 年 = Nian, the new year monster / 著文熊亮 ; 绘图熊亮. 年 = Nian, the new year monster / 著文熊亮 ; 绘图熊亮 Xiong, Kim, 熊亮,
Zao wang ye = The Kitchen God. 灶王爷 = The Kitchen God / 著文 熊亮 ; 绘图 熊亮马玉. 灶王爷 = The Kitchen God / 著文 熊亮 ; 绘图 熊亮马玉 . Xiong, Kim, 熊亮.
Zhu gu li de kua nian yuan wang = Pig Guli's New Year's Wish / Wang Wenhua; Chen Wanling's picture. Pig's New Year's Wish / Wang Wenhua; Chen Wanling's picture. 豬古力的跨年願望 / 王文華文 ; 陳完玲圖. 豬古力的跨年願望 / 王文華文 ; 陳完玲圖 . Wang, Wenhua. 王文華.
Nian gao de gu shi = The story of nian gao / text: Kou Tian; photo: Yang Shilin; editor in chief: Zhao Zhenwan. The story of nian gao / text: Kou Tian; photo: Yang Shilin; editor: Zhao Zhenwan. 年糕的故事 / 文: 寇天 ; 图: 杨士林 ; 主编: 赵镇琬. 年糕的故事 / 文: 寇天 ; 图: 杨士林 ; 主编: 赵镇琬 . Kou, Tian, author. 寇天, author.
你属什么? (What's your Chinese Zodiac?)
農曆新年美食書 |农历新年美食书
Guo nian luo! huan xi tuan yuan zuo nian cai = 過年囉! 歡喜團圓做年菜 / 程安琪作. 過年囉! 歡喜團圓做年菜 / 程安琪作 = Happy New Year! Happy reunion to make New Year dishes / Cheng, Anqi, author. 程安琪, author.
She jian shang de xin nian = A bite of China celebrating the Chinese New Year / Chen Xiaoqing deng zhu. 舌尖上的新年 = A bite of China celebrating the Chinese New Year / 陈晓卿等著
Zhongguo nian jie yan xi : da shi jiao zuo chuang xin nian jie cai. 中国年节筵席 : 大师教做创新年节菜 / 潘东潮, 贺习耀主编. 中国年节筵席 : 大师教做创新年节菜 / 潘东潮, 贺习耀主编. Chinese New Year Feast: Master teaches creative New Year dishes / Pan Dongchao, Editor-in-Chief He Xiyao
Si shi wu wei ru kou : shi wu, ren he zi ran de guan xi = 四时五味入口 : 食物人和自然的关系 / 徐李佳, 任志莉著 ; 王克摄影. 四时五味入口 : 食物人和自然的关系 / 徐李佳, 任志莉著 ; 王克摄影 = Four Seasons and Five Flavours: The Relationship between Food, Man and Nature / by Xu Lijia, Ren Zhili; Photography by Wang Ke / Xu, Lijia, author. 徐李佳, author.
Chun fa, xia chang, qiu shou, dong cang, 240 dao yang sheng yin shi / Jian kang da jiang tang bian wei hui. 春發, 夏長, 秋收, 冬藏, 240道養生飮食 / 健康大講堂 編委會. Spring hair, summer long, autumn harvest, winter storage, 240 health foods / Health Lecture Hall Editorial Board.
中菜經典 50 強 = 50 greatest hits in Cantonese home cooking / 趙素玲 著. 中菜經典 50 強 = 50 greatest hits in Cantonese home cooking / 趙素玲 著 Zhao, Suling, author. 趙素玲, author.
Shang hai xi fu de jia chang he yan ke cai = Shanghai wife's home cooking and banquet dishes / by Cheng Anqi = 上海媳婦的家常和宴客菜 / 程安琪著 上海媳婦的家常和宴客菜 / 程安琪著 Cheng, Anqi, author. 程安琪, author.
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