A Harold Prince Book List

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In September of 2019, the Library for the Performing Arts launched an exhibition of the life, career, and remarkable collaborations of director/producer Harold Prince. As part of that exhibition we created a reading list for those who wanted to know more about the plays and musicals he created. This list was part of the free brochure available at the gallery, but now, as the exhibition is closed and coming down, we wanted to ensure the list was still available for those who want to read more about this icon of theatre history:

Sense of Occasion by Harold Prince
Circulating: B Prince
Research: MWES (Prince, H.) 17-3771 

Harold Prince and the American Musical Theatre by Foster Hirsch
Circulating: B Prince H
Research: MWES (Prince, H.) 89-17085,  JME 05-408      

Harold Prince: From Pajama Game to Phantom of the Opera by Carol Ilson
Research: MWES (Prince, H.) 89-19151

Creating the “New Musical”: Harold Prince in Berlin edited by Armin Geraths in collaboration with Daniel Brunet and Miguel Angel Esquivel Rios
Research: JMD 07-317  

Directors and the New Musical Drama: British American Musical Theatre in the 1980s and 90s by Miranda Lundskaer-Nielsen
Research: MWET 08-4001, JMD 08-705  

The Art of the American Musical: Conversations with the Creators edited by Jackson R. Breyer and Richard A. Davison
Circulating: 782 A
Research: JME 05-639  

The Making of West Side Story by Keith Garebian
Research: MWEM (Bernstein, L.) 95-7948  

Wonder of Wonders: A Cultural History of Fiddler on the Roof by Alisa Solomon
Circulating: 782 S
Research: JNE 14-6  

The Making of Cabaret  by Keith Garebian
Circulating: 792 G
Research: JND 14-63 

Everything Was Possible: The Birth of the Musical Follies by Ted Chapin
Circulating: B Sondheim C
Research:  MWED (New York, N.Y.) 07-5725, JME 03-591

Finishing the Hat: Collected Lyrics (1954-1981) With Attendant Comments, Principles, Heresies, Grudges, Whines and Anecdotes by Stephen Sondheim
Circulating: B Sondheim S
Research: JNF 11-162

Unmasked: A Memoir by Andrew Lloyd Webber
Circulating: B Lloyd Webber
Research: JME 18-190