Jerome Robbins Dance Division Coloring Books: Volume 2 (#danceincolor)

 Candy kingdom backdrop sketch, titled "The Nutcracker, NYC Ballet. Rouben Ter-Arutunian

We hope you enjoyed volume 1 of our coloring books, featuring items from the Jerome Robbins Dance Division's collections in The New York Public Library’s Digital Collections! For volume 2, we turned to collaborations between visual artists and dancers to find images to share with you. These are 10 of the more than 3,000 original works of art in the Dance Division's physical collections, and include the work of four visual artists: Boris Anisfeld, Léon Bakst, Natalia Goncharova, and Rouben Ter-Arutunian.

We hope just as dance inspired these and other artists to produce beautiful art, so too will your lives be brightened as you create your own versions of these masterpieces.  

As always, we invite you to post your finished image on our Facebook and Twitter feeds (#danceincolor), or you can email your masterpiece to
Click on the image below to download the coloring book.