Paperless Research
Exploring Ethnic NewsWatch
Ethnic NewsWatch is a database of 477 publications, including scholarly journals, newspapers and magazines, that focus on African-American, African, Arab, Asian/Pacific Islander, Caribbean, European, Jewish, Latinx, Multi-Ethnic, and Native communities. The publications are largely in English, with 18 in Spanish, and a few other languages. They range from the well-known to the highly localized and somewhat obscure. Although some publications are indexed as far back as 1959, coverage is particularly strong from the 1990’s and 00’s onward.
Ethnic NewsWatch is a terrific resource, particularly for hard-to-find, small local publications as well as academic journals for which physical copies are not easily accessible. Here you can search publications’ contents remotely, and in many cases get the full text in a few different formats. Because the database is text-based, though, it doesn’t provide images of the pages like other databases such as PressReader; therefore you may not be able to find images for ads, photographs, or other visuals here. For those, you may need to place an InterLibrary Loanrequest if NYPL does not own a physical copy of the issue(s) you need.
Using the Database
Go to the login page and click “Connect to database”
Log in with your Library card and four-digit PIN.
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Browse by Publication
Choose “Publications” from the top menu for an alphabetical list of titles.
Narrow your search by:
- Source type (type of publication: scholarly journal, newspaper, magazine, etc.)
- Publication subject (ethnic group or topic)
- Language
- Publisher
Click “more” at the bottom of each option for a more detailed list.
Search for Content
Enter your article title or author (if you have it) in the search box.
Or, enter one or two keywords that relate to your research topic. Choose “Advanced search” for more options to narrow your search.
Here is an example of results from a keyword search:
You can print, download, cite, and save content in a variety of formats, as shown on the top of this page on the left.
Still not finding what you need? We are here to help—contact a librarian.
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