Paperless Research

The Homebody Generalist: A Short Guide to Knowing it All from Home

Athanasius Kircher
Athanasius Kircher, one of history's more bizarre polymaths

Oh, to be a generalist! Seamlessly weaving one's way in and out of conversation, the generalist is a know-it-all who, while risking pedantry, often saves the day with a simple preamble—"as a matter of fact..." Naturally, with your library card the goal of achieving a broad spectrum of knowledge comes at no cost to you... but did you know that the New York Public Library offers many resources to assist in your "polymathematical pursuits" from the comfort of your own home? And now that coronavirus has us spending more time indoors, there's never been a better time to explore the wealth of online resources the NYPL has on offer for the couch-bound... and the resources below are just the tip of the iceberg. Homebodies rejoice!

Oxford Very Short Introductions

The Oxford Very Short Introductions series probably needs no... introduction. It is an incredibly popular series, offering navigable paths towards acquaintance with a wide range of subjects. Each volume is written by an expert in the field and is delivered in approachable language that renders even the most esoteric subjects readable. And with your library card the entire catalog of Very Short Introductions is accessible from home! 

The Cambridge Companion

The Cambridge Companion series is an in-depth exploration of subjects from law, literature, and history to individual works by writers, artists, and philosophers. Ideal for the lifelong learner, whether as an introduction to a new frontier, or a gateway to deepen your relationship with an already familiar subject. Available from home with your library card as a web-resource.

Who says you need a degree from Cambridge to intellectually spar with the best of them?

Oneworld Beginner's Guides

The Oneworld Beginner's Guides are a great way to get a brief on complicated or technical subjects, world-historical events, and broad, heady issues. And since most of their catalog is offered by the NYPL in e-book form, you can browse these books from home with just as much effort as it takes to enjoy breakfast in bed.

Opposing Viewpoints & Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society

Every issue has two sides, as they say. Key to being an affable generalist is the ability to understand both sides of controversial issues with a holistic sensibility. Checking out the Opposing Viewpoints and the Issues: Understanding Controversy and Society should help prepare you for your role as peacemaker at your next social gathering... whenever that may be.

For the more practically-minded generalist, check out This technically-bent resource is a wonderful way to begin courses in an array of popular fields including web design, IT, education, and business. Also, be sure to browse our "...For Dummies" series, available in e-book format. The series is known for its non-intimidating delivery of complicated technical subjects. With these resources, you'll learn to be a Jack/Jill of all trades without leaving the door. People will wonder—"where do they find the time?"


It's true—JSTOR is a little different from the resources listed above and is usually only available onsite at branches of the New York Public Library, but I'd be remiss not to mention it... after all, for the time being the NYPL has made itavailable from home (with a library card). This incredibly popular database containes articles from scholarly journals in a wide sweep of academic fields. So dive deep and take advantage while you can!

This short list is but a few examples of how you may broaden the scope of your curiosity from home sweet home. But don't take my word for it—go ahead and take some time to see for yourself. After all, we've got plenty of it at the moment... and we'll be returning to the outside world before you know it... so, prepare a snack, go get your library card, and get to learning!