
#ThisPlaceMatters: Preservation Month Resources

May is Preservation Month! I know, there are only a few days left, but you can celebrate Preservation Month all year long with great books and other resources from The New York Public Library. Established in 1973 by the National Trust for Historic Preservation, all are invited to celebrate historic American places—from the old neighborhood record store to famous skyscrapers, from parks and glorious landscapes to important cemeteries—in the spirit of "instilling national and community pride, promoting heritage tourism, and showing the social and economic benefits of historic preservation." Here are a few reads to inspire you throughout the year, from histories to how-to books to neighborhood guides.

Cover image of Why Preservation matters featuring the Rose Reading Room at NYPLI want to learn everything about historic preservation! Start here:

And take a gander at more in the Library's catalog under these subject headings:

I could look up all day, but ack! the neck strain. Do you have anything on beautiful landmarks? Feast your eyes on these: Cover image of After the Final Curtain showing interior of movie theater

I want to restore/repair/nominate my historic building. Look no further:

Start with these publications from the National Parks Service, U.S. Department of the Interior, available from NYPL:

And these titles: Cover image of Preservation of Modern architecture with image of Lever House

Or pick books in the Library under these subject headings:

I want to get outside and learn more about a neighborhood by walking its streets. Go forth with these:

Or choose your own adventure from books in the catalog:

I want to learn more about New York City's landmarks...and the buildings that should've been landmarks. Have you considered: Cover image of Landmarks of New York with the Brooklyn Bridge

Need further guidance? Consult the preservation professionals:


And don't forget our list of Preservation Month Reads from 2016!