It’s Sweater Weather in Our Digital Collections

Leaves are changing color, the air smells crisp and clean, pumpkin spice everything is back in stores, and sweater weather is here at last! If you’re anything like me, you’ve been waiting all year to get those sweaters out of storage and live the cozy life again. Being a fan of cool things found in our Digital Collections, I decided to see what was in vogue during sweater weather past. If you’re looking for some fashion or knitting inspiration, the Digital Collections delivers some amazing designs from the 19th century. Click on the images to get more details.

Two half-fitting frame-work jackets and a cape from 1871:

knitted jackets

Keep your knees extra warm with a knit knee warmer from 1862:

knee warmer

Go with a knitted “sack” or the Parisian Spencer from 1848:


These knitted drawers from 1862 are definitely not itchy:

Knitted Drawers

“A beautiful and warm Talma for concerts, opera, &c” circa 1859:

Knitted Talma

“Well-Dressed Folks Wear The Bradley Muffler...Ask Your Local Merchant to Show You.”

Bradley Muffler

Once you’re covered in sweaters, don’t forget to loop this video: