A Happy, Healthy, Gluten-Free New Year

Punica granatum = Grenadier à fruits doux. [Inside part of ripe pomegranate]. By  Pierre Joseph Redouté (1759-1840). NYPL Rare Books, Image ID 1109258

September is an opportune time to try some festive gluten-free recipes: it is when Food Allergy Awareness Month coincides with the Jewish month of Elul, which culminates with Rosh Hashanah (the Jewish New Year) on the eve of October 2.  

Chances are that you or someone you know is gluten-free. Gluten, a mixture of proteins in wheat, rye, barley and their crossbreeds, can be life-threatening for the 1 in 100 Americans who suffer from celiac disease, according to the FDA (Food and Drug Administration). Gluten can also cause health problems for those with non-celiac gluten sensitivity, according to the National Institutes for Health. Consequently, one in five Americans actively tries to include gluten-free foods in their diet, according to a 2015 Gallup poll.

From traditional recipes with modified ingredients to naturally gluten-free dishes, enjoy Jewish holiday cooking this fall with these gluten-free options from the Library’s collection.

The New Yiddish Kitchen

Gluten Free Jewish Holiday Cookbooks

General Gluten-Free Cookbooks with Rosh Hashana Recipes

Chickpea flour does it all

Gluten-Free and Allergy-Friendly Jewish Cookbooks

The gourmet Jewish cookbook

Find more gluten-free Rosh Hashana recipes online:

Need more? Explore NYPL’s Jewish cookbooks with this handy collection guide by the late Roberta Saltzman, who donated and cataloged many cookbooks. Find books about celiac disease and general gluten-free diet recipes in the Library’s catalog.

Contact the Dorot Jewish Division at dorotjewish@nypl.org or 212-930-0601 to ask questions or request books.